Chapter 3078 Camille, do you have many question marks

Daisy intervenes suddenly.

Jhin didn't like it very much.

"An unexpected actor."

Camille also hates it, but hating it is a useless emotion for Camille. She analyzes it rationally, draws conclusions, and makes judgments.

"Special forces are chasing and killing the murderer, and the idlers should retreat, otherwise they will be regarded as the accomplices of the murderer!"

This is just rhetoric.

Let this girl who appeared suddenly leave first, it would be nice if she could be an assistant.

Of course, after Jin was dealt with, Daisy should be dealt with next.

Who made her see something she shouldn't see.

As Camille expected.

When Daisy heard that Jhin was a murderer, she really changed her eyes and just stared at Jhin.

"Are you a murderer?"

"No, I'm an artist." Jhin replied with a smile.

Daisy knew that Jhin was a murderer.

"Sinner, shoot me!"

The holy dragon thunder shot!

Jhin barely dodges.

Then he was stabbed in the abdomen by Daisy's gun.


Didn't I hide all of them?

Why, would there be a second gun?

The answer is that there is no second gun, but two shots at once.

This move, whether it is one-on-one or one-to-many, is very useful.

It can attack an enemy twice at once, or it can attack two enemies at once.

Camille fell into the distance, a little surprised.

"This girl is not bad, she can directly hurt the murderer."

But it's just good, it still can't change her ending.

Camille is equally confident that when he gets close to Jhin, he can kill Jhin quickly.

Jhin was pierced through the abdomen and was seriously injured, which could not kill him, but it also made him even more crazy.

Jhin activates his final trap.

A huge lotus-shaped mechanism rose from the ruins of the theater, encompassing the entire theater.

Camille was a little surprised.

She didn't expect that Jhin had prepared such a suicide trap.

Those small institutions before, her team members would be blown into flesh and blood when they stepped on them, but this large institution, obviously the same, will completely disappear the ruins of the entire theater by then.

However, Camille did not intend to save Daisy, but quickly left the theater with the help of the hook rope, and fell to the distance to watch the final scene.

In this way, Daisy and Jhin can die together.

There was no need for her to clean up Daisy later.

In the face of danger, Daisy also yelled at the sky.



The dragon's voice sounded overhead.

Camille looked up hurriedly, and saw a giant dragon wrapped in thunder descending from the sky.

Countless thunderbolts fell, bombarding the ruins of the theater and the huge mechanism that rose up.

That mechanism was actually shattered under the thunder's bombardment.

Both Camille and Jhin were shocked.

Muji falls to shock everything.

The raging thunder and lightning also made Jhin, who was close to Daisy, feel numb.

Jhin: "Not good!"

Daisy seized this opportunity and stabbed out with a single shot.

Jhin tried his best to raise his head, and the spear pierced Jhin's mask, knocking Jhin's mask down.

And Jhin also moved his fingers with great perseverance, and pressed a button hidden at hand.


The explosion submerged Jhin and affected Daisy as well.

Daisy was caught by Muji in time and escaped the explosion.

After the explosion was over, when he looked at Jhin's location, there was only a pitch-black hole left.

This time the explosion blasted the surface, exposing the sewers of Piltover below.

Jhin was nowhere to be seen.

"Exploded?" Camille guessed.

Daisy picked up the mask on the ground, frowning.

Did the murderer who troubled Picheng really blew himself up in front of her so easily?

There is always a sense of unreality.

It didn't pierce the opponent's heart, which made Daisy feel a little uncomfortable.

It's a pity that her mental power is not good enough. Just because of the explosion, she didn't release her mental power immediately to determine Jhin's situation. After the explosion, she released her mental power to try to find Jhin, but found nothing.

Muji sensed something, but didn't say anything.

Heroes need partners and enemies.

Killer is also a good choice.

Camille saw that the battle was over, and said directly.

"Thank you for your help. I will report this matter to the council and reward you."

Only then did Daisy realize that there was an official person beside her, who hurriedly turned around and wanted to refuse.


As soon as she turned around, Daisy saw that Camille had left without any muddling or hesitation, and the direction Camille was leaving was in the direction of the burning tower.

Camille had noticed the flame before, but because of Jhin's incident, she couldn't escape, so she didn't go there immediately.

Jinx and Ziggs's destruction of Piltover is nothing. How many buildings they blow up is a matter of law and order, but if someone burns down the tower, that is a major event involving Piltover and Zaun.

If one is not careful, it will lead to war.

As for Daisy.

Ever since she saw Muji next to Daisy, Camille denied her previous consideration of killing Daisy.

Daisy saw something she shouldn't know, but her strength made her eligible to live.

Camille didn't want to offend a dragon if she didn't have to.

As for reporting to the parliament, let the parliament give rewards.

It's not up to her Camille to decide what reward to give, and the report is just a formality.

Moreover, Camille felt that a dragon might bring changes and greater benefits to Piltover.

It's time for Piltover to be marked by a hero on the bright side.


Watching Camille leave, Daisy pouted.

"I haven't said my name and home address yet."

Muji smiled.

"Haha, if she wants to investigate you, she shouldn't have any difficulty."

"That's right." Daisy nodded.

Since people want to thank her, she has no reason to refuse.

"However, what's on fire over there? It always looks familiar." Daisy also looked at the burning tower suspiciously.

"Oh, what you are familiar with may not be the burned building, but the flame that burned the building. That flame is Anne's flame." Muji said casually.

"What?!" Daisy was shocked.

what's the situation?

What is Brother Xiaoyuan doing? Why didn't you stop my sister?

My sister protects the city here and has become a hero. Why are you setting fire over there?

Do you want to change the title to outlaw lunatic?

Daisy hurriedly jumped onto Muji's dragon's back, pointed her spear in the direction of the tower, and shouted loudly: "Muji, let's go and stop my sister!"

Kiyoshi Youzai Youzai look.

Reassured: "Daisy, don't be so nervous, it might just be Annie running out to exercise."

But obviously this couldn't persuade Daisy, Muji flapped his wings and flew up.


Camille hurried to the location of the tower.

On the way here, she had already contacted her subordinates to gather them and report the situation to her at the same time.

Her subordinates are not only in Piltover, but also in Zaun.

With some hextech props, information can be transmitted remotely.

Camille landed on a tall building not far from the tower, hiding in the darkness, watching the burning and collapsed tower.

The light of the fire shone on her face.

Her expression didn't change in any way, but it made people feel the coldness on her body.

Countless questions came to her mind.

But there is no doubt that Camille absolutely wants to kill the man who set the fire.

It's just that Camille smelled a very fragrant smell at this time.

Camille looked down and saw a child squatting next to the flames of the tower, grilling a kebab.

More questions came to Camille's mind again.

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