Chapter 2982 Chaos

There are still strong people on the island of heroes who failed to return to the vicinity of the Dome Tower in time to join the strong people of other races.

Also haunted by monsters.


Under the Tower of Light, the various clans united by the Bright Moon Elf clan also formed an alliance to defend against the enemy together.

It was still very hard before, but when the strong men of other races returned, and the strong men of the Ten Holy Race appeared, the pressure suddenly became less.

From the previous main force to defend against the enemy, it became a super soldier.

Defense Tower YYDS!

The powerhouses of the Ten Saints are responsible for leading them back to the Island of Heroes, and they are responsible for besieging and killing the monsters that the powerhouses leaked to them.

The strong disdain to kill monsters, they kill, the strong disdain to defend against attacks, they defend, in short, the strong have leg hair, 6666.

The human race was taken away by Andy because of its representatives and clansmen, so there were only elite strongmen and two second-level guardians leading the team, so they could fight to their heart's content.

It's just that they can't return to the Tower of Skylight, and can't understand the situation inside the Tower of Skylight, so that everyone realizes that there are changes inside the Tower of Skylight, and they are worried, but they can only solve the immediate predicament first.

Huo Chaofan smashed a monster's head with one punch, and his body was covered in blood, but his eyes fell in the direction of the Skylight Tower from time to time.

"Xiaoya, what happened? How are you doing now? With Senior Xiaoyuan here, you shouldn't be in danger."

Other races are not always dragging their families along, and some have arranged for representatives and ordinary clansmen to leave in advance. After all, everyone is not a fool, and other races can think of things that the human race can think of.

Other races may not have Galatron, but they also have the means of Tibetans and guarantors.

During the battle, a group of Little Red Riding Hoods approached the Terrans.

Oh, no, it's the representatives and guardians of a group of blood red goblins.

Johnson looked at the group of blood-red goblins who looked like children in front of him, and was a little puzzled: "I don't know why the blood-red goblins are looking for my human race?"

It was Qiu Qiu who came out to answer.

"Well, I know Xiaoyuan from the human race, he is our family's great injustice... a big customer, I have a good sense of him, so I want to join forces with the human race."


You definitely weren't talking about "big customers" before you changed your tune, right?

Xiaoyuan, do you mean the guardian of Bailiyuan? When did he get in touch with the blood red elves? It really cannot be underestimated.

However, if the blood red elves join forces with the human race, using the blood red elves' explosive means can indeed be of great help to the human race.

"Okay, I agree. Now that the guardian of Bailiyuan is not here, you can follow the human race first. I hope our two races can join forces to fight against the enemy."


A group of child-like blood-red goblins cheered.

It makes Johnson feel like he's trying to coax kids in kindergarten.

In fact, although the blood red goblins have mastered powerful explosives, most of them are not good at fighting.

Can you expect a technical nerd to give someone a set of lightning five whips?

Even if the blood red goblins are guardians, most of them are not good at fighting. Not only are their physical fitness weak, but their fighting awareness is also limited.

The blood red goblin's way of fighting, besides throwing bombs and putting various alchemy props, is self-destructing.

The power is really strong, it's really red-eyed, more than a dozen powerhouses of the same level can't get close to them, and it only takes a moment to launch a ruthless massacre of the city and the country.

But the problem is - it's too expensive.

As soon as the cannon is fired, ten thousand taels of gold.

The blood red goblin, the bombs went off repeatedly.

No matter how rich the battle is, this is not how it is fought.

So if there is help from other races, let them focus on taking care of the local strong and not be tired by miscellaneous soldiers, not only can they play a stronger role, but also save a lot of explosives and resources.

There are not many races that the blood-red goblins can talk about, and the human race is one of them.

After thinking about it, because of Baili Yuan, they came to unite the human race.

Who made Bailiyuan give too much.

And now the performance of the human race is not bad, it seems that they are also in alliance with other races.

You must maintain a good relationship, and you will only earn more in the future!

Blood goblins are just geeks, and they're not stupid.


The addition of blood-red goblins further weakened the pressure on the people, and it was not easy to fight around the fort.

Johnson is also less stressed and has more energy to look around.

His gaze unconsciously fell in the direction of the Bright Moon Elf Clan.

Representatives of the Bright Moon Elf Clan and the powerful were also fighting back vigorously, and some of the strong were injured.

However, Johnson found that he did not see that familiar figure.

This can't help but make Johnson stunned.

He remembered that Rhea seemed to be investigating clues in a mountain forest, why didn't she come back?

There is only one explanation, and Rhea has encountered obstacles, even danger.

Johnson looked back calmly.

Now the human race, because of the joining of the blood red goblins, will no longer encounter any danger and pressure.

And the leadership of the ten holy clan powerhouses made the situation very good.

After two seconds of silence, he said to Huo Chaofan who was beside him: "Let's fight with the blood-red goblin friends first, and I will investigate some things."

Huo Chaofan looked at Johnson, was taken aback for a moment, seemed to understand something, and nodded seriously at Johnson, "Go, you must come back alive."

Johnson showed a smile, nodded, turned and ran towards the distant mountains.

Huo Chaofan watched Johnson leave.

Ye Yuan temporarily withdrew his hand and landed next to Huo Chaofan. Seeing Johnson going away, he asked suspiciously: "Huo Chaofan's guardian, where is Johnson's guardian going? Did he say anything to you?"

"I don't know." Huo Chaofan replied, and then said: "I only feel a man's determination and a sword that is about to be unsheathed."

Ye Yuan: "Although I didn't understand it, it feels very powerful."

Huo Chaofan: "..."

In fact, Huo Chaofan was also curious about what Johnson was going to do.

From the first time he came into contact with Johnson, Huo Chaofan always felt that there seemed to be some knot in Johnson's smiling appearance.

When I saw Johnson again today, I found that Johnson's heart knot seemed to be untied. It was just some thoughts in his heart, which were suppressed by him for some reason.

Perhaps it was also because the knot in his heart was untied that the bound sword could be unsheathed.

"It's a pity that Senior Johnson is a bit old, but if he is a hundred years younger, this time he will untie his knot, draw his sword out of its sheath, and his strength will skyrocket. Maybe there is a possibility of breaking through to the strength of a second-level guardian."

It was also at this time that the fallen giant landed.


near the port.

Galatron arrived in time and took the members of the Terran away safely.

But Andy and An Qi confronted each other on the ground, and neither of them withdrew.

An Qi also sent away other [Innocence] members before.

Just to face Andy alone at this moment.



The two called each other's name.

Like a signal, the two of them instantly fought in everything, with full firepower, and their moves were fatal.

Angie lights up her own world imprint.

Now Andy also knows about heroes and world imprints. Regarding An Qi's world imprint, Andy is very puzzled about its origin, and will not underestimate An Qi.

Because the difference from before is that today's An Qi has awakened her own world imprint!


In the space battlefield.

What happened?

Bailiyuan found that he couldn't go back to the meeting room.

Because the conference room is isolated from the space battlefield and has a single line of sight. In the space battlefield, the situation in the conference room cannot be seen, so Bailiyuan does not know the situation in the conference room.

Even mental power cannot penetrate the arena.

"We can only wait for Zhishui to torture that Bright Moon Elf."

Baili Yuan sat cross-legged on the ring, took out a meat bun, and ate it in the universe.

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