I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3638 Who Is The Clown


"This is really a clown."

Seeing the scene in the arena, Bailiyuan couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Despicable adults have played tricks on unsound minors.

You broke the law, you know~

"However, if the ability of that card is used by Han Chan..."

Bailiyuan suddenly looked forward to it.

Don't forget, the ability that the monster cassette can exert is still affected by Kamen Rider's own quality and the effect of the combined cassette.

The same cassette, in the hands of different Kamen Riders, combined with different cassettes, can produce different effects.

It might even be different.


He planned to pay a certain price to solve the chills of everyone in front of him, but when he heard the sound of the cassette starting up, he immediately froze in place.

Obviously, when you tried to start this cassette before, it didn't sound like this?

It's broken, the other party must have done something wrong!

No matter how cautious Ren Hanchan was, he never expected that Kujo Kiriya would wake up for a short while and cooperated with Saeko to complete the operation.

If Han Chan didn't know that she was being tricked, she could kill her head-on.

'Damn bitch! '

Han Chan cursed in her heart.

The original plan: Pay a certain price to solve the three difficult opponents of Baosheng Yongmeng, Jingfeicai, and Huajia Dawo, as well as the incidental Poppy. Then escape as soon as possible and go to the backup camp to restore strength. Then hunt other Kamen Riders.

Current plan: Dry Saeko!

Saeko Hinata, damn you~~~~!

It's not enough for me to kill you a thousand times!

Han Chan's teeth were about to bleed, and her hand holding the cassette was trembling.

But she didn't take the cassette back.

Instead, after hesitating for three seconds, he directly inserted the bootable cassette into the drive.

Han Chan did not lack the courage to gamble.

Sayizi couldn't help being a little surprised to see that Han Chan chose to use that cassette instead of changing it.

But don't worry.

Because the cassette that Saeko handed over to Han Chan is the cassette with the weakest armor effect in Saeko's hands.

"Hey Clown" was obtained by Saeko after she eliminated a humanoid game monster that looked like a clown. The game monster Hey Clown has a very simple ability, which is to explode into fireworks by itself to scare others.

Saeko used this cassette.

Used in combination with the "Three Bad Dragons" cassette, the armor effect is that when it is attacked, the venom produced by the explosion will splash the enemy.

Kujo Kiriya and Jingfeicai have also tried it before, and used it in combination with other types of cassettes. It is only that when attacked, the explosion effect is different, and they are all counter-injury to the enemy.

It is equivalent to a special anti-wound armor.

But both the increased defense and the damage from the explosion are fairly limited.

It can be said that it is tasteless to eat and a pity to discard.

After all, if you want to use the ability effect, you can just activate it directly. Why do you have to be attacked to activate it?

This is why Saeko gave this cassette to Han Chan.

If there is no accident, the armor effect that Chilling uses this cassette is most likely to obtain is that when it is attacked, the explosion will produce a sound to reflect the injury.

A little menacing, but not much.

Armor appears.

A clown-like armor danced around Han Chan, and finally shattered into armor, armed on Han Chan's body.

But it didn't make Han Chan's armor become colorful, like a clown.

Instead, it blended perfectly with the armor, giving Han Chan a brighter color, but it seemed to hide danger.

[The monster is coming! 】

【explode! 】

【surprise! 】

[Threat! 】

[Hey clown! 】

After arming the Hehe Clown's armor, Han Chan felt the changes in the panel values.

Well, nothing has changed.

Han Chan: 'Zhuo! '

At this time, the gravity effect released by Chilling Cicada had disappeared.

Hua Jiada and I got up from the ground, as vigorous as a cheetah, and directly attacked Han Chan with anger.

Slashing with the weapon in hand.

Chilling didn't have time to escape.


The attack hit Han Chan, causing Han Chan to stagger back a few steps, and the knight gauge dropped a bit.

The explosion is also triggered from Chilling's armor at the same time.

The armed effect that "Hey Clown" brought to Han Chan did not exceed Saeko's expectations.

It's still a special effect.


boom! ! !

A violent explosion erupted, directly blowing me out of the Hua family.

Sayizi's eyes widened and she exclaimed, "How is it possible?!"

How could the explosion be so strong?

Are you hung up?

Are you sure we're using the same piece of equipment?

You are afraid that you have quietly upgraded your equipment to light equipment!

Not only that, the Hua family who was blown out suddenly screamed, hugged his head in pain, and rolled on the ground.

A reminder of a special state emerged from his body.

【fear! 】

The Hua family grew up and I fell into fear.

"So that's it!" Han Chan exclaimed in surprise, raising her hand in ecstasy.

She was able to speak freely while using the language weapon!

But it didn't trigger the effect of the words, nor did it consume Han Chan's physical and mental strength.

The Hua family's attack made Han Chan realize what the "Hey Clown" armament had brought her.

"Sure enough, the level of control over abilities has improved." Baili Yuan nodded and said.

The cassette of "Hey Clown" is useless for others, but it is a huge enhancement for Han Chan.

Because the "Hey Clown" card has a special attribute, that is "sound"!

The game monster hey clown is to frighten others through his own explosion, with the help of the explosion and the sound produced.

Naturally has sound properties.

Just right for Chilling.

The ability of the Kamen Rider will be strengthened by superimposing the use of cassettes with their own attribute power!

Han Chan's speech ability has also been greatly strengthened, and the consumption of using speech ability has been greatly reduced.

And the effect of anti-injury is still there, if it is attacked and launched anti-injury, it will cause a lot of damage, and make the enemy fall into fear.

The most important thing is that the anti-injury attack will not consume any of the chilling cicadas!

Saeko couldn't sit still.

She suddenly realized that the one who brought this card to Han Chan was the real clown.

Baosheng Yongmeng helps Jing Feicai who has lost her self-awareness.

Also watching this scene in disbelief.

"What happened?" Poppy asked a little confused.

Why did I go up to attack the Hua family, but it was the Hua family who was injured more seriously?

Chilling had her eye on Poppy.

"Death!" Han Chan said coldly.

Poppy's eyes widened.

"Not good!" Baosheng Yongmeng turned pale with shock and exclaimed, "Poppy!"

But it was too late.

Poppy, like Baise Xiaoji, began to shatter and disappear.

"Yongmeng..." Poppy cried and looked at Baosheng Yongmeng, trying to catch Baosheng Yongmeng.

She is afraid of her own death, and also afraid of being separated from Baosheng Yongmeng.

However, in the end, there were only a few golden Bengyuan virus particles floating over Baosheng Yongmeng's body.

Poppy is eliminated! (end of this chapter)

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