Chapter 3100 New 【Guardian】

The matter of the azure world has come to an end temporarily, and the remaining matters can be resolved by Jiang Chen himself.

However, Jiang Chen also said that when he finds the white tiger later, he can let Bailiyuan go to the big blue world to vent his anger on the white tiger.

After all, this ancestral witch incident was probably related to Baihu, which made Baili Yuan exhausted.

And thinking of Baihu's curvy figure, Bailiyuan fell into long-term thinking, thinking very seriously.

Jiang Chen: "Young man Xiaoyuan, what I'm talking about is for you to punch her a few times."

Bailiyuan: "Yes, I think so too."


When Bailiyuan returned to the big world, Andy had already returned to Yuncheng College.

Andy came back this time and brought back an acquaintance for Bailiyuan.


"Xiao Yuan!" Huahua picked up Baili Yuan and stuffed Baili Yuan into her chest, showing a mouthful of shark-like teeth and smiling brightly.


Bailiyuan pulled his head out of Huahua's embrace.

Looking at Huahua in surprise.

Huahua is one of the first friends Bailiyuan met in the big world.

Both of them are still in the [Guardian] organization, and there is always contact, so the relationship is naturally good.

"Huahua, have you returned from the trial?"

The trial that Huahua accepts is a trial for newcomers organized by the [Guardian].

Obviously, now Huahua has successfully passed the trial and joined the organization, and Huahua's strength has also been raised to the level of a guardian, becoming an official guardian.

Huahua is also very kind when she sees Bailiyuan.

To a certain extent, without Bailiyuan, Andy would not have noticed the little girl in that village in the snow field, and even if that little girl had a good profession and talent, he would not have taught that little girl, and Take it to join the [Guardian] organization.

"Xiao Yuan, let's go play together..."

Even after becoming a guardian, Huahua still has the way of thinking like a child.

It's not that Huahua is immature, it's just that Huahua has such talent.

Doing some things that children can do properly at ordinary times can strengthen talent.

This point is born with Huahua.

This way of thinking gives Huahua a unique talent for mood.

It is said that the half-step coat of arms makes this level, for Huahua, there is no particularly big obstacle.

Moreover, Huahua learns many powers and methods very quickly, and can use a child's rich imagination to continuously develop her abilities again.

Those who have special talents without relying on their own occupations are undeniable geniuses in the human race.

It's just that Bailiyuan and Huahua have relatively little contact, and they don't know much about Huahua's specific strength, but they can feel that Huahua shouldn't be weak at the same level.

With Huahua's request, Bailiyuan did not refuse.

"Let me tell you, I got two good things this time, come back to the house with me, and I'll show you my two big babies!"

Then Bailiyuan took Huahua back to the room to visit the two ancestral witches.

Huahua was full of curiosity about the two strange-looking ancestral witches.

Bailiyuan: "Zuwu Houtu, give Huahua the whole job, perform a so-and-so, I remember a trick called Houtu ○ Youshu."

Zuwu Houtu: "???"

Zu Wuhoutu said that she really doesn't know this, it's not in the skill list.


The chaos in the big world naturally also affected the [Guardian] organization.

[Guardian] Within the organization, all ethnic groups sent representatives to hold a meeting.

The human race went to Andy, and Andy represented all the guardians of the human race who joined the [Guardian] organization.

The biggest topic of the meeting is the way and purpose of the existence of the [Guardian] organization in the future.

【Guardian】The emergence of this organization is based on the tacit understanding among the guardians of all races and the desire to protect the alliance.

Today, however, there are few strong alliances among the various tribes.

Can strong men from different races really guarantee that they will guard the world together before protecting their own race?

the answer is negative.

Even the strong have selfishness, even more selfishness!

If you have no selfishness, you are a saint.

No, there are different types of saints, at least for saints like Andy, there is absolutely no possibility of fraternity.

This issue almost caused the [Guardian] organization to disband on the spot.

Facing the choice between the race and the world, many guardians hesitated.

Even if you are confident that you can be impartial, there is no guarantee that other people will not take advantage of this, use yourself, harm your own race, and benefit other races.

In the end, it was the leader of the [Guardian] organization, that is, the Y Demon Race powerhouse, who gave a way to reconcile the many guardians——

"The [Guardian] organization no longer considers protecting the world. It is a platform for members of Guardians of all races to communicate and communicate with each other."

It's a big problem, wouldn't it be good if you don't think about it?

This will inevitably damage the honor and mission of the [Guardian] organization.

However, most of the members of the [Guardian] organization can be retained.

Talent and strong are more important.

In fact, many strong people understand that a platform that includes strong people from all races is more suitable for the current situation than the glory and reputation of an organization.

Members can choose freely, whether to give trust and continue to use [Guardian] as a harbor, or to be alone and just use [Guardian] as a cooperation platform.

The final price, of course, has to be borne by oneself.

Such a result also brought the [Guardian] the possibility of becoming bigger and stronger.

Because doing so will lower the entry threshold for [Guardian]. A platform with many powerful people will naturally attract more powerful people.

Many members of the original [Guardian] also saw an opportunity.

That is - an opportunity to stabilize the world order.

They may be able to spread ideas through the [Guardian] to influence the powerhouses of all races, so that the powerhouses of all races can spread the ideas from top to bottom, so as to alleviate the possibility of conflicts among the various races in the world.

Or, like the racial duel at the World Conference, through the [Guardian] platform, the strong can resolve racial conflicts.

As for the internal trust issue of [Guardian].

The last possible situation is that the [Guardian] may divide into two large circles in the future.

A large circle consists of many members. The trust among many members has been established long ago. Even if it is because of the chaos of the big world, problems will not easily arise.

The other is naturally to join the circle of strong people, and it is also an important target to be influenced in the future.

These words have not been said, you know what you know, and what you don’t understand is that you haven’t thought about it.

This is also the first screening of internal members of [Guardian].

In the end, those who are aware of the truth must be like-minded partners, and they will also be truly trustworthy friends.

Apparently, Andy realized.


In a restaurant between the world, in a small private room.

"Come, eat!"

"Drink whatever you want today, the leader of the audience will pay for it!"

"Watch me show you one, three mouths and one cow."

Andy sat with Bailiyuan and Huahua with a group of guardians from other races.

Coincidentally, there are a total of seventy-two strong men of various races.

The guardians who can sit here today are the strong ones among the original [Guardians] who can understand the deep meaning of the reform of the [Guardians] and are willing to give their trust.

In the future, they will give their trust and create a new order of [Guardians] together.

Let's do our best to pursue world peace together.

They like to call themselves—

New [Guardian]!

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