Chapter 3301 Backstab

Although the order in the city has been chaotic, most of the technologies that maintain the city have not lost control.

With police robots, most of the bad things can still be avoided.

However, the chaos and crisis brought about by those who are beyond the control of police robots far exceed that of ordinary people.

For example, the rebel army hidden in the city felt that the opportunity had come, and the rebel army flag was erected, and the territory had already begun to be divided.

For another example, those legions are actually fighting each other at this moment, and they want to be the strongest legion in the empire, and the way is to kill other legions.

There are also the families of the rich and powerful, and the power struggle seems to be going on at eight times speed.

The more ambitious launched a charge against the supreme throne.

The pioneers are naturally the first prince Di Yutian and Feng Xueming of the Seventh Legion.

Di Yutian: "I want to be the emperor!"

Feng Xueming: "I want to be a queen!"

Seventh Legion: "For the Greater Good!"

It's just that they miscalculated Di Qingtian's strength.

The old emperor is not a toothless tiger.

It's the Dragon King who accumulates strength!

With his own psychic cultivation alone, Di Qingtian was able to face the Seventh Legion led by Di Yutian and Feng Xueming without retreating.

Then, the Emperor's imperial guards returned, and under the leadership of Emperor Qingtian, they besieged Emperor Yutian, Feng Xueming and the Seventh Army.

The Imperial Guards are not one of the top ten legions, but only belong to successive emperors.

But it doesn't mean that this army is weak.

If you don't look at the main ship of the legion, this legion has the strongest combat capability on the planet!

Before that, the emperor sent out the Imperial Guard Corps to defend the imperial capital.

Unexpectedly, Di Yutian was so bold that he dared to directly invade the palace with his army.

So they had no choice but to recall the imperial guards and made dumplings for Di Yutian and the others.

But those rebels and careerists saw the opportunity and rose up one after another.

As for the safety of the imperial capital...

For the humans who ruled the empire, this earth star is more of a symbolic and commemorative meaning. Even if it is gone, it will not shake the rule of the empire.

After today, a large number of people will be cleaned.

"Emperor, you lost." Di Qingtian said indifferently, wearing a golden battle armor, looking down at Di Yutian who was fighting the trapped beasts.

Di Yutian and Feng Xueming led the remnant soldiers to fight, but they did not admit defeat.

Although they are crazy, they still have IQ. They know that if they really admit defeat now, they will really get nothing.

And they have already arranged it.

"Lao Deng, you'd better look at the top of your head! The death star I prepared for you has already started to flicker!" Di Yutian shouted loudly.

Di Qingtian raised his head, stared at the sky with his eyes, and his eyes fell outside the atmosphere.

There, the main ship of the Seventh Legion leads a group of subordinate ships, and has completed the energy storage!

Di Qingtian's eyelids twitched.

"Hahaha, Lao Deng, you lose! As long as the attack falls, Earth Star and you will be destroyed! You can only give way to me now!" Di Yutian laughed.

Di Qingtian looked back at Di Yutian, a little speechless.

This is so big, I want to exchange one for one at the limit.

When the main ship's cannon falls, the earth and stars will be destroyed, and Di Yutian can't escape.

It's not worth it to exchange an emperor for a prince.

Just when Di Qingtian was considering whether to show a few hole cards.

A main ship's energy cannon was fired, directly hitting the unsuspecting main ship of the Seventh Legion, and shooting down the main ship of the Seventh Legion.


Di Yutian and Feng Xueming suddenly turned pale with shock.

On the other side outside the atmosphere, the main ship of another fleet suddenly appeared.

It's the main ship of the Sixth Fleet!

The seventh emperor, Di Yao, arrived with Mu Che, the commander of the sixth fleet.

Di Yao was no longer as young and cute as before. She was dressed in a black make-up, making her more mature.

Mu Che stood behind Di Yao, looking like a subordinate.

The Sixth Fleet is actually loyal to Emperor Yao!

"Brother Huang, you are the one who loses!" Di Yao said in a crisp voice.

The glamorous queen rushed over and threw herself into the emperor's arms, crying like pear blossoms with rain, her eyes full of worry.

"Your Majesty, you can't be busy, otherwise what will I do?"

"Aren't I still alive?" Di Qingtian was speechless.

Both Di Yutian and Feng Xueming recovered from their astonishment.

Feng Xueming questioned Mu Che: "Mu Che, we tried to win you over several times before, but you didn't agree, so you turned to the seventh princess, when exactly?"

"Actually, I have always been a member of His Highness Di Yao." A strange smile appeared on Mu Che's face.

For a long time, Mu Che, who is known for his serious interviews, showed a smile, which made people feel shocked and felt a little out of harmony.

Di Yutian wanted to struggle one last time.

"Mu Che, how can I compare to that little girl God Yao? As long as you trust me, I can grant you the position of the first councilor in the future!"

The corner of Mu Che's mouth hooked.

"Little girl?"

"What?" Di Yutian didn't know why Mu Che repeated this word.

Mu Che laughed out loud, his image was completely destroyed.

"Di Yutian, the reason why you are not as good as His Royal Highness Di Yao is because she is a little girl!"

"What are you talking about?" Di Yutian didn't know why.

Mu Che directly opened his arms, and said intoxicatedly: "His Royal Highness Di Yao, is the most perfect loli in my heart!!!"

"Beautiful princess dress, doll-like appearance, soft body, lofty eyes, cute voice, waist that can be don't even know the benefits of loli!"

Affected by unknown forces, Mu Che also exposed his dark side, which is also the ultimate secret he buried in his heart.

Stop pretending!

He, Mu Che, Lolicon!

The degree of perversion made others look sideways.


Mu Che pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"His Highness Di Yao gave me the condition that before she reaches adulthood, I can dress her up as I like! Dress her up as the most perfect image in my heart!"


People who are related and people who are not related are silent.

Di Yutian knelt down on the ground unacceptably.

Di Yao's little face, which had been tense all the time, couldn't hold it any longer.

Di Qingtian looked at Mu Che, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

It's not the father's protection of his daughter, but the dignity of the royal family that cannot be desecrated. He wants to treat the princess of the royal family as a doll to satisfy his desires, so damn it!

But the most important thing now is to solve the rebellious Di Yutian first.

"Come here, lock them up."

Di Yutian and Feng Xueming were quickly captured alive. They were put on mechanical shackles, and there were explosive devices in the shackles. If they forcibly broke open or escaped from the prison area, the explosive devices would explode.

After arresting Di Yutian and Feng Xueming, Di Qingtian did not announce that the matter was over.

Di Qingtian looked in Di Yao's direction.

"My dear little daughter, you are not here just to support your father and me, right?"

Di Yao smiled slightly: "Father is wise, my son just thinks that Father should take care of his life and spend more time with mother."

"Are you also here to seize the throne? Just relying on these people you brought?" Di Qingtian smiled slightly.

Di Yao and Mu Che didn't bring many people.

"No, it should be said that it is, wait for the emperor to abdicate." Di Yao said.


Di Yao's voice fell.

There was a click on Di Qingtian's body, and he felt something was wrapped around his waist.

looked down.

The queen actually put a mechanical belt on his body.

Di Qingtian recognized this mechanical belt.

It was also used for detaining prisoners. It was embedded with miniature neutron bombs, and the explosion was powerful enough to send him to see the first emperor.

But at this moment, the queen, how can she be so pitiful as before.

"Your Majesty, for the sake of Yao'er, if you don't want to die, just abdicate." The queen said cold words in a gentle tone.

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