I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 306 Spider Lair

On the other side, Bailiyuan hung up the phone, frowning and lost in thought.

If Bailiyuan's predictions are correct, Mary, maybe, probably, might have been caught by the Spider Girl.

After all, Spider-Girl was the only one arresting people in Akamoy during this time.

As for whether he was kidnapped or robbed of money and sex... Ha ha.

If it was really that simple, Shedu would not have called himself, but would have come to the door with a knife and hacked people.

The reason why Shedu came to notify himself may be because Shedu could not find out the other party's trace and identity. This matter cannot be solved simply, and the matter is not that simple.

In order to concentrate on investigating this matter, Shedu couldn't take care of himself, so he let himself stay in the library, just in case.

After figuring this out, Bailiyuan also had the same question as Shedu——

"Don't girl spiders only catch men?"

It wouldn't be a surprise that Shedu was taken away by Bailiyuan, but what happened to the arrest of Mary?

Is the pinup spider already blind to this extent?

"But no matter what, let's find Mary and the girl spider first." Bailiyuan took out the communicator and let the elves start to pay attention to the girl spider.

After all, according to the information obtained from the female shield warrior, the girl spider is likely to be active in the Shadowless Building.

Caroline also turned on the detection function, looking for traces related to spiders.

Bailiyuan also temporarily gave up the idea of ​​attacking gold-level enemies, but began to concentrate on searching for traces related to spiders.

With such a big piece of meat as Mary, it would take some time even to eat it. Bailiyuan felt that as long as he was fast enough, he might be able to rescue Mary before she was eaten, and he might be able to save her life. Let her live another five hundred years.


"Look at the early spring, the branches are bustling, the petals are in good color, and my sister is even more shy..."


Bailiyuan stopped Caroline's BGM.

"Can we be serious, now we're looking for a girl spider, be serious."

"People always feel nervous before fighting the boss, I think you need to calm down..." Caroline said.

"No, thank you." Baili Yuan covered his face helplessly.


Caroline's intelligence is getting higher and higher, but Caroline still can't get rid of the system's judgment process, and her judgment of things is very mechanical, and because of Caroline's intelligence growth, there are some problems with her intelligence judgment.

Today's Caroline's artificial intelligence is in the imitation stage, but sometimes, if you follow the gourd, you can only draw more and more black.

If Bailiyuan is the kind of talent who understands artificial intelligence, he can still guide Caroline, but now Bailiyuan can only tell Caroline right or wrong. As for other aspects, Caroline needs to explore and grow by herself. .

Bailiyuan led the team to continue the search.

Although Bailiyuan didn't trouble other people anymore, the others would not let Bailiyuan go.

Bailiyuan knocked a soldier unconscious with a blank face, and then touched the silver egg on the opponent's body.

With this easter egg, Bailiyuan has already got twelve silver eggs.

Although it seems to have gained a lot, in order to deal with the sudden appearance of opponents, Baili Yuan's search did not go very smoothly.

Bailiyuan could only take the elves to investigate a little bit, hoping to find some valuable clues.

The big needle bee found something strange and contacted Bailiyuan.

Soon, Bailiyuan joined the Big Needle Bee.

Baili Yuan looked at the spider web in front of him and frowned.

"Are you sure there is something wrong with this spider web?" No matter how Baili Yuan looked at it, this spider web was very ordinary, only the size of a few palms, and it was impossible for a girl spider to form such a large web bar.

Big Needle Bee nodded, indicating that this is a woman's intuition, um, it can also be said to be a premonition of a bug!

Because of the bug's premonition, the big needle bee instinctively felt that there was something wrong with the spider web.

In fact, in a dark place like the Shadowless Building, it is not surprising to see spider webs.

After all, the Wuying Building is open to the outside world, and no one has cleaned it all year round. It is normal for two spiders to come in and make a home here.

Ordinary people would not find it strange to see spider silk in the Shadowless Building, but it would be strange if there were none, and at that time, they should be vigilant, because someone might just pass by here.

But since the big needle bee thinks there is a problem here, Bailiyuan thinks he should check it out.

Bailiyuan's superpowers were scattered all around, but nothing useful was detected.

At this time, the big needle bee suddenly swung the poisonous needle and shattered the spider silk.

The moment the needle bee broke the spider silk, Bailiyuan felt something start to move within the area covered by his super power.

Bailiyuan sensed it with super power, it was a little spider.

It may be because Bailiyuan broke the spider web and disturbed the little spider. The little spider crawled to the distance and disappeared into the darkness.

"Catch up!!!" Bailiyuan immediately locked onto the little spider with superpowers, and then followed.

Although the little spider looks ordinary, Bailiyuan didn't use super power to scan the little spider before the little spider started to move. Moreover, the little spider was some distance away from the spider web, as if hiding on purpose.

This little spider has a problem!

This is Bailiyuan's judgment!

"Everyone, look around for any spider webs." Baili Yuan contacted the other elves, and then followed the little spider closely. The speed of the little spider was faster than Baili Yuan imagined.

During the trail, Bailiyuan paid attention to the spider webs that he had ignored before.

It was found that although these spider webs looked messy, there must be one or more spider webs at intervals along the way.

While following the little spider, Bailiyuan also put away his staff and put on a pair of sabers.

The stinky flowers and gas bombs were already put away by Bailiyuan, and with the big needle bee, Bailiyuan followed closely behind the little spider.

Caroline also began to switch to a mode more suitable for Bailiyuan's battle. A helmet appeared on Bailiyuan's head. Caroline quickly analyzed the surrounding situation along the way, and then reported the analyzed situation to Bailiyuan.

Finally, the little spider crawled into a building, and Bailiyuan and Big Needle Bee stopped in their tracks.

Although the building in front of him looked as dark and quiet as the other buildings, there were many cobwebs outside the building.

Bailiyuan looked around.

"where is this place?"

"Because there is no map, we can only confirm that this is the southern part of the Shadowless Building." Caroline's voice appeared.

On the other side, the big needle bee rubbed its poisonous needle and sent a warning to Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan squinted his eyes and looked at the building in front of him.

"Is it here?"

Bailiyuan took out the detector, and was surprised to find that there were four golden eggs in the building in front of him! There are more than 20 silver eggs and bronze eggs in total!

Bailiyuan suddenly suspected that he didn't chase the little spider here, but the little spider deliberately led him here.

There is likely to be a trap waiting for you ahead!

This is very scheming.


Bailiyuan narrowed his eyes, and patted Caroline's pile of responses on his chest.

"Caroline, shout out!"



The August monthly ticket renewal is over, and there is no more owed renewals. The September monthly ticket renewal will be carried out in October, and one hundred monthly tickets will be renewed. It’s all right~

Made a problem before! Spiders are not insects, they have been changed...crying...

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