Chapter 305 You don’t understand philosophers at all

Bailiyuan is not only dealing with ninjas, but also wary of possible "girl spiders".

Although it wasn't too difficult for Bailiyuan to deal with silver-level people, but the opponent was in the dark, making it more troublesome for Bailiyuan to deal with.

Looking at the seven bronze eggs and the seven silver eggs in the space, Baili Yuan nodded.

Perhaps, I should try to attack a gold-ranked opponent.

Through the communicator, Bailiyuan also roughly understood the situation of the elves at this time. The elves are either in a team or traveling alone, but they have also experienced several battles at this time, with wins and losses, and the receipt is not bad. good.

The most important thing is that the elves said that this kind of battle makes them very interesting, and they have gained a lot.

Those who fight against the elves can tell from the equipment on the elves that the elves have owners. If they lose after the battle, they will honestly give out "rewards". Even if they win, it will not be too much , after all, the elves are just contract beasts, not real masters.

Apart from easter eggs, the elves have gained a lot.

Bailiyuan was not the only one who trained contracted beasts to act alone, but other heraldry envoys also had this idea.

For example, the flame chicken encountered an enemy who was also a contracted beast, and the final outcome was that the flame chicken kicked the opponent unconscious.

Today, in terms of fighting, the closest thing to Leo is the flame chicken. Leo is good at kicking skills, and so is the flame chicken. Although there are still many flaws in Leo Fei's unique kicking technique, it cannot be denied that this move has directly raised the flame chicken's strength to a new level.

Even if the level is lower, the flame chicken can send the opponent to spiral into the sky and explode with one kick.

However, in Wuyingzhidong, there is no need to use this trick.

Not only the flame chicken, whether it is Bailiyuan or other people who are active in Wuyingzhidong, although they seem fierce in the battle, they will never use their cards lightly.

The fight was fierce, but the ultimate move was not yet released. It was talking about the situation of fighting in the Shadowless Building.

After all, everyone is here to gain experience and train, and they are not life and death enemies, so what are you trying to do?

Generally speaking, the two sides in the battle will stop at the end, unless the two sides play a real fire.

Even Bailiyuan didn't use super powers and other abilities, and used more fighting skills.

In the constantly tense battles, Bailiyuan's fighting skills became even more proficient after being honed in.

Training and fighting with elves and Fengyuan, although the pressure is high and the improvement is not small, but compared with the real battle, it still lacks the feeling of being on the scene.

Bailiyuan reckons that if he doesn't use other abilities, with a level 60 physical fitness and a fighting level, he can completely face most Pokmon below level 50.

Although Bailiyuan belongs to the Ultra clan, but it is still in its infancy. If it is an adult, Bailiyuan of the same level can completely crush the Pokmon of the same level.

For this, Bailiyuan was also very helpless.

Bailiyuan felt that maybe he should try to find a way to grow up quickly.

But Bailiyuan just thought about this kind of thing, the evolution and growth of organisms are difficult to reverse, and the problem of making oneself grow rapidly is no less difficult than solving one's own genetic defects.

Even after looking up the materials in the library for four or five days, Baili Yuan still had no clue.

When Bailiyuan was about to attack the first gold-ranked enemy, Shedu suddenly called.

"Hello? Teacher, what's the matter?"

"Miss Mary is missing." Although Shedu's tone was still calm, Bailiyuan could feel the heaviness in Shedu's voice.

"What?" Bailiyuan was taken aback.

Mary is missing?

"Miss Mary came back very late today. Later, Muji and I searched along the route of Miss Mary's daily activities, and finally found Miss Mary's shopping bag and wallet in a small alley, but Miss Mary was not found. I have already I have notified the guards. I am going to find Miss Mary. Muji also decided to follow me. The time for us to go back is temporarily delayed. You should not leave the library during this time. Akamoy is a bit uncomfortable. I will contact you personally about this matter. Dean Andy, I will let you know if there are any specific arrangements, above." Shedu explained what happened, and then told Baili Yuan, but hung up the phone in a hurry without giving Baili Yuan time to speak.

At this time, Shedu and Muji were in the alley where Mary's accident happened, with the guard's detectives on one side, and Muji, who was completely naked, was also stopped by two guards.

"Sir, please come back to the guard with us."

"It would be better if you could put your clothes on first!"

"You don't understand philosophers at all." Muji.

"But we think you're more of a pervert."

Shedu: "..."

Shedu ignored the noisy Muji and the guards, but frowned and looked around.

Mary's status is not ordinary. Although her combat power is not good, she is not an ordinary person. Mary is a winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award. You can also eat well in society.

Mary had an accident suddenly, and the impact would not be small.

Not only did Shedu think of this, but so did the captain of the guard.

"Mr. Shedu, after detection, it should be the legendary 'girl spider'." The captain of the guard walked to Shedu and said with a serious expression.

"Girl spider?" Shedu frowned. Of course he knew the legend of the girl spider, but...

"Isn't the girl spider only shooting at men?" Shedu looked at the captain.

The captain, however, shook his head.

"That's not the case, Mr. Shedu, according to our latest statistics, we found that the targets of girl spiders are not divided into men and women, but there are fewer women, and the targets are often alleys or relatively remote areas. There are not many women who will go to these places for activities." The captain said, the meaning is obvious, there are not many women in these places, and there are naturally fewer targets.

Shedu's expression became more serious.

"However, the good news for the time being is that at present, there is no report of the death of the person who was taken away. They are just missing, and there is a possibility of being rescued." The captain comforted.

"The longer the delay, the greater the danger." Shedu shook his head and said.

"I'm sure you can rest assured that our guards have already touched the girl spider's tail. Next, we only need to determine the exact location of the girl spider to catch it."

"Where is the other party?" Shedu asked.

"There are many possible hiding places for the other party, but after screening, the most likely place for the other party to hide is—the north of the city, Old Street!"

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