Chapter 3159 Hurry up and ask fate to come to Buddha

The full moon swelled over the city, distorting the force field, causing all the elves to be attracted by the full moon for the first attack of Bailiyuan, and then absorbed by the full moon, turning into the power of the full moon expansion.

However, this first wave of focus is just a test.

"Attack, attack quickly!" the trainer of the Blood Wing Wyvern shouted.

As the full moon continued to swell, uneasy emotions appeared in the hearts of everyone present.

"Don't order me!" Anthony said angrily.

But then, Anthony still commanded the tail scale armored dragon to attack.

Because the full moon over the city at this moment has rapidly expanded to a shocking size, covering one-third of the range of Helujia's nest.

"Stand-tailed scale armored dragon, the noise of the scales, disturb him!"

"Monarch Snake, Flying Leaf Storm!" Taylor followed suit.

The other elves did the same.

Water attribute attack, fire attribute attack, grass attribute attack, evil attribute attack...

Attacks of various attributes aimed at Bailiyuan one after another.

This time, the elves launched their strongest attacks one after another. The attacks were not affected by the distorted force field, and they all landed precisely on Baili Yuan's position.


"Useless attack!"

Seeing all the attacks that were coming, Baili Yuan commented calmly.

An instant in a thousandth of a second.

"The power of the moon!"

The full moon over the city vibrated.

That's right, the real name of this trick is the power of the moon.

With the power of the moon, attack.

The only difference is that it is Baili Yuan, the moon god, who is attacking with the power of the moon at this moment.

For Bailiyuan, the power of the moon is naturally whatever he wants.

Baili Yuan shook his hand.

The huge full moon above the city suddenly condensed and compressed, and was compressed into the size of a ping-pong ball in the blink of an eye, and then... the extreme compression force caused the space to collapse!

The collapsing black spot produced an incomparably terrifying suction force, and also possessed a power to annihilate everything. All the full blows that hit Bailiyuan, even the sound and light, were attracted by the black dot, swallowed and then annihilated.

Theoretically speaking, as long as a drop of water can be compressed infinitely, it is enough to destroy the universe.

Bailiyuan couldn't do that, but he could compress the condensed moon power into the size of a ping pong ball and use it as an attack method.

Taylor and the others said something to each other and wanted to communicate with other people, but the sound did not reach the ears of other people, because at this moment, the sound was also swallowed by the black spot.


Taylor and others had a sense of suffocation, which was the reason why the air became extremely thin.

If it weren't for Bailiyuan's control, the surrounding cities would also be engulfed by black spots.

However, because of Bailiyuan's control, although the city is safe, the black spots cannot exert their full power.

"But enough!"

Bailiyuan flicked his fingers.


Black dots flickered and appeared on the bodies of the three evil dragons in the blink of an eye.

Then the black spots swell.


Start devouring!



The three dragons and his three trainers were swallowed by the expanding black spot.

Sound transmission also resumed as the black spot expanded.

However, it was too late for others to come to the rescue.

In just two seconds, the black dot devoured and wiped out the three evil dragons and his three trainers.

They only left behind three roars, and the unwilling and frightened voices of the three trainers.

The rest are all leftovers.

It's also interesting to say that the three trainers of the three evil dragons turned out to be three brothers.

The expanding black spots lost their ability to devour and annihilate everything, and the color changed from black back to blue-white again.

Then explode.

There is no explosion of terrorist force, because Bailiyuan does not have the strongest power to activate this move.

The exploding ball turned into countless light blue light spots and spread out, sprinkled over the entire area of ​​Helujia's nest.



This special effect cannot be done in a movie with millions of dollars.

But the strong men who confronted Bailiyuan didn't have any idea of ​​enjoying the beautiful scenery, and all of them only felt that their hands and feet were cold.

"It turns out..." Taylor's eyes widened, filled with disbelief.

It was just such an understatement attack, which directly killed a powerful champion elf and his three trainers.

And it gave the impression that Baili Yuan didn't consume much power at all.

The strongest combat power and the three leaders of the Dragon Society who had been in Helujia's lair for many years were killed in a flash, without causing any waves.

"If the three-headed dragon had mastered the power of the law, it would have the ability to escape from the attack just now. Unfortunately, there is no if."

"Speaking of which, this place is called Hei Lujia's nest, but there is no champion Hei Lujia." Baili Yuan murmured in his heart.

Bailiyuan looked down at all the rest.

"Next." Baili Yuan said, and then stared at the king of the giant golden monster.

The King of the Metagross was sweating profusely.

Everyone else was also extremely nervous, even those who had less than half of their body black, because from Baili Yuan's previous behavior pattern, it was not that Bai Li Yuan didn't want to kill those with more white parts .

Taylor, Anthony, and the trainer of the Blood Wing Wyvern all hurriedly contacted the forces behind them through the earphones.

"Support! We need support!"

The forces behind them naturally also knew the horror of Baili Yuan.

It's just that they even sent out the beasts, who else could they send to help?

Other champions are no match for this terrifying elf!

But someone had a flash of inspiration and thought of a way.

He is Taylor's immediate boss and the boss of the secret service organization.

He thought of a person who might be able to defeat Bailiyuan——

"Hurry up, send someone to invite Yuanlai Buddha!"

Well, that's right, it's Bailiyuan.

It's just the Bailiyuan of the world's strongest trainer.

Instead of Bailiyuan, the elf of light who is currently the boss at the scene.

However, the agents couldn't call the trainer Bailiyuan to come, let alone kick the door of Bailiyuan.


"I, I am willing to give you all my treasures, as well as my money and power, and let me go!" the King of the Metagross said to Bailiyuan.

Evidently, he had been dazed with fear.

Now as an elf, what does Baili Yuan want human treasures, money and power for?

Even if he really wanted it, as long as the king of the golden monster died, Baili Yuan would have countless ways to get his things.

Bailiyuan didn't talk nonsense either.

Numerous dark blue star-shaped light spots appeared around Bailiyuan, which set off Bailiyuan's cartoonish cuteness.

Someone recognized this blow.

"High-speed stars?"

To be precise, this is a high-speed star that condenses the power of moonlight.

whoosh whoosh—

A volley of high-speed stars hit the Metagros King and his super Metagros.

"Super Metagross, hold on to it!" The king of the Metagross shouted loudly.

Most trainers know a truth, that is, when you face an opponent who can't deal with it, hold on to this skill, and it will never let you down when you use it for the first time.

Allows you to survive one move undefeated.

After shouting, the King of Metagross turned around and ran away.

"As long as, as long as I can run away, and other people defeat that elf, I can live!" This is the idea of ​​the King of the Giant Metagro.

The others didn't watch the show either, and launched an attack on Bailiyuan again, because this time Bailiyuan didn't open defenses, nor did he hang the moon above his head.

This time we will definitely be able to attack Bailiyuan!

Power of the Moon (Luna Mastery): Fairy, special; condense the power of the moon, compress it and launch it, causing an attack that devours and annihilates everything. There is a certain probability that it will produce a one-hit kill effect. If the one-hit kill effect is not triggered, it will absorb part of the target's power while causing damage, greatly reducing the target's special attack, and then a second-stage explosion damage will occur; power: 200, hit: 100.

High Speed ​​Stars (Luna Mastery): General, Special; launch a meteor shower that condenses the power of the moon to attack the opponent. Attacks are guaranteed to hit. It can attack multiple targets on a large scale, and the target level is lower than that of the user, so it is easier to hit the vital points; power: 120, hit: 100.

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