I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3590 Dr Pac-Man; mysterious tadpole

Chapter 3590 Dr. Pac-Man; the mysterious tadpole

Dr. Pac-Man walked to his own research institute after leaving Ms. X's research institute.

His research is located in the Pac-Man game field that he absorbs data.

After traversing the game realms of several other games, Dr. Pac-Man returns to the realm of the Pac-Man game.

The game field of "Pac-Man" is the same as the scene in the game, with a simple structure and a maze-like layout. If you are an unfamiliar outsider, you will easily walk into a dead end.

The road is filled with yellow beans and other food props, and the overall color is dark purple.

There are many Bengyuan virus bodies wandering in the game field, mechanically carrying yellow beans and food according to the program.

The ghosts as enemies drift by from time to time, and occasionally take away the props on the road and the passing Bengyuan virus body.

Dr. Pac-Man didn't pay much attention to these.

Everything in the game field will only repeat itself.

He returned to the research institute built in the center of the game field with ease.

Someone in the institute has been waiting for Dr. Pac-Man.

"Doctor, what did Ms. X say?" the male assistant in a research uniform asked Dr. Pac-Man anxiously.

The male assistant is Michihiko Zaizen's last assistant, Kazunari Ryuzaki.

A tall, handsome and sunny man.

It is Dr. Pac-Man's assistant who absorbed the data of "Dragon Knight Hunter Z".

Also because Ryuzaki Kazunari absorbed the data in "Dragon Knight Hunter Z", his body was shrouded in a wild atmosphere.

Regarding Ryuzaki Kazunari's question, Dr. Pac-Man nodded and said in relief, "Don't worry, Ms. X has not given up on us and still agrees with us to proceed."

"That's good." Ryuzaki Kazunari heaved a sigh of relief and smiled.

Because of the successive losses of the two teammates, Ryuzaki Kazunari was very worried that Ms. X would no longer allow them to continue their actions.

If they want to continue the plan, they will inevitably have conflicts with Ms. X.

It's not that Ms. X has a high status in Ryuzaki's heart.

It's entirely because no one knows exactly what Ms. X's strength is.

But the resuscitators felt that Ms. X must be very strong.

Otherwise, why would Ms. X be the leader of all resuscitators? And the resuscitators hadn't even seen Ms. X.

No one wants to make himself uncomfortable if he can avoid conflict with Ms. X.

Kazunari Ryuzaki wants to continue to act, not only to help Dr. Pac-Man achieve his ambition, but also because Kazunari Ryuzaki doesn't want to be trapped in the game world anymore, he wants to return to the real world!

He is still young, and he is unwilling to be trapped in the game world all the time, not to mention that he also has impressive strength.

Among the three assistants around Dr. Pac-Man, he has the strongest comprehensive ability!

Among all the resuscitators, he is also a powerful existence!

"Don't be too happy." Dr. Pac-Man interrupted Kazunari's joy, and said in a deep voice: "Ms. X may have noticed that we have another purpose."

"Ah? Then how should we deal with it?" Ryuzaki Kazunari asked hastily.

Dr. Pac-Man said again: "Don't panic, she didn't stop us, which proves that she should not know our ultimate goal, which means we still have a chance. But our chance is running out, 10%, do you understand? "

Ryuzaki Kazushige quickly understood what Dr. Pac-Man meant—this time may be the last chance!

Ryuzaki Kazunari hurriedly stood up straight, and assured him: "Don't worry, Doctor, I will definitely not let you down!"

Dr. Pac-Man nodded in satisfaction, and then walked into the depths of the research institute.

Ryuzaki Kazunari followed Dr. Pac-Man.

deep in the institute.

There are two special Bengyuan virus bodies tied here.

Well, it is Takeda Kamiha and Kurase Shoji who were eliminated again, returned to the game world, and lost themselves again.

They were still dressed as researchers, but they put on the headgear of the Bengyuan virus body.

Ryuzaki Kazunari brought his two companions back to the research institute again, hoping that the two of them could awaken themselves again, but unfortunately neither of them could awaken for the time being.

So now Dr. Pac-Man, only Kazuru Ryuzaki can be counted on.

But Dr. Pac-Man didn't come here to visit his two subordinates.

There is also a transparent culture tank in the depths of the research institute, in which is floating a collapse source body that is about to take shape.

The main body of this Bengyuan body is blue, holding a weapon in the shape of a staff, and its body structure is like spliced ​​building blocks.

Ryuzaki Kazunari came forward to report the progress of the experiment with interest, "Doctor, the new Bengyuan body that has absorbed the data of "Amazing Puzzle" is about to take shape. After it is fully formed, the genetic factors in its body can be extracted."

Dr. Pac-Man is very satisfied with this news.

This Bengyuan body is different from the previous Bengyuan body, because it was not born independently, but a new type of Bengyuan body made by Dr. Pac-Man, which has special abilities.

Dr. Pac-Man created this new type of research body, not to obtain its combat power, but to extract the genetic factors in its body!

The purpose, of course, is the ultimate goal of Dr. Pac-Man and his gang - to open a new era!

Back then, in the real world, for this goal, they tried to use the genius player M as the experimental subject, wanting to make artificial life and explore the road.

But the experiment failed, and Palad was separated by accident, and everyone was sent to the cemetery directly.

did not expect.

Now, when they wake up in the game world, they finally found the way to achieve their goals.

"When the genetic factors of the new type of collapse body mature, the key to evolution will be in our hands! At that time, we will open the ultimate medical treatment and change the whole world! Open a new era!" Dr. Pac-Man murmured, The tone is excited.

Ryuzaki Kazunari followed suit with a smile.

This great achievement also has his share.

"Doctor, I will definitely open up a channel connecting the game world and the real world! Let the achievements of the doctor come to the real world!" Ryuzaki Kazunari said seriously.

On the matter of opening the passage, Dr. Pac-Man and his gang did not disagree.

But other resuscitators simply want to return to the real world.

They want to bring this special Bengyuan body back to the real world, and then change the whole world!

Dr. Pac-Man and Kazunari Ryuzaki are in the Pac-Man laboratory, planning to start a new era.

Ms. X is also in her laboratory, as if planning something.

Other resuscitators are still waiting for the day when the channel will open.

But they also only occupy a small part of the game world.

The ultimate boss is still sleeping in the big eyes in the sky.

The game domains around the game world are still running according to the original program.

No one knows what is hidden in the game fields that have not been set foot by the resuscitators.

for example.

A basketball-sized, tadpole-like special existence, swimming out of thin air.

Shuttle between various game areas.

Also have ego.

And noticed those resuscitators in the game world.

The resuscitators don't seem to be aware of this special existence.

"There are these many people who have disappeared? Why? What happened? They seem to have a leader?"

"However, it doesn't matter, when the game god is born, everything will be under my control!"

"I will come back again and settle everything!"

"My talent is never going away!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Just when the tadpole was laughing wildly.

The entire game world suddenly vibrated.

All the resuscitators walked out of the living area and came outside, wanting to check the situation.

"What happened?"

"There are still earthquakes in the game world?"

"Won't the game world collapse?"

"No, go find Ms. X!"

However, the vibration quickly disappeared.

Then the resuscitators were shocked to find that the sky of the game world had changed.

The sky is like a mirror, reflecting another opposite world!

The world is equally vast.

And in that world, there are all kinds of cities scattered, and you can vaguely see that there are figures moving in the cities.

"What's over there?"

All the resuscitators, as well as the mysterious tadpole, have doubts.

at the same time.

Bailiyuan stood in the virtual world, looked up at the game world reflected in the sky, and blinked.


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