Chapter 3551 Battle data! Pet Hatch!

Outside the office building.

Saiko and Kujo Kiriya fight with Parade.

Two against one, still at a disadvantage.

Instead, in order to ensure their own safety, they had to choose to evade the attack, which seemed very embarrassing.

And the two of them still can't escape.

"You guys stay here, I am very interested in your belts and cassettes." Prallard said with a smile.

"Damn it, what should I do?" Kujo Kiriya felt a little powerless.

"I've already contacted Ultra." Saeko was also a little helpless.

They are weak now, and every time they fight, they can only call Ultra, but they don't know when Ultra will come.

"Perhaps, there is another way." Saeko said suddenly.

"What way?" Kujo Kiriya hurriedly looked at Saiko.

"This method will not only help us solve the immediate predicament, but also give us the opportunity to gain great strength in the future."

While talking, Saeko looked at the pet egg in her satchel.

Kujo Kiriya understood what Saiko meant, and couldn't help touching her balls.


"I don't know when the pet eggs will hatch. I have tried many methods these days, but the pet eggs have remained silent." Kujo Kiriya was a little discouraged.

"I have an idea." Sayiko said, she looked at Kujo Kiriya, "Mercy said that the hatching of pet eggs needs to absorb data. Can we use this to speed up the hatching of pet eggs?"

"What should I do?" Kujo Kiriya asked hastily.

"Of course it is to inject data into the pet egg!"

"Inject data?"

"You said, combat data, is it counted as data?"

Kujo Kiriya was slightly surprised by Saiko's words.

At this time, Palad struck again.

Saeko took a deep breath, this time she didn't choose to dodge, but took the initiative to rush towards Parad.

When Palade punched, Saeko stared at the attacking fist, suddenly lowered her body to dodge, and then counterattacked straight with her fist, hitting Palade's chest.

However, because of the difference in levels, Saeko failed to fight back successfully, but was knocked back a few steps instead.

After standing firmly again, Saeko turned her head slightly, and said to the pet egg in the bag: "This move is the forward thrust of karate, and it is the most basic attacking posture."

Then Saeko attacked again, constantly using karate moves, counterattacking, demonstrating and explaining for the pet egg.

If you choose to be close to Palad, you will inevitably be attacked by Palad.

With an elbow, Palade hit Saeko's chest, causing Saeko's knight slot to drop.

The moment Saeko was repelled.

Kujo Kiriya suddenly jumped out from behind Saeko, and then punched down on Palad's chin, knocking Palad's head to the side.

"This move is a superman fist, very powerful." Kujo Kiriya pulled Saeko back and said to her pet egg at the same time.

Then Kiya Kujo looked at Saeko and said with a smile: "Although I don't know if your method is useful, but it should be regarded as prenatal education for this child. This is the way of elite education."

"Hehe." Sayizi laughed instead, "The prenatal education probably didn't teach fighting either, I just hope that after these two children are born, they won't be violent."


Prallad straightened his head with his hands and looked at the two of them.

Saeko and Kujo Kiriya's counterattack surprised Palad a bit, and his smile gradually became dangerous.

"Oh? Are you planning to die?"

"Death?" Kujo Guiliya tilted his head, "No, we are going to attack you!"

Then Kujo Kiriya and Saiko rushed towards Parad at the same time.

One person uses boxing moves.

One person uses karate moves.

The two hit together.

Kujo Kiriya raised his leg and kicked down, aiming at the weak spot of Palad's leg.

Saeko raised her leg and kicked, aiming at Palad's head.

Prallad raised his hand and blocked Saeko's kick with his arm.

But when the leg hurts, one leg inevitably bends, and the body loses balance.

Saeko and Kujo Kiriya took the opportunity to fight repeatedly, bullying them.

Eyes, ears, neck, ribs, knees...

The attacks of the two were all aimed at Palad's vitals.

The stormy attack knocked Palad back steadily.

Palade is indeed very good at playing games, but two fists are no match for four hands. In close combat, Palade's fighting skills were crushed by Saeko and Kujo Kiriya.

Saeko is a black belt in karate. She won the championship in high school and never gave up in college. Now that he took off his battle armor, he could easily bring down several strong men and suppress Kujo Kiriya with one hand.

Although Kujo Kiriya's fighting ability is not particularly strong, he has also studied and practiced boxing, knows how to attack the enemy's weak points, and also has the cooperation of Saeko.

You are an Internet addicted teenager who knows how to play games every day, how can you compare it?

Palad was suppressed, his anger gradually burned, and he broke out suddenly, shouting loudly.


Saeko and Kujo Kiriya were forced back by Prarad's waving arms.

Both of them distanced themselves from Paladella, watching Paladella warily.

Prallad said angrily, "You guys are really annoying! But that's it for you! Do you think you can really beat me?"

The fact that Palad was suppressed just now was entirely because he was in the form of a jigsaw puzzle player and hadn't used props yet. He just wanted to use melee combat to crush Saeko and Kujo Kiriya.

As it turned out, Palad had chosen the wrong way to fight.

However, even though Saeko and Kujo Kiriya suppressed Palad in such a way and dealt crazy damage to Palad, Palad did not suffer any injuries.

"Hehe, your attacks are really powerless." Palad mocked, pointing to his knight slot.

Saeko and Kujo Kiriya attacked for a long time, how should I put it, I can only say, it really sucks.

Palad's knight gauge didn't go down.

The difference in level made the attacks of Saeko and Kujo Kiriya so pale and powerless.

Saiko and Kujo Kiriya were also panting.

The stormy attack corresponds to more physical exertion.

However, the goal of the two is not to defeat Palad.




Two crisp cracking sounds suddenly entered the ears of the two.

Saiko and Kujo Kiriya felt the wrap around their waists vibrate.

They hastily took the pet egg out of the package, held it in their hands and looked at it.

Then they saw dense cracks appeared on the two pet eggs.

"This is..." Saeko was shocked.

"It won't be broken, will it?" Kujo Kiriya worried.

A large amount of Bengyuan virus suddenly spewed out from the cracks of the two pet eggs.

Then the two pet eggs exploded in an instant, and all the pouring out Bengyuan virus gathered on the ground in front of the two of them, and two figures gradually emerged from the Bengyuan virus, appearing in front of Saeko and Kujo Kiriya.

Those are two new born lives!

Saiko and Kujo Kiriya were immediately overjoyed.

They know, they made it!

"What is that?" Prallard looked puzzled and was greatly puzzled.

what's the situation?

Why does it seem that the collapse source body was born?

There is also this birth method of the collapse source body.

When all the Bengyuan viruses gathered together, two brand new lives appeared in front of Saiko and Kujo Kiriya.

One is a little dragon with three heads, only the size of a puppy, with three pairs of cute big eyes. The whole is purple.

—Three evil dragons!

One is a puppy with three heads, all three heads sticking out their tongues, and three pairs of eyes with clear stupidity. The overall color is taupe.

— Hellhounds!

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