Chapter 3079 Madame, you don't want to...

"How does it taste?" Baili Yuan asked with a smile.

"It's okay, two more skewers." Camille nodded, chewing on the meat skewers in her mouth, and couldn't help showing a happy smile.

Who knows why Camille, who has been transformed all over her body, suddenly feels that the kebab in her hand is delicious?

Something is wrong!

Camille looked at the kebab in her hand, her smile froze, and she became puzzled.

She seems to have reacted a little bit.

Why would I sit here eating kebabs with this kid?

What are you going to do?

It seems to be coming down, intending to kill all the onlookers, and then deal with the follow-up matters.

Then the first person I found was this kid who was here to barbecue kebabs.

"Would you like a skewer? Fresh Piltover kebabs, authentic and delicious, full of technology and liveliness~" the child asked her.

She nodded mysteriously, sat down, and took the grilled meat skewers.

This kebab also has a golden glow.

Very strange.

It seems that there is some kind of magical power that attracts her to taste this rare delicacy.

Then it's tasting time on the tip of the tongue.

Waiting for a group of members of the special forces, Caitlin, Wei, Daisy who flew here riding a dragon, and spies from the big families in the city.

when they come.

I saw Camille and Bailiyuan sitting together eating kebabs, and Bailiyuan also took out two bottles of iced Coke, each of them had a bottle, eating and drinking at the same time, so happy.

Everyone was stunned.

Because of Camille's status, no one dared to bother Camille. People who didn't know Camille were stopped by the special forces to prevent them from disturbing Camille.

Including Daisy.

The members of the special forces are loyal to Camille. Although they don't understand what Camille is doing, they feel that Lord Camille must have her reasons for doing this.

Therefore, when Camille realized it, it was already too late, and everyone had already seen her cuteness.

The society is dead.

Shy, angry!

Camille, who had replaced her heart with a Hex heart, had lived for many years, felt ashamed and angry like a little girl at this moment.

This made Camille feel even more incredible.

I actually have this kind of emotion?

This... human emotion!

In the transformation of Hex technology, when the core of Hex technology replaces the heart, then this person, as a human being, all emotions will disappear.

Once, Camille lost the ability to love others because of this.

"What did you do to me?!" Camille questioned Baili Yuan, but she didn't stop, and continued to send meat skewers into her mouth.

"Ma'am, you say you refuse, but your body is very honest?" Baili Yuan licked his lips, raised his hand and wiped Camille's cheek, "It's already so wet."

Camille saw crystals on Baili Yuan's fingers.

She raised her hand suddenly, wiped her face, and found that she was crying.

Not tears, but lubricating oil that lubricates the body in the body.

"I am..."

"You're welcome, I just helped you complete the final transformation." Baili Yuan stood up with a smile, "Although I can't help you return to your body, after all you have completely abandoned your genes, but I can help you restore your soul feelings in."

"Madam seems to have experienced a lot of sad things these years. When she recovered, the water kept flowing."

sad thing?

Camille was taken aback.

Is there anything that makes her sad?

Give up the pain of love?

The heartache of betrayal by relatives?

The loneliness of being alone?

No, this is not what she wants, she doesn't need these extra feelings!

"Change back to me!" Camille yelled at Bailiyuan, putting down the skewers.

"I don't!" Baili Yuan resolutely refused, turned around and ran away.

Camille wants to chase.

Baili Yuan turned around and said, "Madam, you don't want to make Picheng mess up!"

Camille stopped suddenly.

She suddenly remembered that what was more important at this moment was to extinguish the flames and quell the impending turmoil and chaos.

Otherwise, the later the delay, the easier it is for accidents.

As for Bailiyuan...

"You know that in Piltover, I will definitely find you!" Camille said angrily.

The difference between a human and a machine is that the machine is more accurate, and she is no longer a pure machine when she regains her feelings, which proves that she is no longer accurate, and there are flaws in her control of Piltover.

That is herself!

This secret must not be known to others.

Camille turned her head abruptly and glanced behind her.

"Kill all irrelevant people." Camille said coldly, regained her expressionless face, and gave orders to the special forces.

Special forces are loyal to her and can stay.

But those spies from other families must die!

As for Daisy...

"That girl let her go too."

Special forces alone cannot deal with Daisy and Muji. Camille believes that she needs to win over Daisy and support Daisy as the hero of Piltover, so as to rule the spirit of all residents of Piltover.

Daisy couldn't bear to see those spies being massacred, but she didn't bother.

Because at this moment, the people who can still be so close to the burning tower are definitely not ordinary people who came to watch the excitement.

This is not a peaceful world. When ordinary people in this world encounter any noise, their first reaction will definitely not be to watch the excitement, but to find a place to hide to save their lives.

Camille was very satisfied with Daisy's reaction.

"It would be better if she was a member of my family, but unfortunately..."

It is a pity that the new leader of the family supported by Camille is a young girl, and there is no marriage between young girls and young girls.

Otherwise, Camille would be able to have more in-depth cooperation and communication with Daisy.

Camille came to Daisy, and she planned to win Daisy over first.

"My name is Camille, what's your name, hero of Piltover?"

"Huh?" Daisy was taken aback.

How did I become a hero?



"Too brutal!"

Zeli said to Zach.

Because they were worried about Zaun, they all chose to venture out of the defense area, and they saw an extremely brutal scene.

Annie is running rampant in Zaun with two Tibbers.

Not to mention those subordinates of the alchemy baron who were tortured and killed, even the alchemy baron died.

Those two tibbers were extremely ferocious, they tortured the blue-skinned weirdo and werewolf with blood, and Nutrition Express controlled them both with magic.

Nutrition Express can feel that although these two are ferocious, their minds are relatively chaotic. If they can be controlled, they can become good thugs.

There is also a crab-like monster and a mouse, which showed good strength in the battle and were caught by the Nutrition Express.

Now the two tibbers are chasing a freak who's running and gassing.

Annie directly put a flame shield on the two Tibbers and burned the poisonous gas without letting the poisonous gas hurt the two Tibbers.

Zeli and Ike, who had witnessed everything, had no doubt that these two Tibbers would slap even a dog on the side of the road.

Oh, the dogs have already been beaten.

Zaun resisted, but he didn't seem to resist completely. The first wave of resistance failed to stop Annie.

Then came the second wave of resistance.

Purple poisonous mist sprayed out from the alley, sweeping like a tide, covering the two Tibbers.

Then the two Tibbers turned their heads to stare at Anne as if they had lost their minds, their eyes glowing red.

Obviously, the enemy was instigated.

Annie pouted, showing an unhappy expression.

"Nutrition Express!"

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