Chapter 3420 Excitement mode! Player S!

This flower was not made by Bailiyuan, but from the platinum egg that Genm touched before.

It can be regarded as a summoned beast, but it is also unexpectedly a game life.

It looks weak, but it's actually... really weak.

But things that can be opened from platinum eggs are definitely not simple.

System scan -

"Hydragons of Fortified Poison Root:


Explanation: It is a monster that looks like a hydrangea that is as bright as blue-purple. It can use its roots to move freely, and use its venom to hunt prey that needs nutrients.

In addition, irritating pollen will be used to make other monsters more excited.

After being strengthened, the ability has undergone some changes.

Origin: "Illusion Myth".

Skills: poisonous flower liquid, exciting pollen.

NOTE: Beware of pollen. "

Under Bailiyuan's watchful eyes, Jiutiao Guiliya rushed towards the poisonous root hydra, and then stretched out his arm two meters away, stabbing the poisonous root hydra with a big sword.

Prudent enough.

However, the poison root hydra sprayed a large amount of red pollen directly at Kujo Kiriya.

"Wow, what are these?!" Kujo Kiriya exclaimed.

Kamen Rider's armor was not able to defend against pollen.

"Sure enough, game skills just don't make sense." Baili Yuan sighed.

Kujo Guiliya inhaled the pollen, and suddenly felt bad, but felt that there seemed to be a prehistoric force in his body, surging and gushing.

"No, no, what's going on with this thing...o(*////▽////*)q"

Kujo Guili was ashamed and angry.

Bailiyuan also felt a little surprised.

"This excitement even includes this excitement. Isn't this really something in 18+ games?"

On the battle platform, Kujo Kiriya only felt his blood boil, as if he had lost his mind. Crazy rushed to the poisonous root hydra, hacked the poisonous root hydra to death.

The poisonous root hydra shatters into data.

Bailiyuan took out a brand new cassette and absorbed the data of the poisonous root hydra.

On the cassette, the name of the game gradually emerged.

"Illusion Myth: Poison Root Hydra"!

"I got a new cassette!" Baili Yuan raised the cassette in his hand.

However, on the battle platform, Kujo Kiriya hadn't recovered from his excited state, but was still waving the Odachi crazily in his hand.

"Who else!" Kujo Kiriya asked loudly.

"This is the state of excitement? Using a level 2 cassette, it can explode such a powerful strength. It seems that I already know the general ability of this new cassette." Baili Yuan shook the cassette in his hand.

Then decided to ditch the cassette.

Bailiyuan couldn't guarantee what he would do when he became excited.

I didn't see that even Kujo Kiriya was so good at hiding, but because of his excitement, he was far behind... Oh, because he couldn't find an opponent, he had already started to hoe the ground.

It took three full minutes for Kujo Kiriya to gradually calm down from his excitement.

As soon as the excitement ended, he lay powerlessly on the ground, and the transformation was released in due course.

"Ah~~~" Kujo Kiriya stared blankly at the sky.

I don't even want to move my fingers.

It feels like being hollowed out.

Crazy memories impact Kujo Kiriya's shame as a human being.

"There is no need to save this world..."

"Get up!" Baili Yuan greeted, and he appeared beside Kujo Kiriya.

Kujo Kiriya's eyelids moved, but he didn't move.

"If you don't get up, I'll post the video of you just now on the Internet."


Kujo Kiriya got the strength from nowhere, and stood up directly from the ground.

"Haha, I just breathed a sigh of relief... You must have lied to me by posting my video online."

"..." Bailiyuan just looked at Kujo Kiriya quietly, without giving a reply.

Kujo Kiriya's face turned paler.

Get it right, families.

Bailiyuan threw the cassette in his hand to Kujo Kiriya.

"Catch it, here it is."

Kujo Kiriya hurriedly caught the cassette. It's just that when he saw the appearance of the poisonous root hydra on the cassette, he instinctively trembled, wanting to throw the cassette in his hand.

But Bailiyuan said: "This cassette will allow you to go to Genm for revenge, and it will allow you to have the strength to fight against zombie players!"

Kujo Kiriya was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly looked at Bailiyuan and asked, "Really?"

"You have already felt that power."

After finishing speaking, Baili Yuan turned around, opened the door, and left this world.

Gritting his teeth, Kujo Kiriya took the cassette and chased after Bailiyuan.


outside world.

Under the testimony of Saeko, everyone realized that there was something wrong with Tan Lidou.

When Xiang Gongtaro sent someone to arrest Tan Rito that day, he found that Tan Rito had disappeared from the company long ago, and his whereabouts were unknown.

But before leaving, Tan Lidou did not do nothing.

He exposed things about game sickness on a large scale!

In the original book, it was because Gurafat released the Bengyuan virus on a large scale, which caused a large-scale game disease, and the fire could not be wrapped in paper, so the Ministry of Health had to disclose the game disease and the computer rescue center.

Now, because Gurafat was wiped out by Bailiyuan's jungler, there has been no large-scale game sickness incident, and the public still doesn't know the existence of game sickness. Everything is still under control.

Tan Lidou's revelations this time only disclosed information about the game disease, but did not mention anything about the computer rescue center.

It can be seen that Tan Lidou's intentions are sinister.

It did cause quite a bit of turmoil in society.

The Ministry of Health has no way of controlling all news and public opinion.

A press conference had to be held to supplement information from the computer rescue center and Kamen Rider, which temporarily quelled some of the confusion.

This is Tan Lidou's revenge on this country, and it is also a declaration of war on this country.

In a secret base.

Tan Lidou watched the press conference of the Ministry of Health with a smile on his lips.

"The most exciting part of the game has just begun."

"I want everyone in this world to be inseparable from my game!"


the other side.

Computer Help Center.

Alhambra's collapsed body was upgraded and revived as promised.

A hood was worn over the head.

In order to treat the game patients this time.

Jing Feicai said that he would cut off the Bengyuan body himself to make up for the regret last time.

Because last time, the Alhambra collapsed source body was killed by someone. (It was Bailiyuan who killed it.)

After Alhambra Bengyuan ran away, he attacked Jing Feicai who was alone outside.

Facing the Alhambra's collapsed source body, Jing Feicai naturally turned on the transformation directly, and then drew out her great sword.

The two sides are fighting in full swing.

But at this moment, a layer of pure white game field covered all around.

Both Jing Feicai and Alhambra's collapsed body were shocked.

They haven't seen the figure of the Kamen Rider expanding the game field, but they heard the sound of transformation first.

[Bone Axe! 】


[Player S, log in to the game! 】

"who is it?"

Just as Jing Feicai and Alhambra's Bengyuan body looked towards the direction of the sound, a bone ax flew towards Alhambra's Bengyuan body and fell to the ground.

Then a figure rushed out, caught the bone axe, and landed between Jing Feicai and Alhambra's Bengyuan body.

That turned out to be a female Kamen Rider!

Kamen Rider slaughterer (slaughter)!

Player S, level 2!

Note: The name of Saeko is salon

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