Chapter 3158 Moon in Palm

The overlord Meng Yaomo watched Baili Yuan's actions from the spirit world, and instead of going mad, he watched Baili Yuan's actions quietly.

Super Geng Gui stared at the overlord Dream Demon, but his eyes swept in the direction of Bailiyuan from time to time.

All the people, ghosts, and elves in the spirit world watched the live broadcast along the passage.

Chen Hua also watched the live broadcast, seeing Bailiyuan being besieged, suddenly worried about Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan scanned the group of powerful elves surrounding him without any fear.

According to Bailiyuan's perception, more than 70% of the people in Helujia's nest are more than half black.

"That's why I don't like to use this ability to simply and roughly distinguish between good and evil."

Because it's too easy to see through a person's moral character.

The standard for judging a person may not be so simple and straightforward, but it can be done in a trial.

And as long as Bailiyuan's heart is darker, with this judgment of good and evil, it is easy to grasp those kind people and use them easily.

Evil people are all evil in their own way, and good people are all equally good.

Because that kind of beautiful quality is so noble and rare, it is called kindness.

As for the group of powerful elves surrounding Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan just felt that they were a little noisy.

Come out to hang out, powerful, strong background, large number of people?

This is indeed the case when everyone's strength is similar.

However, when there is a gap in strength, the influence, background, and number of people are all false.

In the homeland, a group of elves from Bailiyuan have begun to sharpen their claws, and they are eager to try.

But Bailiyuan didn't let his elves appear.

As I said, today is his home game.

The shield on Baili Yuan's body had been removed, and to others, it seemed that it was time for Baili Yuan's defense.

Just when the two sides were about to fight.

A man whose body was 60% white suddenly stood up with his elf, pointed at Baili Yuan, and began to condemn Baili Yuan.

"It's wrong for you to do this, it's evil. Humans should live in peace with elves. You are destroying the relationship between humans and elves! If you kill someone, you will be considered a bad elf! Don't stop!"

It would be better if this person didn't hide behind his circle bear when he accused him.

This speech like the Virgin Mary almost broke the defenses of some onlookers.

It's wrong for Bailiyuan to kill people, the villains here don't mention killing elves first.

Some people think more.

Is this person who popped up out of nowhere the real Holy Mother? Or were some people sent out to test Baili Yuan's bottom line?

Will testing Bailiyuan hurt those who are less than half black?

This person is still 40% black.

Either stupid or bad.

Bailiyuan didn't even have the idea of ​​talking to this person.

Who are you, then Cai still dare to speak out?

Without even lowering his head, Baili Yuan pointed casually, and a beam of light penetrated the body of the circle bear blocking the front, and penetrated the heart of the person who opened the mouth behind.

Startled by the circle bear penetrated by the light, it fell to the ground and began to shout.

But soon the circle bear found out.

Eh? There is no injury on the body.

Then when the circle bear turned around, he saw that his trainer's heart had been pierced, he fell to the ground and vomited blood, with an unbelievable expression on his face, and soon lost his vitality.

I can't get it for the circle bear.


I'm free?

Obviously, the relationship between this circle bear and his trainer is not as deep as imagined. The circle bear is just worried that his meal ticket is gone, and he will have a hard life in the future.

However, soon someone approached Quanquan Xiong, wanting to subdue Quanquan Xiong.

Because the circle bear looks more fierce, it doesn't look weak, and the level is indeed over sixty, it can be regarded as an elf that ordinary people can handle.

The most important thing is to pick it up for nothing. Who doesn't want it?

Soon, Quanquanxiong chose a trainer who gave the most. In this way, Quanquanxiong seamlessly changed a meal ticket, ahem, it changed a trainer.

As for the person who fell to the ground and died, Quanquan Xiong didn't even look back.

Of course, everyone dispersed quickly, after all, that mysterious elf really killed people!

However, although the atmosphere on the ground was relatively harmonious, the battle in the sky officially broke out the moment Baili Yuan started.

Those who besieged Bailiyuan felt that Bailiyuan's distraction was a good opportunity to make a move.

Boom boom boom boom——

A series of various attacks submerged Bailiyuan, and a terrifying explosion occurred.

However, when all the attacks dissipated, Baili Yuan's unscathed body was revealed, and the surroundings of Baili Yuan's body were covered with light blue spots.

This time, Baili Yuan didn't turn on the skill block, because he could see traces of being attacked on Baili Yuan's body, but with Baili Yuan's casual touch, these traces disappeared.

This scene caused the pupils of countless people to shrink sharply.

What a strong defense and special defense!

This elf is wearing a pot of pots!

Super body, ultra drive...

With the powerful blessing, Bailiyuan has a strong physical fitness.

Besides, don't forget, it's night and the moon is hanging in the sky!

Bailiyuan's moon god priesthood is conceptual, as long as it is in a space with the concept of the moon, then this space is Bailiyuan's home field!

The light blue light spot covering Baili Yuan's body is the power given to Baili Yuan by the moon of this world.

With the power given by the moon, Baili Yuan's strength actually expanded a bit.

"Is the world adaptable?" Baili Yuan knew the reason, so he was not surprised.

The adaptability of the world is the same kind of existence and power, which causes different power and manifestations in different worlds, and is affected by the rules of the world.

The most typical example is that the demons that Bailiyuan subdued in the Nine Layers Immortal Realm became monsters of demons in the Great World and Ultra Universe.

"Let's see the real power!" Baili Yuan raised his left hand, and the light blue spots around him quickly gathered above his palm, forming a blue-white ball the size of a ping-pong ball.

The ball of light is a little bright, and it looks a little cold.

There is no power of law in it, Bailiyuan uses the power that belongs to the authority of the moon god.

This is - the moon in the palm of your hand!

With the sixth sense of a woman, the premonition of an agent, and the fighting instinct of a strong man, Taylor really felt that there was something wrong with the ball in Bailiyuan's palm, and hurriedly shouted.

"Stop him!"

Then Taylor stepped on the self-explosive Magneto, and while attacking with his Monarch Snake, quietly retreated behind everyone.

Others didn't notice Taylor's small actions, including the nine beasts, which started a new round of attacks on Bailiyuan.

Sanshenyun actually recognized Bailiyuan's breath, but Sanshenyun still chose to attack Bailiyuan.

In fact, Sanshen Yun also had a small thought, that is, there are so many of them now, if they can deal with Baili Yuan, they don't have to be so afraid of Baili Yuan in the future.

Even if they can't beat Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan will beat them up at most, and they won't lose anything.

As long as the gods and beasts are not born to restrain each other, they will generally not kill each other.

When the attack came, Bailiyuan had already thrown away the mini moon in his hand.

The moon flying up into the sky was expanding rapidly. All the attacks towards Bailiyuan were attracted by the moon, drew arcs and fell on the magnified moon, and then were swallowed by the moon, causing the moon to expand further.


Everyone in the Big Apple saw it, and a huge moon appeared above the Big Apple.

A full moon also appeared in the sky, echoing the huge moon above the Big Apple City, as if there was some kind of resonance.

Some people suddenly became suspicious.

"Today, is it the night of the full moon?"

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