Chapter 359 Angela's Gym Competition

"Mali sheep from the electric department?" Ah Su thought.

Mali sheep is a common Pokémon in Chengdu, and the gym trainer Xiaojuer also has a coat brand made of Maali sheep wool that she endorses. During the Chinese New Year last year, Xiaojuer gave it to other gym trainers. I bought a set, and I have another set, but I haven't worn it much... Ahem, now is not the time to think about these things.

Maliyang is of the electrical system, and his own Gu Gu does not have an advantage in terms of attributes.


"People in the world say that a small amount of electric shock can break the wings of flying-type Pokémon... I will never allow this kind of insult to flying-type Pokémon! Flying gorgeously in the sky, the true strength of flying-type Pokémon is determined by I've come to show you!"

"Even if it is Mali sheep, I will defeat it for you!"

Bailiyuan felt that if Gugu and Maliyang were replaced by Lugia and Leigong on the field, he would really be moved.

The challenger goes first.

"Maa Liyang, electromagnetic waves!"

Electromagnetic waves start, which is very routine.

"Gu Gu, get out of the way!" Asu ordered to respond.

However, what is surprising is that the electromagnetic waves of Ma Liyang are not emitted, but are centered on themselves and spread to the surroundings, and Cuckoo was hit by no accident.

"What?" Ash was taken aback.

Many people who came to challenge the gym used electric Pokmon, and many started with electromagnetic waves, but it was the first time he had seen such an application of electromagnetic waves.

Lizi was a little surprised, she found that the electromagnetic waves of Mali sheep were different from what she had learned.

Bailiyuan was not too surprised. When his elves were training, Angela's elves were also training, and the Mali sheep had been in Angela's hands for a long time. Although it hadn't evolved yet, it was Already have good strength.

Moreover, Caroline also collected a lot of information that Angela's elves could use.

Aso's expression became serious.

Although the opponent should not use the main spirit, but it should not be underestimated. Should it be said that it is a trainer who can win the top eight in the Kanto Conference in less than a year?

If a master makes a move, you can know the depth with one move.

However, the battle continued.

"Cuckoo, rise up."

"It's useless, Mali sheep, howling!"


Cry: distract the opponent's attention and reduce the opponent's attack power.

In actual combat, after using this trick, it will not only reduce the opponent's attack power, but also distract the opponent for a short time, making the action a little delayed.

But this momentary delay, the situation will change dramatically.

"Cotton spores!"

"Strange light!"

"Come back, Gu Gu." A Su put away Gu Gu with an uneasy expression.

The Gym trainer took the initiative to take back the Pokémon to prove that he had surrendered in this game, and the Pokmon that was taken back could not play again.

In fact, Cuckoo has not completely lost the ability to fight, but Cuckoo is unable to fight anymore.

Angela didn't let Baali Yang use attacking skills, but such harassing attacks made Cuckoo unable to fight back, and finally she fell into chaos. It can be said that from the very beginning of the electromagnetic wave, she fell into the opponent's rhythm.

As the saying goes, it's just three words - control to death!

If it continues, the Mali sheep will be able to deal with Goo Goo without injury even with a collision.

"So strong!" Li Zi looked at Angela with glowing eyes.

The gym trainer lost a Pokémon without using any attack skills, which really opened Li Zi's eyes.

Bailiyuan shrugged.

This kind of sloppy method can also bully a Pokémon like Gu Gu who is not very high-level and not too resistant. If Gu Gu evolves into an owl, then some hands and feet will have to be wasted.

Although it is not necessarily true that Pokmon that has evolved is better than Pokmon that has not evolved, the improvement in all aspects of physical fitness brought about by the increase in race value after evolution is real.

The best way to quickly improve your strength in the short term is evolution.

"You are very good, and my next elf will be her! I leave it to you, Bibi Bird!"

A bibi bird appeared on the field.

"Bibi Bird, blow the wind and throw mud!"

"Are the skills used together? As expected of a gym trainer, we will also come here, and the cotton defense will be used together to charge!" Angela said.

Angela did not choose the electromagnetic wave to attack again. To the gym trainers, Bibi Bird is much more flexible than Cuckoo, and has stronger resistance. Electromagnetic waves may not be effective, not to mention that Bibi Bird's attack is coming soon.

For Angela's instructions, Ma Liyang quickly carried out. Although Angela has a heart, her fighting style has not changed. Orders and prohibitions are Angela's basic requirements for the elves. The elves are also working hard, and the effect is very remarkable.

The mud blown by the wind was stopped by the cotton that suddenly wrapped the Mare sheep, and at the same time, lightning flashed on the cotton.

"Combined skills? What is that?" Lizi asked Bailiyuan.

"Combined use of some skills will produce a more powerful effect. The method of using skills in this way is called the use of skills. However, it is not easy to do this. It requires the ability to use two skills quickly. To carry out special training with the correct means, both the elves and the trainers need a lot of hard work."

"My guess is that the two skills that Master Aso used together are to increase the attack effect. As for the two skills of my sister, it is because these two skills can complement each other. Cotton defense can increase the charging effect by a couple of points. layer, and the charged cotton defense also gives opponents in close combat a certain chance of being paralyzed, although the chance is not high, it is better than nothing, unfortunately, Bibi Bird does not have close combat.”

Chestnut nodded in thought.

"Pay attention, a big move is coming." Baili Yuan said.

Chestnut hurriedly looked up at Ma Liyang.

When the opponent is not in close combat, using cotton to defend and cooperate with charging, then there is only one purpose, which is to improve the effect of charging.

Charge: Improve the effect of the next round of electric attribute moves, and at the same time improve your special defense.

"Ma Liyang, thunder!"

Ma Liyang released the cotton defense, and his body began to store electricity, ready to use thunder.

"I won't let you get what you want, Bibi Bird, a flash of lightning!"


Bibi Bird appeared in front of the Mali Sheep in a blink of an eye and attacked the Mare Sheep.

"The next move, then use Thunder!"


Ma Liyang finally released his thunder trick.


The thunder light fell and hit the Bibi bird accurately.

"Bibi Bird has lost his combat power, the winner, Angela!"

The referee announced the result.

"You did a good job, Bibi Bird." A Su took Bibi Bird back.

"Victory again." Li Zi said with some surprise.

Aso's expression became serious.

"Your command is excellent, and Mali sheep is also very good, but to get the badge, you still need to defeat my next Pokémon, and the next one is one of my aces..."

Angela also became serious, and the next battle would become difficult. Angela knew that this last Pokémon was the real test for herself.

Although Maliyang has not lost the ability to fight, and his fighting spirit is still there, his physical strength is almost exhausted. Now Maliyang's role is to test the strength of the next Pokmon for himself.

At this time, Aso also released his last Pokémon.

"It's you, Great Wang Yan!"

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