Chapter 3419 Player K! game world!

secret base.

"Ultra, we are all on our own. If you don't tell me the real purpose of the organization, shouldn't you also show your true face?" Kujo Kiriya looked at the secret base curiously, and asked Bailiyuan said.

Saeko went back to the computer rescue center, Kujo Kiriya went back and got his materials for treating game disease, then went to the address given by Bailiyuan, and came to Bailiyuan's base.

To Bailiyuan's surprise, Kujo Kiriya did not delete the data.

Because Bailiyuan sent a reconnaissance robot to secretly monitor Kujo Kiriya, making sure that Kujo Kiriya didn't do anything unnecessary.

Kujo Kiriya has been very active since coming to this base.

Because he finally came into contact with this official mysterious organization!

At this time, Bailiyuan was still wearing the red and blue armor.

Bailiyuan didn't look back, but he could sense that Jiutiao Guiliya seemed to be casual, but in fact, he was carefully looking at everything with a pair of eyes, not letting go of any possible clues.

Kujo Kiriya does not trust this secret organization that is nominally a national organization.

Now that he finally has the opportunity to enter the organization's secret base, he will naturally not miss any opportunity to collect intelligence.

But Bailiyuan was a little upset.

Because of Kujo Kiriya's gaze, the number of times he swept over Bailiyuan's buttocks exceeded five times.

"You can only be regarded as peripheral members now, and there are some things, it's better not to inquire too much." Baili Yuan replied casually, with a casual voice.

"Yes yes yes." Kujo Tatsuya said with a smile, but really shut his mouth.

As for whether Kujo Kiriya will do any special actions in the future, then Bailiyuan can't control him anymore.

Besides, in this base, Bailiyuan also prepared some special things for Kujo Kiriya.

When I brought Kujo Guiliya to this base, it meant that this base was no longer a secret base.

Who would bring someone who doesn't fully trust into a truly secret base?

However, Bailiyuan didn't hide many things in this base. These include related equipment for making cassettes, and some technological equipment beyond this era.

There is a reason for doing this.

After all, without these insignificant things, how could Kujo Kiriya believe that this base is not simple.

Kujo Kiriya's gaze finally fell on Bailiyuan.

There is no way to find information from other places for the time being, so the only way to find clues is from Baili Yuan.

"I didn't see other people in the base, is it because there are other bases? Or is it that other people didn't show up?" Kujo Kiya was thinking in his heart, his thoughts were confused.

It's impossible for this organization and this base to be just Bailiyuan, right?

Kujo Kiriya was the first to rule out this idea.

Bailiyuan ignored Jiujo Kiriya, and just operated an instrument on his own.

An instrument is like a door.

As Bailiyuan turned on the switch, a light screen appeared in the door frame, which actually had the style of the game field.

"This is?" Kujo Kiriya wondered.

"This is the game door, come in with me." Baili Yuan said, and entered the game door first.

Kujo Kiriya fixed his eyes, and finally walked into the game door with the duel drive.

Go through the game door.

The two entered the game field.

This is an imaginary space-like game field.

There are various and different platforms floating at different heights.

The rest is empty.

"Where is this?" Jiutiao Guiliya looked around, but didn't see Bailiyuan's figure.

"This is the game world." Bailiyuan gave the answer.

Kujo Guiliya hurriedly turned his head, and saw Bailiyuan standing on a high platform behind him, with his hands behind his back.

Kujo Kiriya raised his neck, and then asked, "What is the game world?"

"Different game worlds are connected to each other to create a special world." Bailiyuan said simply.

After speaking, Baili Yuan proudly puffed up his chest.

Through the experience gained from studying the cassette and the knight system, Bailiyuan is also working hard to decipher everything related to the Bengyuan body.

Then found here.

It can also be said that Bailiyuan created this place, because this space incorporates some data from Bailiyuan.

This kind of situation will happen, and Bailiyuan has also studied it.

Then he realized that the games corresponding to the knight cassette were all stand-alone games, and all the games he studied were online games.

This game world is completely metaverse!

Or the second world.

It's just that there is only one framework in this world today, and nothing else.

Because after Bailiyuan researched this world, he didn't connect to other games, nor did he develop games in this world.

I didn't research what I wanted, but something strange appeared.

Kujo Kiriya didn't understand Bailiyuan's simple explanation, but felt that it was awesome.

Because—this is really another world!

It is not a simple game field.

Bailiyuan brought Jiutiao Guiliya here to show Jiutiao Guiliya something.

Bailiyuan waved his hand.

A platform fell, and Kujo Kiriya discovered that a monster was imprisoned on this platform.

To be precise, it is a plant.

Pink petals, green stamens, with purple spots, are poisonous at first sight.

"What is this again? Bengyuan body? Seems a little wrong?" Kujo Kiriya frowned.

"Your task is to destroy it." Baili Yuan said directly.

The blockade is opened.

The roots of the plants started to move, and they were able to move freely.

Kujo Kiriya's eyes were serious, without any hesitation, he put on the duel drive and took out the cassette at the same time.

【Big Taidao】!

Although there are still many questions, but the monster has been released, he had to transform.


The cassette is inserted and the thumb touches the screen.

The sound effect of this transformation has changed from before, and it directly starts the game.

[The game starts! 】

【Sword Art Online! 】

[Lincoln's big head! (Connection started!)]

【who I am? 】

[I am Kamen Rider! 】

[Ruin Kobold! 】

[Player K, log in to the game! 】

Kujo Kiriya's transformation is complete.

Kujo Kiriya can no longer act as Kamen Rider Lazer because of the need to hide his identity.

So he becomes Player K.

Kamen Rider Knight (Samurai)!

Player K, level 2!

Coincidentally, Kujo Kiriya's weapon is the Odachi.

The Odachi appeared in Kujo Kiriya's hands.

A Taidao that exceeds 150 cm can be called a Dadachi, also known as a Nodachi. And the big sword in Kujo Kiriya's hand was a full two meters long.

Moreover, Kujo Kiriya's name, Kiriya, is also pronounced Kiriya.

Taking advantage of the gap between transformations, Kujo Kiriya had some guesses about Baili Yuan's request.

"Are you going to test my strength?"

Without hesitation, Kujo Kiriya directly charged at the plant in front of him with the big sword in his hand.

"But the monster you used to test me doesn't seem to be strong!"

The flower monster in front of him doesn't look very smart.

Have you seen my two-meter-long knife? I'll let you run one and a half meters first!

Baili Yuan just quietly watched the battle in front of him.

"This flower is not simple."

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