I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3591 Welcome to my world!

When Bailiyuan connected the "Kamen Rider Chronicle" game cassette to the virtual world.

There was also an earthquake in the virtual world.


A scene from another world is reflected in the sky.

In the virtual world, you can see another world, which is stitched together by countless game fields.

Well, yes, the game world and the virtual world are connected in this special way.

It was very sudden.

without any precautions.

And the big sleeping eyeballs of the ultimate boss are caught between the two worlds.

in the virtual world.

Kujo Kiriya, who was leveling in a city, was extremely shocked and muttered to himself, "What is that?"

It's a pity that he has only the hellhound with eyes full of wisdom beside him.

in another city.

Bailiyuan and Baise Xiaoji are here.

"Where is... the game world connected by the cassette?" Baise Xiaoji asked in surprise.

Maybe it's because she's been there before, even if she doesn't have relevant memories, she can still feel where the world is on the other side.

It's like a child will have a special feeling for his mother.

Bailiyuan also had a special induction.

That was the induction of the bond created by his symbiotic relationship with Caroline!

Bailiyuan can sense that Caroline is in another world!

Without any hesitation, Bailiyuan flew straight into the sky and rushed to another world.

"Caroline! Here I come!"

Baise Xiaoji hurriedly chased after him. With the authority of the virtual world, Baise Xiaoji naturally has the right to fly in the virtual world.

Then Bailiyuan slammed into the barrier between the two worlds.

The child was nearly knocked flat.

The two worlds are connected, but not quite.

Although the two worlds can see each other, there is still a world barrier between them.

After some inspection by Bailiyuan.

In the end, it was determined that the only connected area between the two worlds was the sleeping big eyeball of the ultimate boss.

Baili Yuan raised his hand and really touched the big eyeballs.

will become like this.

It is because the virtual world wants to swallow the "Kamen Rider Chronicle" game, and the "Kamen Rider Chronicle" game is connected to a special game world.

Too big to swallow!

Although the virtual world is vast and boundless, it is only a small world that has just been born, and its strength is not enough.

So the phagocytosis didn't go well.

Can swallow, but only a little bit.

The result is just like what you see, allowing some of the data in "Kamen Rider Chronicle" to come to the virtual world.

That's right, it's the part where the big sleeping eyes of the ultimate boss belong.

Thus, the two worlds are temporarily connected.

After figuring everything out.

Bailiyuan, I understand!

As long as the big eyeballs are removed, the two worlds can be completely connected!

You can reach the opposite side!

When you see the ultimate boss, you can find Caroline. Destiny will not deceive me!

Without hesitation, Bailiyuan punched the big eyeball with all his strength.

[MISS! 】

A big prompt appears.

"Huh?" Baili Yuan tilted his head.

[The front area is not yet open, please come and explore later! 】

The game also thoughtfully gave Bailiyuan a pop-up reminder.

Baise Xiaoji flew over with the driver's screen, and said to Bailiyuan: "Xiaoyuan, this thing is called the ultimate egg. It is the thing that breeds the ultimate boss. Now it can't attack or cause damage!"

"Really? I don't believe it!"

Bailiyuan pulled out the Chongguang Yeying, and stuck it in the big eyeball.

"Reprogram, rewrite the program for me!"

However, the prompt appears again.

【mistake! 】

"Reprogramming is useless?!"

Baise Xiaoji couldn't help being surprised.

The plug-in that rewrites the program unexpectedly suffered from Waterloo?

Bailiyuan fell silent, the pupil of God lit up, and scanned the ultimate egg.

It quickly became clear why the reprogramming had failed.

Because the reprogramming power is not enough!

As the ultimate boss, even if it is just an egg, it is still a god!

Don't take Mao God as a god!

If you want to rewrite the program of the ultimate egg, you must upgrade the reprogramming program to the corresponding level!

That is, a god-level reprogramming program!

"What should we do now?" Baise Xiaoji asked Bailiyuan.

"Well, although there were some accidents in the plan, it's not without room for manipulation." Baili Yuan also calmed down and thought quickly.

If you go all out, you might not be able to perform miracles vigorously.

But in that case, it will also cause damage to the two worlds. If you are not careful, the two worlds will be destroyed together.

Or choose a gentler way and upgrade the reprogramming program.

But that takes a long time.

"Then there is only one answer!" Baili Yuan said loudly.

The white doctor's uniform appeared on Baili Yuan's body.

"Doctor Bailiyuan, will perform the collapse surgery to remove the ultimate boss!"

"Ah?" Baise Xiaoji was a little puzzled, "Then why don't you still want to play games?"

Baili Yuan raised a finger and shook it.

"No, no, we are no longer players!"

"Then what are we?"

"We are a game platform! If "Kamen Rider Chronicle" wants to continue, it must follow our rules!"


A new day has arrived.

Players are looking forward to the opening of "Kamen Rider Chronicle".

"I must defeat the boss. If I get that money, I can change my life against the sky!"

"Xiao Ji, I must resurrect you!"

"I will be the player's god!"


The crowd chattered.

A large number of players gathered in a square, which was announced by Fanmeng, the first area where "Add BOSS" will appear.

Baosheng Yongmeng also came here pushing Jing Feicai on the wheelchair.

I was followed by Hua Jiada and Xima Nicole.

Behind Sima Nicole is the team of players she pulled up.

The Hua family, I looked at Baosheng Yongmeng and Jingfeicai with disdain.

"What are you two useless people doing here?"

Still speaking without mercy.

Baosheng Yongmeng's face was full of disappointment, he hesitated to speak.

Jing Feicai glared fiercely at the Hua family.

After Jing Feicai woke up, she told the others that it was Baosheng Yongmeng who was seriously injured.

However, then Baosheng Yongmeng was also taken to the hospital.

In the end, it was the return of Hua Jiada and Xima Nicole to tell everyone everything.

The current situation is that Baosheng Yongmeng can't transform, but he was cured because of the game disease, and he turned back to that kind doctor.

M personality completely disappeared.

Jing Feicai was unable to fight because of her serious injury.

Regarding the matter of seriously injuring Jing Feicai, although it was not the real Baosheng Yongmeng who did it, Baosheng Yongmeng is still very guilty.

Jing Feicai didn't care.

Now that the two of them came, it was also because they were really worried about the game.

Faced with the ridicule from the Hua family, Jing Feicai was about to curse back.

However, at this moment, a figure appeared from a high place, attracting everyone's attention.

Poppy: "Hello everyone!!!"

It was Poppy, who had come to her senses, recovered from her injuries, and once again hosted the game as the Kanban lady.

"Poppy!" The most excited to see Poppy is naturally Baosheng Yongmeng.

It's a pity that Poppy didn't pay attention to them at all, and just greeted all the players with a formulaic smile.

"Hello, this is the most beautiful Kanban girl, Poppy!"

When Poppy appeared on high, the voice spoke passionately.

There were players in the front row lying on the ground, looking up, wanting to have a glimpse of the scenery.

It's a pity that this game is not banned by the eighteenth century, and has line of sight shielding.

Poppy continued to say passionately, "Aren't you getting impatient with waiting? Well, now, the additional link of "Kamen Rider Chronicle" starts!"

Poppy spun around in circles, raised his hands high, and announced loudly.

There are a lot of fireworks blooming on both sides behind her.

Ren Amazaki came to the scene in person and applauded wildly.

The players also cheered.

However, two minutes passed.

The fireworks are all over.

But nothing appeared.

"Huh?" Poppy kept her hand raised and tilted her head.

Others also looked puzzled.

Baosheng Yongmeng and the others frowned.

Many players questioned loudly impatiently.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"What about games?"

"Are you playing with me? Baga!"

Ren Amazaki wiped his sweat frantically, "What's going on? Why didn't the game start? Could it be a bug? It shouldn't be?"

Those who were secretly staring at the game also frowned.

Just when the scene was in chaos.

A huge figure appeared above the city.

A gigantic figure with a height of one thousand meters, wearing a red cloak, with his back against the sun, floated over the city like a ghost.

People can't see his appearance clearly.

The figure was like a giant, looking down at the players who were sent down.

A large shadow enveloped everyone.

The giant opened his arms, and an indifferent voice sounded.

"Everyone, welcome to my world!"

An incomparably huge game field opened up, covering the entire city!

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