Chapter 360 Oh

Big Wang Yan?

A majestic swallow-like Pokémon appeared on the field, with a scorching momentum.

Li Zi took out the Pokémon Book and scanned it again, but this time the Pokémon Book did not give an answer.

"Unknown Pokémon?" Chestnut was a little surprised.

"No, your illustrated book should only be the Pokémon Pokémon in the Chengdu area, and Dawangyan is a common bird Pokémon in the Fengyuan area and the Kalos area." Baili Yuan explained to Lizi.

As if hearing Baili Yuan's words, Aso looked at Baili Yuan in surprise.

"Does the trainer over there know something about Da Wang Yan? And it sounds like you know the Carlos area?" Aso asked in surprise.

The alliance is also divided into regions, and there is a certain isolation between each region. Generally speaking, if you have not been there, trainers in one region will rarely know the unique Pokmon in other regions, and the Carlos region is very important to many It is also a very unfamiliar area for trainers.

Aso felt that if he remembered correctly, except for Angela, the other two trainers were still rookies, and the current rookies had a lot of basic knowledge.

"I've heard it a little bit." Baili Yuan nodded and said, and glanced at a miniature display screen that appeared on his neckline.

Of course, Bailiyuan is not very familiar with the situation of Da Wang Yan, and only knows about it, but fortunately, Caroline knows.

Although there is a certain isolation in the trainer system in each alliance region, fortunately, cross-regional Internet access does not need to go over the wall.

Angela on the other side also explained.

"Da Wangyan is a Pokémon with normal attributes and flying attributes. The Swallow Pokémon is an evolution of Proud Swallow and is usually the leader of the Proud Swallow group."

Angela's database has been updated all the time, not only the data about Pokémon in Bailiyuan's handheld, but also various data collected by Caroline, and now these data are stored in Angela's memory in the form of memory. in mind.

Angela's explanation was entirely for Li Zi, because the only person present who did not understand Da Wang Yan was Li Zi.

Hearing Angela's explanation, Lizi nodded, indicating that he remembered it.

"Thank you, Sister Angela."

"Accurate explanation, it's no wonder that you can win the quarter-finals of the league conference after only traveling for one year." A Su said appreciatively.

"Okay, get ready to fight!" Aso continued, not planning to delay any longer.

Angela's expression became serious.

In fact, what surprised Angela and Bailiyuan was that Aso would send out a King Yan. As a regional gym trainer, he rarely used non-local Pokémon in gym competitions.

However, they are still fighting now, and other things are not what they need to consider.

"Mare the sheep, use electric shock!"

Angela issued a tentative order.

"Great Wang Yan, there's a flash of lightning!"

The figure of King Yan flashed past, and Baa Liyang had no time to use the electric shock, and was knocked down to the ground, losing the ability to fight.

Angela's expression became serious, and she put away the Mali sheep.

Bailiyuan outside the field noticed something was wrong, and there seemed to be something wrong with the big Wangyan.

And when Caroline gave the data, Bailiyuan suddenly realized.

"So it is!"

Lizi looked at Bailiyuan strangely, not knowing what Bailiyuan had discovered, but she knew that Ah Su's king swallow was really strong.

"Next is you! Starfish!"

Starfish appeared on the field.

Chestnut took out the Pokémon Illustrated Book again.

Bailiyuan glanced at Lizi. He just got the Pokémon illustrated book, and it was his first time traveling. When he was curious, it was normal for him to want to scan every Pokémon he saw.

Bailiyuan still remembered that when he just got the Pokémon illustrated book, he also clicked and scanned the elves.

Hai Xingxing's strength is slightly inferior to that of Baa Liyang, but it can be used to test Dawang Yan's situation. Just now Baa Liyang was defeated too quickly, and Angela still didn't see anything about Dawang Yan's situation.

"Water gun attack!" Angela ordered.

Starfish bent over, and the tentacles on its head sprayed out water, shooting towards Dawangyan.

"Great Wang Yan, dodge and attack with a peck!" A Su also ordered.

Da Wangyan quickly dodged the water gun attack, and then accurately pecked Hai Xingxing's body.

But Hai Xingxing was only pecked once, and the spar on his chest flickered quickly, obviously it was about to die.

Experienced trainers can judge the state of the sea star by the luminescence and flickering degree of the gemstone on the chest of the starfish. At this time, the gemstone on the chest of the starfish flickers to prove that the starfish is seriously injured.

Angela's eyes trembled.

"Why is the attack power so high?"

Angela narrowed her eyes, began to look at Da Wang Yan, and then quietly and briefly retreated to the Terminator state.

The rat charm was placed in Angela's mouth, where it was the safest place, and it would not be easily discovered when changing states.

When Angela regained her human body again, Angela already had an understanding of Da Wang Yan's situation, and quickly analyzed Da Wang Yan's situation.

"Hai Xingxing, harden!" Angela ordered, causing Hai Xingxing to assume a defensive posture.

After knowing about Da Wang Yan's situation, delaying time is in Angela's best interest!

"Oh, man."

Angela said something she didn't understand.

Aso's expression froze.

"Has it been discovered?" A Su's expression became serious.

"Big Wang Yan, attack with all your strength, continue to use the pecking attack!"

"Starfish, continue to harden!"

The two collide.

"Sea Star has lost the ability to fight!"

The referee raised his hand.

Angela put away the starfish with a smile on her face, and then threw out a poke ball again.

"I'll leave it to you, Abbe!"

A vicious-looking purple python appeared on the field.

Abo Monster itself is the snake king on the mountain, and since he followed Angela, he has received very good care, experienced a lot of battles, his body shape is more powerful, and his aura has also changed.

In the past, the wild Abo monster had the ferocity of the snake king, but now, the Abo monster has lost its bloodthirsty evil feeling, but has a more vicious feeling, which has become a vicious feeling.

However, it is undeniable that Abo has become stronger and has reached the threshold of level 60. As long as it passes level 60, it will be a new level for Pokémon.

Ah Su looked at Abo Monster and frowned, feeling troubled, he had to fight quickly, and a fierce battle would follow.

Looking at the figure of Abo monster, A Su's fighting spirit was ignited.

Wouldn't it be my pursuit to go to the top with Bird Pokémon and challenge powerful enemies?

"Abo, just delay the time!"

Angela gave the first and only order.


Ash's breathing stagnates.

Hearing Angela's order, Aso felt uncomfortable and couldn't breathe.

You are ready to fight with your true strength, are you treating me like this?

If it's a man, just be straight!

Ah, forgot, Angela is a woman.

Oh, woman.

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