Chapter 2954 the little girl selling nitroglycerin

The third day of the World Conference was held as scheduled, but Bailiyuan did not attend this day, and another second-level guardian replaced Bailiyuan.

With the performance of Bailiyuan before, the possibility of the human race being challenged today is not great.

Bailiyuan went back to the human floor to check in, and communicated with everyone.

"Guardian of Bailiyuan, you can move freely now. If there is a race duel, if you are not sure, the human race will temporarily delay the time of the race duel until you come back." A representative who stayed behind and Baili Yuan said.

"Okay." Baili Yuan nodded, "Thank you for your hard work."

Race duels can be timed. If the human race really encounters a troublesome race, they can wait until Bailiyuan returns before accepting the race duel.

Because of the combat power displayed by Bailiyuan, the representatives and powerhouses of the race all recognized Bailiyuan and regarded Bailiyuan as a top-level combat power.

Bailiyuan also inquired about the situation of Andy and the others.

Andy never returned to the human floor, and challenged the hero stone statue outside.

The same is true for Huo Chaofan.

Johnson did not do this, but went out during the day and came back to rest at night.

Then Bailiyuan went around the square again.

Caroline controls the cyborg, and has been walking around the square a lot in the past few days, and has gained a lot of useful things.

Of course, Bailiyuan also paid some price in exchange for useful items.

Baili Yuan planned to come to the booth again to see how the semi-artifact was forged.

Although it wasn't Bailiyuan who personally forged the semi-artifact, Bailiyuan was still a little nervous when he took over the job for the first time.

However, on the way to the stall, Bailiyuan felt a familiar aura.

"It's Senior Johnson." What Baili Yuan sensed was Johnson's breath.

Then Bailiyuan saw Johnson in the crowd, with his hands behind his back, shopping like an old man. Looking at the direction Johnson was heading, it seemed to be the direction of the Terran booth.

Just when Bailiyuan was about to go up to greet Johnson, Johnson suddenly turned a corner, as if deliberately avoiding a certain area, and headed for the Terran booth in another direction.

"Huh? Did Senior Johnson find anything?" Baili Yuan was puzzled.

There were originally several stalls on the road, and Bailiyuan didn't know which race stall Johnson wanted to avoid.

But Bailiyuan still planned to go up and say hello to Johnson.

Because of Bailiyuan's identity as a god, Johnson did have a certain sense of guard against Bailiyuan, but Johnson is undoubtedly a righteous person, and after confirming that Bailiyuan will not pose a threat to the human race, he will no longer Be wary of Bailiyuan.

But this time back, Johnson should report the matter, and Bailiyuan's stationing position may change.

Bailiyuan didn't mind.

Even if it is a research institute, the relocation was considered during the design. Press a button, and the research institute will be able to fly to the new station.

After all, Bailiyuan doesn't rely on the current garrison to benefit.



When Bailiyuan wanted to call Johnson to stop, someone called Johnson's name first, and the voice contained extremely complicated emotions, and even trembled a little.

It's a female voice.

There is excitement, there is fear, there is expectation, there is doubt...

In short, it is very complicated.

Such complex emotions often represent special feelings.

Bailiyuan closed his mouth involuntarily, and looked in the direction of the voice suspiciously.

A beautiful silver-haired elf stood there. The silver-haired elf looks like a beautiful woman, wearing a moon-white robe, she looks noble and elegant, but at this moment, she seems to be unable to control her emotions.

"Is it the guardian of the Bright Moon Elf Clan?"

The Bright Moon Elf Clan, the Silver Race, is a relatively mysterious branch of the Elf Clan. The racial symbol is "Bright Moon" and has the royal blood of the Moon Elf.

Johnson obviously heard someone calling him, but Johnson didn't feel any strange, and continued to walk forward with a smile, without any pause in his footsteps, and without any intention of turning back.

"Are you pretending you didn't see it?!" Baili Yuan's expression gradually became interested.

wow cool wow cool~

Bailiyuan put on a cardboard box and squatted in the corner.

Poke two holes in the carton and peep.

However, to Bailiyuan's disappointment, although the guardian of the Bright Moon Elves raised his hand to stop Johnson, he silently withdrew his hand as if he was afraid of something, and just silently watched Johnson go further and further away.

A line of tears fell from the corner of the eyes of the Guardian of the Bright Moon Elves.

"Fuck, there must be a story! It's a pity that the two didn't talk, and the power of the heart can't figure out the situation of the two of them." Baili Yuan expressed his curiosity.

Johnson walked away with his hands behind his back and gradually moved away.

The Guardian of the Bright Moon Elf Clan was secretly saddened, and also turned and left, obviously planning to go back to the Skylight Tower to rest.

"Caroline, quickly analyze, what kind of story might there be between them?" Bailiyuan asked.

"My analysis doesn't apply to this, but there are only a few kinds of things like feelings, crazy men and women, heh, boring carbon-based creatures." Caroline expressed disdain.

Who told her that neither Caroline nor Bailiyuan belonged to carbon-based organisms.

"By the way, according to the map I drew, the places Johnson's guardians bypassed include the booths of the Bright Moon Elves, presumably to avoid the guardians of the Bright Moon Elves." Caroline continued.

Baili Yuan was a little silent, and then sighed silently.

"I can't interfere with this kind of thing. Let's cook something delicious for Senior Johnson later. Although Senior Johnson concealed it very well, I can feel that his inner fluctuations are also very violent."

At this time, someone knocked on the cardboard box above Bailiyuan's head.

Bailiyuan opened the carton suspiciously, looked up under the carton, and saw a little girl in red looking at him.

The little girl in the red dress was covered in a bright red dress, she looked timid, but her sharp teeth proved that she was not easy to mess with.

The little girl is not a real girl, but the illusion of a strong man, a fake child.

The breath it exudes is not the breath of the human race.

But it showed the timid appearance of an ordinary little girl.

There is also a box used by a peddler to sell things on the little girl.

The appearance of this little girl is indeed very easy to attract other strong people to buy her things.

"Well, my friend, do you still want your cardboard box? I want this cardboard box as a chair, and I can exchange it with you." The little girl asked timidly.

"It's okay, I don't want it anymore." Baili Yuan got up, gave the cardboard box to the little girl, and asked curiously, "Are you selling goods?"

"Yes." The little girl nodded timidly, then looked at Bailiyuan expectantly, "My friend, do you want to buy some of my goods? My goods are very suitable for our small and weak race to use."

Well, it seems that the other party regards Bailiyuan as a special race with a small body.

Bailiyuan became interested and asked curiously, "Oh? What are you selling?"

The little girl opened the box and happily introduced: "This is our specialty, fat boy type nitroglycerin, just one bottle can blow up a whole town to the sky! It has been honorably included in the list of contraband in many races, Look for the logo, children are not deceived, produced by goblins, it must be a high-quality product!"


In the case, twenty bottles full of liquid are neatly arranged.

At some point, a vacuum had formed around Bailiyuan and the little girl, and the strong men of the nearby race watched their positions cautiously.

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