Chapter 3071 The curtain rises gradually

It's nerve-wracking before every show, but that feeling is indispensable.


After receiving Caitlin's warning, the old housekeeper hurriedly brought Baili Yuan and others back to the villa, and asked the servants and maids of the villa to close the doors and windows, and hide at home at night, not allowed to go out.

Because of a news from Caitlin, the whole family became tense.

Because I am afraid!

Perverted killer, aren't you afraid?

Valoran is not absolutely safe. Even in Piltover, it is not unusual for murders to disappear. If they are killed, the murderer may not be found. Besides, if everyone is killed, everything else is useless.

"Don't worry, Mom and Dad, I have dealt with perverted killers during my training before, and I will protect you!" Daisy directly drew out her dragon spear with a righteous look on her face, not joking.

Daisy's dragon spear has now turned golden, with a dragon tattooed on it, which looks like a holy master.

Because the soul of the Holy Lord has been forged and sealed in the gun by Nutrition Express and Muji, making this golden gun into a dragon gun with a dragon soul.

Although the two dragons no longer have their god positions, it is still easy to handle the remnant soul of a Holy Master.

And through forging, the dragon soul is sealed in the gun, which not only increases the power of the gun, but also prevents the lord from escaping.

Daisy was even able to use the dragon spear to control part of the remaining power of the Holy Lord's dragon soul.

For example - black air magic!

Who says warriors can't use magic?

Daisy herself is also a spear soldier of the high-level coat of arms. In fact, her strength is going to surpass Diana.

It's just that she didn't participate in the ranking.

After all, the cultivation and resources that Daisy received are even more special and cannot be replicated.

Not everyone has the opportunity to be raised by the two former gods since childhood.

When Daisy drew out the dragon spear, everyone in the room had different expressions.

Nutrition Express laughed casually, but still nodded in approval, and Muji laughed loudly, expressing that this is the aura that a real fighter should have.

Annie twitched her delicate little nose, thinking in her heart, even if the perverted killer came, it would not be enough for her to beat her, so how could it be the turn of this stinky little sister? Annie has now entered the level of a first-level guardian, but she never shows it in front of outsiders.

Don't ask, asking is Annie's cheating. Her strength doesn't come from wanting to be strong, but from her innate nature. After awakening, she is out of control and unstoppable.

And after getting two Tibbers, Annie's strength increased even more rapidly.

Daisy's parents were both moved by Daisy's attitude and worried that Daisy would be in danger. If possible, they hoped that Daisy would not encounter a perverted killer and be safe forever.

Shirley and Sazi sat watching.

The butler and the servants said that as expected of the second lady of the master's family, the weapons used were all pure gold.

As for Baili Yuan, when he saw the Dragon Spear, he felt the soul of the Holy Master in it, and suddenly thought of some secrets about the world he lived in that Ah Fu had told him during the chat before.

The world where Ah Fu lives pays attention to the balance between good and evil.

When a demon appears, a hero will follow, and when the hero becomes stronger, the demon will also grow.

So the heroes of this world, the best way to deal with evil is to seal.

Unfortunately, Ah Fu was classified into the evil camp.

With the growth of Ah Fu and the beating of Jackie Chan later, the evil camp in the world became stronger.

The balance between good and evil must be restored again.

However, before Jackie Chan and others grow up, Ah Fu keeps sending away things on the dark side, such as spells, ghost troupes...

In the end, he sent the Holy Master away directly.

Let the total amount of good and evil in the world forcibly restore the balance again.

Later, Ah Fu left his own world, the power of the evil camp was greatly weakened, and new demons would be born.

Unexpectedly, Ah Fu will occasionally return to his own world to rest for a while, and he will clean up some new small evils, just like cutting leeks, and once again make room for himself, the big evil, in the evil camp.

This not only ensures the balance between good and evil, but also ensures that everything is under Ah Fu's control.

That's right, the evil camp can't do any big things, and the justice camp can't get huge growth, and there will be a strong man comparable to Ah Fu.

World Peace.

Whether the world is chaotic or not, Brother Fu has the final say.

But this kind of peaceful atmosphere is quite liked by the justice camp. Jackie Chan can also do his favorite archaeological work in peace, but his niece Xiaoyu said that life is no longer exciting and too boring.

Another time before, she found Ah Fu, pestered him to become a teacher, and wanted to go out with Ah Fu to kill the Quartet during the summer vacation, which was regarded as a summer vacation social practice.

Ah Fu decisively refused.

Mere Xiaoyu, you're not senior Xiaoyuan, do you really think you can make waves in other worlds?


Today's Picheng is extremely peaceful.

Today's Picheng is a bit noisy.

Most of the chambers of commerce and residents were notified about the perverted killer and dared not go out at night.

The reason for spreading the news is because the perverted killer committed some tragedies that were serious in the past, and things can no longer be covered up.

Some insiders even prefer to call that perverted killer—a murderer!

The way the other party killed was extremely cruel, but full of cruel art.

This is no ordinary killer.

Moreover, the target of the other party does not seem to have many common characteristics.

At first, there were a few Ionians, then there were merchants from Shurima, and then there were locals from Piltover... Finally, the higher-ups in Piltover paid attention to this murderer.

The people of Picheng were afraid of being victimized, so they hid at home at night and dared not go out.

Not afraid of death means that life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, let's drink this glass of wine first!

After all, people who don't drink too much are generally not so stupid.

The city fell into darkness and silence early on. Only the law enforcement officers were either under the lights or in the dark, constantly walking through, looking for clues and suspicious people.

Today's Picheng seems to have become a stage shrouded in curtains.

There was darkness and silence before the curtain opened.

The eyes behind a pure white mask watched everything quietly, and then disappeared into the darkness.

It is often not power that causes fear, but ways and means.

The woman who stepped on the sharp blade seemed to have a sense, and scanned the dark place, but only saw an empty corner.

A hook line shot out, and the woman's figure disappeared.

Agents have been dispatched.


Even Zaun had heard that something had happened to Piltover.

Many people in Zaun said it was really interesting and they were all watching.

There are still many Zaun people who are secretly investigating whether this person who caused fear in Picheng is an outsider, or a person from Zaun who is taking revenge on Picheng.

This has happened before, and it still exists now.

Zaun's hostility towards Picheng is natural, and naturally there are many Zaun people who want to bring chaos to Picheng.

While Piltover was in trouble, someone lit a firework.

"The meaning of Jinx is Jinx (bad luck, bad luck, unknown person)!"

A missile was shot from the lower city to the upper city, and then rushed into the sky. A girl and a yordle, riding the missile, made their debut.

Missiles exploded in the sky, bringing fireworks and brilliance.

For this performance, kicked off the prelude.

There was laughter in the sky.

"I'm a lunatic, I have a doctor's certificate, hahahaha..."

"Blow it up!"

In the darkness, there was a voice with a smile.

"The big curtain, gradually rising."

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