Chapter 3070 Perverted Killer

The strength of Piltover does not come from military power, but from extensive trade cooperation and thinking ahead of the times.

Pilt City is located on a cliff adjacent to the city of Zaun, overlooking the sea, and fleets of ships pass through its huge bay mouth, loaded with goods from all over the world.

This includes food, art, magical creations, and even pets.

"If you want to go to other parts of the mainland, you can also take a casual boat at the port here." At the port, the housekeeper introduced the situation of Picheng to Baili Yuan and others, and this time Baili Yuan also followed.

Now Bailiyuan and the others are like a sightseeing group to Picheng, and Shirley also raised the flag according to the occasion.

"If it's travel, there are special cruise ships that can go to some cities and regions that are suitable for sightseeing."

"If you want to do business in other areas, or go on a journey or take risks, it is recommended to spend some money and take a merchant ship. Not only is the ticket cheap, but the speed is also fast, but the comfort level is much worse. You also need to act as a merchant ship's guard in critical moments. .”

"You know, there are also bandits on the waterway."

The butler knows everything, and it can be seen that the knowledge reserve, at least about Picheng, is definitely enough.

"These are mentioned in the adventure travel notes written by the explorer Ezreal who set out from Piltover. He occasionally returns to Piltover to publish his own travel notes and help the people of Piltover to broaden their horizons."

"He is recognized by everyone in Piltover as the greatest explorer!"

When Baili Yuan heard Ezreal's name, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Ezreal is also from Piltover, so if he wears Ezreal's skin, can he pretend to be Ezreal in Piltover?

How about adding some special content to Ezreal's adventure legend?

By the way, take away Ezreal's royalties?

The travel notes published by Ezreal naturally have a manuscript fee. According to the butler, the sales are not bad.

After all, Ezreal is also a human being, and going out to explore requires money, so he naturally wants to find some ways to make money.

Bailiyuan said that he wanted to collect the explorer's money, so that the explorer had no money to receive.

Fortunately, in the end, Bailiyuan realized that it was useless for him to ask for Valoran's money, so Ezreal escaped.

What happened to the righteous people of light?

Can righteous and bright people not have a flexible moral bottom line?

Moreover, Bailiyuan doesn't really want to transform into Ezreal in Valoran, after all, Ezreal is not without enemies.

Bailiyuan still remembered that when he traveled through time and space wearing the skin of the future warrior of Ezreal, he was hit in the knee by a bullet fired from nowhere and fell into the time and space of Valoran.

The bullets fired from the space-time channel are absolutely impossible to be stray bullets and accidental injuries.


The wealth brought by seaborne trade has brought unprecedented impetus to the growth of Pilt City. Pilt City has been carrying out revolutionary innovations, creating a city of wealth and dreams.

The Start-up Chamber of Commerce has funded the development of amazing new territories: a grand potpourri of art, obscure hextech research, and monumental buildings that symbolize their power.

With more and more inventors voraciously pursuing cutting-edge hextech knowledge, Piltover has become a natural magnet for craftsmen from all over the world.

The housekeeper brought Bailiyuan and others to the technology center of Picheng.

It is also a center of invention and creativity.

- Workshop of Clock Academy!

Those who study at the Yodel Academy of Science and Progress expect to graduate with a successful education and an invention workshop of their own here.

A large number of inventors gathered here, with the best scientific research environment in Piltover, bringing countless inventions to Piltover, and promoting the progress and development of Piltover.

This is also where capital gathers.

If you want to invent, you cannot do without money, and you need a lot of money.

Those wealthy chambers of commerce and families will invest in the inventors here, and then reap the inventions to make their chambers of commerce and families go further.

And because the needs of Piltover are mainly the needs of the chamber of commerce and the family, the inventions and creations that are mainly researched in this workshop are almost all the creations of sea technology.

Hextech is a new and unexpected fusion of magic and technology, used to create beautiful artifacts that can be used by anyone, not just for the arcanely gifted few.

Energy, weapons, daily life, bio-transformation... the shadow of Hextech can be seen in all aspects.

And hextech also exists in Zaun in the lower city.

"The integration of technology and magic, isn't that what Caroline is doing?" Bailiyuan said involuntarily.

"It's not the same." Caroline denied, "There is only Hextech in Piltover, and I have more choices and fusion options!"

The fusion of technology and magic can only be regarded as one of the researches and one of the choices for Caroline. To be precise, what Caroline is doing is the fusion of the technological side and the mysterious side.

Bailiyuan's battle suit and armor are the pinnacle of her production so far.

But for Caroline, there is room for improvement.

Those formations engraved on the battle armor still exist, which proves that the fusion is not complete and perfect.

Because Caroline encountered some bottlenecks.

This bottleneck cannot be broken through by studying the various forces at hand. Caroline needs to contact and study new forces.

But it doesn't include hextech.

Caroline has already understood the technology and magic in Hex technology, and she can even easily copy it and research more and better ones.

After all, Anne and Daisy's home has a lot of electrical appliances with Hex technology, and Caroline can crack the technology with just a little research.

"The fusion of technology and magic is not a wrong path, the premise is that the researchers will not go astray." Caroline finally said.

"I hope so."


After some visits, Bailiyuan and the others saw the scene of a city in another world.

The buildings in Picheng are extraordinarily tall and magnificent, highlighting the exquisite and artistic sense.

Art statues can be seen everywhere on the streets, and even many technological creations are quite artistic and appear in the city.

The chambers of commerce on both sides of the street all highlight wealth.

Most of the residents who come and go are well-dressed, smiling, and well-bred.

"The brilliance brought by abundance, the darkness hidden in the light, evolution and art coexist." Shirley commented.

Baili Yuan sighed, "It's so damn good to be rich!"

"..." The butler hesitated to speak, and finally found out that what Baili Yuan said was really fucking right.

Money is good.

See what life is like in Piltover.

Let's see what kind of life Zaun has.

Perhaps, this gap will change in the future, but it is definitely not a simple matter.

The butler took everyone to visit Picheng, not only to show Bailiyuan and others, but also to let Daisy and Annie get acquainted with the city where they will live in the future.

Daisy has fallen in love with the city of Piltover.

Annie felt that they had never been there, but she could only learn from a few words that Zaun in the lower city was more interesting to her.

If you can struggle in chaos and darkness, why not dance in flames?

"Housekeeper, let's go to Zaun." Annie said to the housekeeper.

The butler immediately didn't know what to do.

"But, miss, it's already evening, this..." the butler hesitated.

Not to mention it was evening, even at other times, the housekeeper didn't want to go to Zaan.


No dogs go!

But today he is entertaining guests, and Annie is still the master's daughter, so she doesn't seem to be very talkative.

After the housekeeper hesitated for a while, Annie pouted.

It was about to throw Tibbers at someone.

The housekeeper's cold sweat immediately flowed down.

Fortunately, someone appeared and relieved the housekeeper.

Still an acquaintance.

It's Caitlin.

Caitlin was wearing a police uniform, with a gun on her back, stopped a few people, and came from a distance.

"Is it you?"

When she came to the crowd, seeing that there were old people, women, and children in the team, and there were only two perverted strong men, Nutrition Express and Muji, Caitlin frowned and reminded.

"It's getting dark, go home early, a perverted killer came to Piltover recently, the night in Piltover is very dangerous now!"

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