Chapter 3300 The Excess of Love

The wounds of Di Hao and Di Xuan were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But the scars in their hearts made the two of them feel pain.

It hurts, it hurts!

Do you know how much psychological shadow was left on the two of them by the two hands of Pure Humanoid Requiem?

Dihao was fine, just angry.

However, Di Xuan had already opened her red eyes.

Her hair fell down, and her blood-red eyes shone from behind her hair.

"How dare you humiliate me like this! You all deserve to die!"

The existence behind the crack, the descending speed has been accelerated.

On the one hand, it is because after being discovered, it no longer hides, and directly uses the power it emits to meet the entire planet, and extracts power from all creatures on the planet.

On the other hand, it was because of Di Hao and Di Xuan's calls.

As two people connected with that existence, their calling has special power.

Bailiyuan was naturally ready.

Put your hands together.


The voice fell.

A huge golden Altec figure appeared out of thin air, crashing into the Imperial Cathedral.

"That, that is..."

Di Zhao, the three members of the Ming family, Di Zhao's subordinates who came to support them, and the legion surrounding the Imperial Cathedral all looked in astonishment at the sudden appearance of the golden Ao Te Dharma.

The Imperial Cathedral collapsed.

Everyone saw the 100-meter-tall Alt Faxiang.

Prime Minister Otto put his left hand upright in front of his chest, stretched out his middle finger with his right hand, and poked down on the crack.

Di Hao and Di Xuan who were connected to the two tentacles wanted to intercept it.

They can still mobilize spiritual energy.

The golden imperial spirit can be eroded by evil forces and turned gray.

This is - Evil Emperor's Psychic Power!

Like Emperor Qingtian, they condense spiritual energy on the surface of their bodies to form a full-body battle armor.

But there are two sets of gray battle armor, exuding a sinister aura, and the style is also very hideous.

But judging from the aura emitted by the two, the strength of the two has surpassed the current Emperor Qingtian!

Di Hao: "Stop it! The power of the imperial way, the power of the evil emperor!"

Di Xuan: "Emperor Dao's psychic power, the evil emperor is furious! Die to me!"

Evil spirits can be condensed into skills and played powerfully.

However, facing the fingers falling down like a hill, they are like mantis arms blocking the car.

The evil spirits failed to penetrate the defense of the middle finger.

Puff! Puff!

The two were directly poked and exploded.

Ultraman's middle finger didn't stop at all, it directly poked into the crack, crushing a large number of tentacles protruding from the crack, and the juice exploded and splashed.

"One finger from the poor monk!" Baili Yuan shouted loudly.

Ao Tefaxiang's middle finger suddenly hooked.

The space used for hiding was directly punctured.

Kaka Kaka——

The space in front of everyone was instantly filled with cracks like glass, and then suddenly shattered.

A disgusting sarcoma tens of meters in size appeared in front of everyone.

It was a sarcoma formed by the glued flesh and blood of countless creatures, and those creatures didn't seem to be dead, they were still panting, rolling their eyes, and wailing in pain at the same time.

A large number of tentacles protruded from the tumor, waving wildly.

The middle finger of Faxiang Alt was inserting fiercely into the sarcoma. Let the tentacles on the sarcoma swing more violently.

There are thick blood vessels behind the sarcoma, connecting into the void.

On the other side was the monster that Bailiyuan saw last night.

Sarcoma is just bait thrown into this world.

However, after seeing the appearance of the sarcoma, Baili Yuan's face showed an obvious expression of disgust.

Faxiang's middle finger is no longer required.

There is no need for Bailiyuan to make a move.

A large number of fangs suddenly appeared on the sarcoma, and it was about to bite off the middle finger of Ott Faxiang.

Baili Yuan suddenly felt some phantom pain in his middle finger, but in fact the Ultraman Aspect was just an energy body, and it had no connection with Baili Yuan's pure body.

Ultraman retracted his hand, and the bitten middle finger quickly recovered under the power consumption.

Others also showed discomfort after seeing the sarcoma.

"It's too challenging for human beings to bear the limit."

Di Zhao gritted his teeth and didn't spit it out.

Among the others, those with insufficient stamina and mental strength just vomited.

And they feel that if they look at the sarcoma a few more times, their spirits will be polluted.

The Buddha's light lit up in Bailiyuan's eyes.

A huge Buddha seal appeared out of thin air, sprinkled Buddha's light, purified the filth, and shrouded the surroundings.

Those affected feel relieved.

Sarcoma was not so simply purified by Buddha's light.

At this time, two tentacles protruded from the sarcoma again, and the tentacles changed for a while, and the figures of Di Hao and Di Xuan appeared again. They didn't wear clothes, revealing their smooth bodies, but their faces were gloomy and ferocious.

What was poked before was just one of their bodies.

As long as they can extend their tentacles, they will continue to condense their bodies.

Baili Yuan's eyes quickly scanned Di Xuan up and down uncontrollably.

Regardless of what her body is condensed with, but looking at it, it is indeed very unsuitable for children.

"Sin, sin."

Baili Yuan muttered.

"Your mother..." Di Xuan was so angry that she wanted to breathe out fragrance.

The big slap of Ultraman came down, interrupting the spellcasting.

"Ultra Peace Mahamudra!"


The entire imperial capital shook.

A large crater was punched out of the sarcoma.

Dihao sneered.

"Do you think you can defeat us with a slap? We have gained power beyond the gods, and we are immortal!"

Countless tentacles swept out from the sarcoma.

"You only have two hands, but we have countless tentacles. I'll see how you block it!" Di Xuan's smile gradually twisted, "Give it to me in the temple!"

Bailiyuan blinked.


Changes in the form of the law.

Ultraman's form instantly became three-headed and four-armed.

——Ultra Conquer Demon King Dharma Form!

Faxiang grasped the tentacles with both arms, and pulled the sarcoma to his body.

The other two hands are raised high.

Di Xuan: "Can't you not slap your face?"

Bailiyuan: "No~OK~yo~"


Bailiyuan folded his hands together.

"The transcendence of love is good and good."

Di Zhao shivered beside Baili Yuan.

There is something wrong with your love and peace, you can't get in!


The chaos in the Imperial Capital Cathedral did not attract too many people's attention.

Because at this moment, due to the influence of unknown forces, the dark side of countless people's hearts was drawn out, and they began to act recklessly.

Even everyone in the Yuncheng Expeditionary Army was inevitably affected.

Of the more than 3,000 people in the Yuncheng Expeditionary Army, more than 2,000 people were affected to varying degrees.

"I'm going out to have fun! Make the world feel the pain!"

"Master Andy, this subordinate thinks we should go out and make a vote!"

"I have a bold idea, to kill the emperor, and the emperor asked Lord Xiaoyuan to do it!"


"Master Andy, I want to give you a monkey!"

Andy pushed a female coat of arms who rushed over to the ground.

Bangbang was knocked out with two punches.

Shirley came over, skillfully took out the rope to tie the person up, and then threw him away for isolation.

As for the big milk tank, it was already tied up.

Both Andy and Shirley were a little helpless.

These people are just the beginning, and those who are not affected now, over time, will also start to have the situation.

In order to avoid trouble or make a fool of yourself, when someone feels something is wrong, they knock themselves out first.

There were no large-scale riots.

"The power to influence is increasing." Andy frowned.

Those who can be immune to the influence do not depend on personal combat power and occupation.

It's mental strength and willpower.

"These people have to practice more when they go back! They all have to exercise their mental strength and willpower!" Andy said angrily.

Because during this time, at least five female heraldic envoys rushed over to give her a monkey.

As for men... they all have to go out to find Baili Yuan.

"They're all sick!" Andy muttered in his heart.

Shirley nodded in agreement.

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