Chapter 3101 Scholars Organization

After wandering around the big world and the worlds of his group of friends, Bailiyuan also returned to the worlds he could travel through.

Pokémon come to the world.

Scholars Organization.

An organization established by a large number of scholars and scientists from all over the world, this organization was originally just a communication club for scholars and scientists.

There are many similar clubs.

Mostly a group of bigwigs, and researchers of various disciplines, communicate with each other, develop ideas, exchange discoveries, and small internal organizations that transmit information.

Most of the members are subject to their own beliefs and nationalities, and they can only be friends in the club, not real colleagues.

When Pokémon began to come, a group of scholars and scientists who specialized in studying elves appeared, and naturally many clubs related to them were born.

However, the difference is that the scholars and scientists in one of the clubs saw the beginning of the world's change and realized the change of the times when the Pokémon came.

——The rules and social structure of the world will be changed due to the appearance of Pokémon!

Because of the emergence of extraordinary power!

Scholars and scientists, after some exploration and discovery, they realized that a new era has come!

When a trainer can lead a group of powerful elves, then the power of the individual will surpass the collective and the country.

Even in the face of heavy firepower, the army, and the H-bomb capable of destroying the world, the extraordinary power can still contend with it.

Even the records produced from some descended relics prove that some powerful beings possess time and space, and such powers that human beings can't yet comprehend are even more capable of creating or destroying the world.

The existence of the state is illusory, relying on collective identity.

But the power is real and can be held in your hands and looted for what it takes.

In the new era, if you want to stand on the top of the waves, you can't rely solely on the country, but also follow those who have incomparably powerful talents and strengths in the cultivation and training of Pokémon, who can be comparable to the real gods!

With this belief, scholars and scientists with the same ideals and identities created the original organization of scholars.

The purpose of the scholar organization is only one, and that is to ignore the restrictions of the country and identity, find a strong enough existence, and then follow it, so as to obtain the protection of power.

Only then can you explore everything you want to discover more freely and confidently.

In order to better concentrate all talents, strength and resources, but explore and study all unknown areas of human beings.

Only then can you enter the dreamy researcher's paradise and create a ladder to lead the world to progress!

No longer subject to all oppression, exploitation and restrictions on knowledge and research.

As for the resistance at other levels, they will all give in and even surrender under the absolute power.

Those ancient systems that want to rely on violence to continue to maintain will eventually be swept into the dust.

Their pure organization is the right path!

But the question is, where is the strong?


Because the scholar organization lacked a strong person who could lead everyone at the beginning, the scholar organization was just a hidden organization and fell into a state of stagnation for a while.

Many of the members are maintaining their usual state of life, and even feel that their initial thoughts are too naive and ideal.

At that time, a group of people who were angered during the research were talking on the phone and drinking a small amount of wine. Because they drank too much, they bragged about their bullshit.

As a result, after everyone sobers up, the possibility of realizing this ideal situation is extremely slim.

Not to mention where to find that qualified trainer, many high-quality elf resources and cultivation resources are in the hands of all countries, and the most likely ones that can cultivate strong people are only countries.

At that time, won't these scholars and researchers still work for others?

What's more, Pokémon has only come for a short time. Even the most advanced elf researchers still know little about Pokémon,

However, they are an organization, scholars and researchers still have a vision, and they also secretly integrated all the research materials and all kinds of intelligence they found.

Bringing them to the forefront of research.

The problem is that the research results are afraid to come out.

A single page of research results may involve the secrets of several countries. Once exposed, everyone will have at least one label of "treason" on their heads.

Everyone is the kind of sitting, no one can escape.

In fact, some forces and countries are aware of their existence, but they have never shown too much. Others just think that this is a group of scholars and researchers with avant-garde thinking, and there is something.

Unexpectedly, they have poached the corners of many countries.

It's not that they don't like being disloyal to their country, but when they become pure scholars and researchers, what they are most loyal to is knowledge and truth.

Such a group of people is pure, but also terrifying.

Because as long as their thinking slips a bit, or the direction of research is distorted, a group of lunatics will be born that can make the world chaotic.

There is only a thin line between a genius and a lunatic.

If they don't wait for the strong person who can lead them to appear in the future, the organization in trouble will inevitably make some crazy moves in order to protect itself.

Either become a god, or become a demon.

Either completely silent, or completely insane.

Fortunately, that strong man appeared.

A child named Xiaoyuan is very young.

But very powerful!

In the world-wide competition, he single-handedly defeated the powerhouses of various countries, and also showed many special abilities, almost of which are things that have not been researched and discovered in the current study of elves.

Scholars and researchers are thrilled.

Then came the bigger surprise.

That is, this child named Xiaoyuan has already contacted a big boss in the organization, and confirmed that there is no country behind Xiaoyuan, he is a stateless person!

Fuck, academics and researchers cum in place!

Their scholar organization needs such a strong man!

It turned out perfect.

Xiaoyuan has become the world champion, has great strength, and knows many secrets. She even accepted the support of their scholar organization and became the leader of the scholar organization.

There are no scholars and researchers who just regard Xiaoyuan as a thug and a user, because they all know that strength is the foundation of everything. With strength, Xiaoyuan has become a towering tree. Their scholar organization is like an ant. They only need to follow the trunk Just climb up.

There are fruits at the top of the tree, as well as sunlight.


When the scholar organization has a real powerhouse, the scholar organization finally becomes active.

Some things they didn't dare to do, they started to do, some news they didn't dare to release, they released, some things they didn't dare to say, they said.

Scholars Organization.

Some scholars and researchers, with the help of a super power elf from Xiaoyuan, took their families and research materials, left their own countries and forces, and gathered on an uninhabited island in the sea.

Established a base of external scholarly organizations.

The remaining scholars and researchers continued to lurk in their original countries and institutions, becoming soldiers outside.


On the bustling island of scholars, Bailiyuan pointed to the island and said to Andy and Huahua behind him.

Bailiyuan: "That's right, this is the territory I have laid down in this world."

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