I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3256 The Soul Of Wendigo

System scan.

"Soul of Wendigo: The cannibal evil spirit transformed by the evil power of the god of the ancient ice giants. It is the embodiment of greed, malice, and famine. Driven by hunger, it wakes up and cannot restrain its desire to devour everything. The more creatures devoured, the bigger the size. Afraid of flames. Can descend to other creatures through the spirit to increase the number of individuals. Note: If its body is not destroyed, it will not be destroyed."

The Wendigo soul in front of him has swelled to a height of ten meters.

I don't know how many creatures need to be swallowed to grow to this size.

The strength is about level 91, which is not bad in the colorful level.

The soul of the Wendigo is complete, fully awakened, and the first thing after waking up is to attack the benefactor who let it out.

"Turn it into my food!"

Bailiyuan saw it.

The soul of Wendigo has intelligence, but it should not be much, perhaps because of his own desire, he instinctively gave up part of his IQ.

The soul of the Wendigo, which has been sealed for an unknown period of time, desperately wants to devour living things.

"It's all here, but I still don't understand the situation, and I don't know how to act honestly." Bailiyuan sighed, and was about to suppress the Wendigo soul.

However, there was an attack that fell from the air one step ahead of Bailiyuan.

A figure swooped down from the sky.

Ultimate Shock!

Bailiyuan only saw a black shadow flash past, and then half of the Wendigo's body disappeared.

"It's Blackened Latias!"

It was Blackened Latias who launched the attack.

At this moment, the blackened Latias was staring at the soul of Wendigo with unkind eyes, and there was also dissatisfaction in Bailiyuan's eyes.

Telepathic communication.

Bailiyuan understood in seconds.

Blackened Latias hates the breath of evil.

And this is the territory of Blackened Latias.

What Bailiyuan did was like throwing poop at someone else's house.

It made Bailiyuan a little embarrassed.

Regardless of the fact that both the Blackened Elves and the Abominations were born from resentment, they are definitely not the same kind, let alone friendly.

Just when the blackened Latias felt that he had solved the soul of Wendigo, the soul of Wendigo suddenly exploded and attacked the blackened Latias in mid-air, and with one paw, the blackened Latias scratched.

There was also a cold breath on the wound.

The spirit of the Wendigo wasn't defeated just like that.

As long as the entire body is not completely destroyed, the Wendigo soul is immortal. The half body that was just destroyed is also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The blackened Latia who was injured suddenly became furious.

Blackened elves are not kind.

Ordinary Latias may be very gentle and have good intentions.

But Black Latias is violent and manic.

The blackened Latias exploded with strength, his eyes exuded a strong killing intent, and wanted to completely destroy the soul of Wendigo.

The surrounding soil and rocks, affected by the power of the blackened Latias, even floated into the air.

"I'm going to eat you all together!" The Wendigo soul yelled fearlessly, the whole body exuded cold air, and frost thorns appeared on the ground.

The Wendigo soul awakened from the ancient ice giant god is undoubtedly of the ice attribute.

However, how can a level 91 divine beast compete with a level 95 or higher divine beast?

Do you have that strength?

While the spirit of the Wendigo was still clamoring, its head was gone.

Blackened Latias seemed to have no action at all, still floating in the original position.

Baili Yuan's eyes were golden, he could see clearly that what was floating in place was just an illusion.

Ordinary Latias has the ability to change his image and become invisible through feathers.

When it comes to Blackening Latias, this ability has also been alienated, and it has become able to leave illusions through feathers, and the body can attack invisibly.

However, the soul of Wendigo did not notice the invisible blackened Latias.

Before the head of the Wendigo soul recovered, the body of the Wendigo soul continued to explode and shatter.

It was the invisible blackened Ladias who was attacking, trying to tear Wendigo's soul into pieces.

"By the way, I remember that Latias can transform into a girl. I don't know if Latias has the ability to turn black."

Put irrelevant things behind, Bailiyuan reminded.

"Treat it with flames, burn its body, and it won't be able to revive."

Blackened Latias did not reply.

But then a mighty flame fell from the sky and consumed the remains of Ravendigo's soul.

Magic Flame!

After the soul of Wendigo was burned to ashes, the blackened Latias showed his body again and looked at Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan showed an innocent smile.

Blackened Latias turned his head and flew away.

After the blackened Latias left, Bailiyuan also disappeared in place.

Appearing again, Bailiyuan appeared next to a moon monster.

At this moment, the monster of the moon was in a deep sleep, and was scratching its stomach contentedly.

With a wave of Baili Yuan's hand, a spiritual body was pulled out from the moon monster's body. The spiritual body struggled continuously. It was indeed the spiritual body of Wendigo's soul!

After the Wendigo soul found it impossible to resist, it activated its ability to descend on other creatures with spirit, wanting to reincarnate.

However, in the world of the moon, the small movements of the Wendigo soul cannot be hidden from Bailiyuan at all.

Not only did Wendigo's soul fail to assimilate the moon monster, it was also controlled by Bailiyuan. Now that he was caught in his hands, Bailiyuan couldn't even beg for mercy.

After kneading it, the spirit body of Wendigo's soul became the size of a sugar ball.

Bailiyuan looked at the spiritual body of the Wendigo soul in his hand, and then...

ah woo~

Eat it in one bite.

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Some memory fragments and power were absorbed by Bailiyuan from the spirit body of the Wendigo soul.


Abominations are born in various ways and have different shapes.

Some are abominations crawling straight from the dead bodies of gods.

Some are the remnants of gods resurrected through reincarnation.

Like the spirit of the Wendigo.

In ancient times, the dregs of gods fell into the bodies of pregnant women, lurked in the bodies of babies, and were conceived.

Born in the appearance of a human, he even forgot his identity as a god.

In the cold hometown, it is cold and food is scarce.

Go out to hunt, besieged in the mountains by the wind and snow.

Because of the uncontrollable hunger, he devoured his companions and awakened the power of evil. The brown bear fur coat on his body was stuck to the skin, and antlers grew from the top of his head. Because of hunger, even his lips were bitten off by his teeth.

The soul of the Wendigo was thus born.

Raging in the blizzard.

became a demon.

The strong fight against the evil spirits.

Until the arrival of a powerful mage, with great mana, he separated the human and beast sides of the evil spirit, weakened the power of the evil spirit, and used the artifact as a box to completely seal the two sides of the evil spirit, and buried them under the snow mountain forever.


"Ding! Obtain the authority of broken frost! Effect: master the power of frost."

"Ding! Absorbed the power of the spiritual body, and the mental power has been greatly improved!"

"Ding! Get the skill [Spiritual Descending]! Effect: The spirit descends on a special target, and has a certain power of its own."

The system suddenly beeped, causing Baili Yuan to open his eyes.

"When did you learn to make ding ding ding?" Baili Yuan was puzzled.

"I see that there are hosts in other systems, and I can't afford you if I want to!" The easter egg system explained delicately.

"Well, you've done a good job, don't do it next time." Baili Yuan said something, felt the newly acquired power and skills, and left the world of the moon.

Bailiyuan realized that the abomination is not worthless, but it cannot be used by ordinary people.

At least it is impossible for ordinary people to eat the spiritual body of the gods.

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