Chapter 3257 big head in the wormhole

Alien universe.

Tianhe galaxy, Capricorn star field, holy pupil star system.

A space-time wormhole with a diameter of hundreds of meters was opened here.

If you want to travel quickly in the universe, you can't get around the space-time wormhole technology.

After the Astra Empire ruled the Milky Way galaxy, it explored the Milky Way galaxy as much as possible, collected various resources, and worked hard to improve the level of civilization. Various exploration spaceships are constantly shuttling around the Milky Way galaxy, searching for various rare resources.

During an exploration of the Holy Pupil star system, a small wormhole that was accidentally opened revealed a scene of a different world. This scene was clearly captured by the camera on the spacecraft.

The news was reported to the Empire.

The high-level council of the empire attached great importance to this matter, and immediately dispatched a research team and army to take over this special space-time node.

After research, scientists believe that the reason why space-time wormholes connecting different worlds can be opened here is related to the space-time environment.

The space-time node at this location is very close to the other world, and the barriers of the world are weak, so it is possible to peek into the scene of the other world through this small wormhole. It may also be because of what happened in that other world, which caused the space-time vibration, so that the exploration spacecraft discovered the traces of the other world.

This proves the existence of the multiverse.

But in order to completely enter the different world, the diameter of the space-time wormhole needs to be further expanded.

However, because it is a time-space wormhole, you can choose the location where the time-space wormhole is opened in another world.

The initiative is in the hands of the empire.

The scientist's suggestion is to open a space-time rift first, choose the location of the rift in an uninhabited area in another world, and then explore carefully before making other decisions.

The number of deaths caused by scientific research every year makes scientists mostly maintain a cautious attitude.

The high-level officials of the empire said that the scientists' suggestions were very good, so don't suggest them in the future.

This is the Astra Empire! The Astra Empire is a behemoth that rules the entire Milky Way galaxy!

It’s just a different world. Judging from the flashing pictures of the different world, the level of science and technology in the different world is not high. Some areas are still in the farming civilization, wearing medieval armor, and weapons are still knives, guns and sticks.

If you act cautiously like this, wouldn't it appear that the Astra Empire is not domineering enough?

To put it simply, the upper echelons of the Astra Empire have drifted away.

In fact, this kind of arrogance is not limited to high-level officials, it is the same for ordinary civilians.

Even, it was the thoughts of most of the civilians who lacked awe, which hijacked the thoughts of the high-level members of the parliament.

To be precise, it is the thoughts of the voters who have the right to vote, holding the high-level parliament hostage.

If high-level members of parliament do not show that they stand with voters and make voters happy, they may lose the support of voters and lose their seats in parliament.

The emperor was hereditary, and the seat of parliament was the highest position of power accessible to others.

Although the emperor of the Astra Empire is the largest and the theocratic power is combined with the imperial power, due to historical reasons, it still retains a parliament, which is elective.

Because the emperor of the empire does not have the ability to suppress all the people.

In simple terms, the Astra Empire is a dual constitutional monarchy.

Now the empire has population, cannon, and high technology.

The Astra Empire has nothing to fear!

The Astra Empire will become the ruler of this universe, and no one doubts the entire empire from top to bottom.

At the same time, adhering to the "Law of the Dark Forest", the Emperor of the Empire felt that when the two worlds came into contact, conflicts would inevitably erupt, and it was impossible to live in peace. In the end, one side must rule the other.

It is also like the empire ruling this Milky Way galaxy.

Therefore, the emperor accepted the opinion of the parliament—to expand the space-time wormhole, send a large army to invade the other world, and act first!

The task is entrusted to the most powerful First Legion in the empire.

The First Legion led the scientists, and quickly expanded the wormhole, successfully opening the passage to the other world. The location of the passage was chosen to be above a relatively large city in the other world.

Because of the difference in the world, the two worlds cannot be connected by signal, as if there is a force isolating the signal communication between the two worlds.

But it is certain that the time flow rate of the two worlds is the same.

Out of caution and tentativeness, the First Army sent out vanguard troops.

Today, Empire time is almost twenty-four hours past.

The imperial legion waiting on the wormhole felt that the vanguard was about to come back to report the situation at this time.

In the Mothership of the First Legion.

Legion Commander Zi Minghai was chatting with his deputy, Po Suotian, while waiting for the report from the Vanguard Legion.

"I don't know what kind of news the Vanguard Corps can bring back. Maybe they can conquer the galaxy over there through another world and further expand the empire's territory." Zi Minghai said.

Po Suotian complimented: "If this is the case, you should be able to sit in the parliamentary seat by then, and add another parliamentary seat to our military department. Maybe you can even sit in the position next to the highest thirteenth seat .”

"Hahaha, I would like to borrow your good words, but that will have to wait until the return of the Vanguard Legion before making a judgment."

"That's right, but judging from the flashing pictures of the other world, the civilization of the other world is very backward. In a day's time, the vanguard army may have conquered the planets of the other world and become the 'god' in the eyes of the natives of the other world. .” Po Whirling Tian thought about it.

Zi Minghai nodded slightly: "This is the crushing of civilization."

Suddenly, Po Huantian laughed, "I don't know how the women in the other world are. I remember that in the pictures of the other world, there are women who are like the beast-eared mothers in the novels and comics. I really want to try."

"Do you still read novels and comics?"


The Milky Way galaxy ruled by the Empire is also a universe with many races.

But most cosmic races do not conform to human aesthetics.

While Zi Minghai was discussing with Po Suotian, a report suddenly sounded in the command room.

"Report, there are fluctuations in the space-time wormhole, and something is entering our world from another world!"

The eyes of Ziminghai and Poxuantian are shining.

"It's the Vanguard Legion that's back!" Po Suotian said pleasantly.

Zi Minghai stood up, tidied up the commander's attire, and then said.

"Open the skylight, I want to see the situation on the scene. The detection department will report the situation in real time! Let the whole army stay vigilant and don't relax!"

As a commander, Zi Minghai did not forget his basic qualities.

The front of the command room became transparent, allowing Zi Minghai and Po Suotian to see the dazzling and beautiful starry sky.

In this starry sky, the most eye-catching thing is a huge distorted space-time channel.

Around the channel, there are countless warships of the First Legion, and all kinds of warships are ready for battle.

At this moment, the space-time channel emits a faint colorful fluorescent light, and then the light of the aurora appears from the channel.

This is the performance of something traveling through the space-time channel.

Finally, the light disappeared.

"The space-time travel is completed, and a unit target has entered our universe!" The report sounded.

"Quickly detect what the target is!" Zi Minghai said loudly.

But soon, there is no need to test, because everyone has seen what is coming from another world.

I saw a huge head more than one hundred meters high protruding from the space-time channel, peeking into the universe of this world.

Otter Peep!

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