Chapter 2983 saint, witch

Andy is fighting Angie.

The battle between them was as fierce and direct as ever.

As long as it can kill the opponent, even if it is grabbing the chest or slapping the mouth, they are willing to use it.

The battle between the saint and the witch is like a battle between Yin and Yang.


"Demon Seed!"

"Saint Domain!"

"Demon Seed Domain!"

"Core Sacred Heart of Saints!"

"Core Demon Seed Demon Heart!"

In the end, it was the mark of the world that both of their brows lit up.

But the difference is that the world imprint between Andy's brows has a lower brightness. As a hero inheritor, Andy can inspire the power of the world imprint, but at this time her world imprint has not been fully awakened, and she can only use part of the power of the world imprint forcibly.

It is also stronger than the former Bailiyuan. The former Bailiyuan only possessed the imprint of the world, but was not a hero inheritor. Without the power of a hero, he could not actively stimulate the power of the imprint of the world.

On the other hand, on An Qi's side, the imprint of the world between her brows is very bright.

This is the performance of completely mastering the imprint of the world!

Andy already knew that An Qi had a world mark.

When An Qi appeared, and when she attacked Yuncheng, she showed the mark of the world imprint, but at that time Andy didn't know what the world imprint was.

It wasn't until Andy also obtained the world mark that he knew the existence of the world mark and the power of the world mark.

I also understand that An Qi at that time may not have fully awakened the imprint of the world.

Because if An Qi had fully awakened the world imprint at that time, Andy believed that she would never be a match for Angie who had the world imprint at the same level.

Angel in the past was the same as Andy now. The world imprints were all in a semi-awakened state, and they could only use the power of the world imprints to a certain extent.


"An Qi doesn't have the power of a hero. What kind of power did she use to activate the power of the world imprint? And where did she get the world imprint?"

To obtain the world mark, Andy only knows three ways.

One is the inheritance of heroes on the racial floor.

The second is the heroic inheritance of the heroic stone statues.

The third is, as Bailiyuan told her, because of certain channels, she has come into contact with the origin of the world.

The first two are unlikely.

Most likely the third case.

It's just where An Qi came into contact with the origin of the world, and why is it different from Baili Yuan's situation? How can the power of the world imprint be driven without the power of a hero?

"The most important thing is, what is her world imprint?"

Although he had doubts in his heart, the strength in Andy's hands did not weaken in any way, and he did not hesitate for a moment.

Once An Qi was able to develop the power with the help of the world imprint, and now Andy can also develop it with the help of the world imprint!

In the past, An Qi used the power of the world imprint to develop a special form, which changed her moves and even her core abilities.

Seeing that Andy stimulated the power of a hero, the power of a hero stimulated the power of the imprint of the world, and Andy's appearance began to change.

Platinum lines emerged on the surface of Andy's skin, wrapped around her body, setting her off extremely noble and holy.

The wine-red wavy hair also turned into smooth platinum hair.

If it was said that Angel used to be in the form of a witch, then what Andy is now in is the form of a saint!

Andy opened his eyes, the pupils of both eyes were pure white, surrounded by a platinum ring.

The core is integrated into the body, and the saint's sacred heart is completely transformed into a "sacred heart".

The ancient well is not disturbed, and the sky is not shocked.

This is Andy's state at this time.

His face is expressionless, as if he has seen through the causal cycle of everything.

There is nothing in the world to move him.

It also seems to be a puppet that has no human heart and exists purely as a holy object.

An Qi looked at Andy's transformation, showing a strange smile, and her appearance also changed, with purple lines wrapped around her body, turning into a witch form with charm and evil spirit.

A demon heart beats in her chest.

Like a seductive monster.

Andy raised his hand, and the power of the halo emerged, wrapped around her wrist, and radiated light, covering An Qi.

Angie did the same.

The halo abilities of the two are the same, originally they were both - the anti-magic halo and the anti-defense halo.

At this moment, it has changed to the ability of "lose all defense".

Whether it is physical defense or energy defense, they will lose their effectiveness.

An Qi opened the domain again, this time An Qi's domain has been transformed into the "Magic Domain".

Andy didn't show any weakness, and transformed into the field of "Holy Field".

The two fields have diametrically opposite forces, which cannot be superimposed. Once in contact, there will be fierce conflicts, causing continuous explosions around them.

The lower part of the area where the two are located is also divided into two opposite areas because of the contest between the two fields.

Andy attacks.

Branch skill - verdict of truth!

Now it can be strengthened, and its name is - Apocalypse Vow!

"At this moment, the apocalypse comes!"

Andy raised his hand and grabbed it, the sky split open, and beams of light with punitive power fell from the sky.

The power of cause and effect has locked on An Qi.

This blow is inevitable!

"Heh." An Qi smiled lightly, "The warm-up is over, and we've had enough fun."

The power of the apocalypse oath drowned An Qi, but it failed to hurt An Qi's body.

Andy watched this scene, and finally there was a wave of fluctuation on his expressionless face.

The power of the witch easily resisted the power of the apocalypse oath. To An Qi, the power of the apocalypse oath was like cold water sprayed from a shower.

It made people shiver, but it did not pose any threat.

In the past, Andy might have had the opportunity to face An Qi, who had not yet fully awakened the power of heraldry, by virtue of her talent and ability.

But Andy, who has not fully awakened the power of the world imprint at this moment, will definitely not be able to face An Qi who has fully awakened the power of the world imprint!

In front of An Qi, Andy has no chance at all!

"Sister, your power is so weak to me, like gravel."


A more powerful wave of power erupted from An Qi's body, directly dissipating the power of the apocalypse oath.

This force also forced Andy back, instantly destroying Andy's domain and moves, making the surroundings shrouded in the power of the witch, covering the sky and the sun.

"Andy, the power I have come into contact with over the years is something that you cannot touch in the human race. You have long been left behind by me. It is better to wake up once after years of penance. Now I will completely trample you on the ground." underfoot!"

Angie smiled charmingly.

The power of the world imprint is fully stimulated.

A phantom slowly emerged behind An Qi.

The power of the imprint of the world inspires and manifests Angel's essence as a witch.

The phantom is a woman whose face cannot be seen clearly, simple and plain, but under her feet, there are numerous corpses, the flesh and blood corpses of countless living beings are spliced ​​and glued together in a twisted and disgusting way.

"I am, the witch who devours everything!" An Qi smiled lightly.

A magic star lights up in the witch's phantom, and An Qi's appearance gradually returns to normal, but there is a witch's power connected to the magic star.

In the end, a battle suit flew out from the magic star and attached to An Qi's body.

The battle suit and skirt set off the perfect figures of An Qi and Andy, and the phantom of the witch is integrated into the battle suit, fully activating the power of the battle suit.

Evil and evil surrounded her with a malice that devoured all.

"Become strong, protect the human race, protect the church, stop joking!" An Qi smiled evilly, and stretched out her hand to Andy, "The witch can only be completed after devouring the saint!"

"A witch is made!"

The body of Andy who was repelled suddenly trembled, and the boundless evil and darkness swallowed all the light in her vision.

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