Chapter 3550 plot loudly

Fantasy Games Inc.

Xiao Xingzuo is typing codes in his office, trying to build the framework of the new cassette.

Hamburger accompanied Xiao Xingzuo by the side.

As the leader of the knight cassette development team in the company, Xiao Xingzuo now has his own exclusive office.

They suddenly heard chaotic voices outside the office.

Xiao Xingzuo put down the work at hand, together with Hamburger, poked his head out of the office curiously, and looked outside.

Xiao Xingzuo: "What happened?"

Hamburger: "It's weird, everyone seems to be running away."

Passing employees hurriedly grabbed Xiao Xingzuo and Hamburg Meng, and ran outside, while anxiously explaining: "Minister Xiao Xingzuo, Hamburg Meng, run! There is a collapse in the company!"

"What?!" Xiao Xingzuo didn't care about anything else.

Hurriedly took Hamburger and ran away with the staff.

As for going back to help... How much is it for a month, what a life!

Xiao Xingzuo and Hamburg Meng followed a group of employees and hurried to the downstairs of the company, when they were about to run out of the office building.

Two figures suddenly fell out of thin air and landed on the ground outside the office building, blocking everyone's escape route.

It was Saeko and Kujo Kiriya.

They were kicked out of the game field, and most of the knight slots were dropped.

"Damn it!" Kujo Kiriya scolded angrily, then asked Saeko, "Are you alright?"

"It's fine for now." Saeko shook her head.

Paradox, the Kamen Rider Paradox transformed by Palad, walked out of the game field, and stood in front of everyone. Outside the office building, he watched Saeko and Kujo Kiriya.

"You guys can't run away." Palad smiled.

Xiao Xingzuo, Hamburg Meng and other employees suddenly turned pale with fright, and started to back away in a panic.

"Back! Back! Back!"

Suddenly there was a voice behind them.

"Oh? Why is there a strange Bengyuan body here?"

Everyone looked back.

I saw Crimson Gullafat holding a fang weapon.

The staff are all numb.

It's over, blocked by the collapse source body!

Now they are stuck in the entrance hall of the office building, unable to get out or in.

However, Guren Gulafat is obviously more interested in Hamburg.

Honglian Gulafat looked at Hamburger, and said, "Hey, that strange Bengyuan body, although I don't know who you are, but you should join our Bengyuan body, why are you mixing with humans?"

Unlike Palad, Red Lotus Gulafat is more friendly to his companions who are also Bengyuan body.

Even if he didn't know Hamburger, he felt that Hamburger was his companion.

As for Palad...he only cares about Baosheng Yongmeng, if it interferes with his game with Baosheng Yongmeng, even if they are both Bengyuan body, he will kill it with his own hands.

It's just that Hamburger Meng obviously would not accept Honglian Gullafat's invitation.

"No, I want to work with Xiao Xing!" Hamburg Meng said loudly, showing obvious hostility towards Guren Gulafat.

Xiao Xingzuo was also shocked by the appearance of Honglian Gulafat.

"Gurafat? Isn't it defeated? Why did it appear again? And it turned out to be red?!"

Xiao Xingzuo hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called the computer rescue center.

Guren Gulafat expressed dissatisfaction with Hamburger's rejection and found a reason for Hamburger's rejection.

"It seems that you were deceived by humans, but it doesn't matter, I will take you back, reset your memory, and let you return to freedom."

While talking, Guren Gurafat's eyes fell on Xiao Xingzuo, as if Xiao Xingzuo was some kind of heinous existence.

Guren Gurafat's weapon was aimed at Xiao Xingzuo.

Xiao Xingzuo who was on the phone quietly: "Ah? What happened?"

Why did Honglian Gulafat suddenly want to shoot himself!

Xiao Xingzuo couldn't understand.

Hamburger hurriedly stood in front of Xiao Xingzuo.

"You are not allowed to hurt Xiao Xingzuo."

Right at the touch of a button.

A shell hit from afar, broke the glass at the door of the office building, and hit Gullafat's body, causing Gullafat to take two steps back.

Gullafat stood firm, and slapped the position where he was attacked with disdain.

No injuries.

Oh, weak attack.

Then Gullafat looked at the direction of the attack, and asked in surprise, "Snipe?"

It was me, the Hua family, who launched the attack!

The Hua family turned on and walked over, stepping over the broken glass. On the raised left arm, the muzzle of the tank aimed at Guren Gulafat.

"Gulafat!!!" The Hua family yelled angrily.

At this time, someone looked at the broken glass with concern, "The office building...if it is repaired, how much will it cost?"

Sima Nicole, who followed, looked at him suspiciously, "What do you do?"

"Go back to the director of West Malaysia, I am the company accountant."

Sima Nicole smiled slightly, and said: "Then send the bill to the computer rescue center, it's because they came late that the damage occurred!"

She Sima Nico is rich, but she is not stupid.

Give the florist my flower, okay!

Make compensation to others, no!

Not only that.

"When you do the accounting, remember to write more. When you come back, we will share 30% and 70%, and I will share 30% with you. I will give you 30% as a bonus. Don't worry, the computer rescue center is backed by the Ministry of Health, and everything is money."

The employees were immediately amazed by Sima Nicole.

"But, is it really okay to say it so openly? And it's official..."

"Either get promoted and raise salary, or get fired and leave, choose."

"Director West Malaysia, which card will the money be transferred to? Don't worry, it is guaranteed to be your legal income."

"(* ̄︶ ̄) director oh~"

Inside the office building.

"Gulafat, you bastard, you have appeared again!" Hua Jiada said angrily, with a strong murderous intent in his voice.

They left after the meeting.

But before he went far, he heard the sound of fighting.

So it turned back.

Then through the glass door, I saw Honglian Gulafat blocking people.

When the enemy met, they were extremely jealous.

The Hua family, I transformed into a direct shot.


Seeing a Kamen Rider approaching, the employees who hadn't evacuated immediately cheered.

Xiao Xingzuo was the first to react, and hurriedly grabbed Hamburger, and shouted to the other employees: "Don't watch the excitement, run!"

The employees came to their senses and started running in a hurry, running out of the office building through the side door.

Xiao Xingzuo did not forget to hold Sima Nicole while he was running. He and Burger Meng held the arms of Sima Nicole on the left and right.

"Director West Malaysia, run!"

Sima Nicole didn't appreciate it, but struggled, "I don't, I still want to watch the battle!"

However, how can a young girl resist the power of a grown man and a collapsed source body.

Sima Nicole was lifted up with both feet off the ground, and then was led away.

"You are finished, I tell you..." Sima Nicole's voice drifted into the distance.

Inside the office building.

Honglian Gulafat looked at the Hua family and said with a smile.

"Snipe, are you going to challenge me? Hehe..."

I didn't answer the Hua family, and rushed directly to Honglian Gulafat.


The Hua family is big and I only have level four? Why dare to take a shot at the red lotus Gulafat who is above level 50?

Because the Hua family is big, I am already full of anger!

Not to mention that Honglian Gulafat is level 50, even if he is level 500, I would dare to rush at him in anger!

The two just started fighting in the office building.


The Hua family and I fired directly, smashing the walls of the office building.

Office buildings became precarious.

Ren Amazaki, who was sitting in the president's office, looked blankly at the shaking wall.

"Ah...they won't break the load-bearing wall, will they?"

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