Chapter 2953 is a god and a hero

"Self-balance: adapt naturally, can survive in any environment in this world, and there will be certain changes in itself. The effect will be weakened in other worlds."

[Balance]'s world imprint naturally also brought special abilities to Baili Yuan.

And Bailiyuan can feel that the world imprint of [Balance] still has the potential to be developed, just like the gods, further development will also develop new power.

It can only be said that his development of [Balance] is only on the first floor.


One night passed.

The sun shines from the sky, through the terrible storm, and falls on the island of heroes.

Bailiyuan didn't return to the Tower of Skylight immediately.

At this time, Bailiyuan stood in the storm.

When the world mark was awakened before, Bailiyuan discovered that this storm was not simple.

In a normal storm, sunlight cannot penetrate.

This storm did not form naturally.

Ordinary first-level guardians will encounter a lot of trouble if they want to pass through this storm. Only second-level guardians can pass through the storm without any protection.

But with the racial imprint, they can enter and exit freely without being affected by the storm.

Baili Yuan, whose strength has just improved, needs to use something to vent his strength, and at the same time help him adapt to his new strength.

Standing in the storm, the hero's power is attached to Bailiyuan's body surface, resisting the storm.

"The power of a hero is really powerful. Even if you don't look at the effect of the special attack on the divine life, the energy level alone is not low, and it is already comparable to divine power."

Only in this way can heroes fight against the gods.

It is worth mentioning that in the race system of the great world, the profession of "hero" appeared in the occupation column of Bailiyuan.

"Both the attributes and power of a god and a hero, haha, probably never appeared in history." Bailiyuan said with a smile.

Bailiyuan's whole body was shrouded in golden hero power, as if he had turned into a statuette.

The power of a hero is not all golden, but will change with the influence of the hero's own power.

It's just that it will turn golden here at Bailiyuan.

"After awakening the imprint of the world, the power of my hero is no longer rootless water, and I can continuously extract the power of the hero from the imprint of the world. If it is integrated into my light, the power of the hero will become even stronger. "

"With the power of these extracted heroes alone, it can also help awaken the second world mark, but the speed of awakening will not be particularly fast, but fortunately it is acceptable."

"Unfortunately, I can't fully understand this energy, otherwise I could use my light to transform it into a world mark." Baili Yuan felt a little regretful.

But this is further proof.

The emergence of heroes, as well as the power of heroes, have an important connection with the world.

It is too much for the world to meddle in the living things.

Bailiyuan will feel some discomfort in this kind of intervened future.

Just like the Otto family, they will not interfere with the development of the earth.

But Bailiyuan is already a mature Ultra fighter after all, he won't be confused because of this kind of thing, and he won't only look at things one-sidedly.

"Fortunately, for the time being, the various means of the world still have more advantages than disadvantages."

Whether it's the coat of arms, the race system, or the emergence of heroes, it's all controlled by the world behind it.

That is, Gaia is in control.

It's just that when these means can benefit the race, most races don't care about it.

Those who can abide by the rules must be those who can benefit from the rules.

It is also why most of the strong people of the human race have never thought of leading the human race to resist the shackles of the coat of arms.

Anyway, the coat of arms does not restrict the powerhouse from further practicing other inheritances of the human race.

Of course, there are also some people who have a rebellious heart because of this.

For example [not guilty]. Moreover, although [Innocence] has the slogan of "helping the human race break free from shackles", not all of the people in [Innocence] are human races.

[Innocence] also brought chaos to the development of the human race.

Even caused a lot of killings.

Bailiyuan still remembered that because of [Innocence], two prospective graduates of Yuncheng College died, and many innocent humans died together, and [Innocence] led an army to attack Yuncheng.

Among [Innocence], not all are idealists, there are also a large number of villains and careerists who want to make profits in troubled times.

"Hmph, [Innocence], if you show up again, I will never let you guys have a chance to escape this time!"

The hero's power flickered on Bailiyuan's body surface, and the surrounding storm seemed to be bounced away.

However, the impact of this storm on Bailiyuan is indeed getting smaller and smaller.

Bailiyuan noticed that his body and the strength in his body were gradually changing, allowing him to gradually adapt to the stormy environment.

"Is this the ability of self-balancing? It's not bad."

With this ability, if Bailiyuan fights in an uncomfortable environment in the future, the impact of the environment on Bailiyuan will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, coupled with the effect of [Natural Halo], Bailiyuan can also borrow strength from the environment.

At this moment, Baili Yuan sensed that something seemed to be rushing towards him and attacked him.

Baili Yuan's body surface brightened.

Ultra drive!

The ferocious wind blade landed on Baili Yuan's body, but was ejected by the power of Ultra Drive.

Baili Yuan turned his head slightly, and the pupil of God opened, allowing him to see through the attack hidden in the storm.

It was a wind elemental creature.

But it doesn't belong to a certain race, but a kind of wind element monster.

A flood dragon made up of strong winds shuttled through the storm, staring at Baili Yuan maliciously, and then launched a fierce attack.

On the body of the storm dragon, there is a colorful egg.

"Did I provoke it?" Baili Yuan was puzzled.

The power of the heart spread, and Bailiyuan could feel that there was no anger of being annoyed in the mood of the storm dragon, only malice towards everything.

This is an evil dragon that will attack people on its own initiative!

"Are there any elemental creatures here? Why haven't I heard of them?" Baili Yuan was a little puzzled, but he didn't panic because of the attack of the storm dragon.

No matter what, let's deal with this storm dragon first.

Light bloomed on Baili Yuan's body.

Spirit form!

The elf of light collided with the storm dragon several times, and Bailiyuan touched the egg on the storm dragon.

"Although some anti-aircraft guns mean to hit mosquitoes, but it's a good time to try a new move!"

The core of the pure white orb emerges, the fairy field expands, and the golden Z in the core lights up.

There is a pink power spreading from the core of the pure white orb, sinking into the body of the elf of light.

The Spirit of Light made several gestures.

Looking carefully, it was clearly the move of Bailiyuan transforming into an Ultraman.

"My light once saved the world and brought hope, they called me a god!"

"Save the world God of Light!"

Light bloomed from the body of the light elf, and a figure of a light giant appeared, and then punched the storm dragon.

The light is filled with the power of a fairy.

This punch created a vacuum in the storm, and cracks appeared in the space.

And the Storm Flood Dragon, which was made up of strong winds, was like a whirlwind on the ground, quietly annihilated under this punch without causing any disturbance.

The core dropped by the wind element creature after death floats in the vacuum, then falls, falls into the storm, and will float away with the storm.

The figure of the giant of light disappeared.

The Spirit of Light appeared next to the core of the wind element, and grabbed it in his hands.

Bailiyuan recovered his body and shook the wind element core in his hand.

"It's a little rewarding. This move is quite strong. It's time to go back."

After Bailiyuan left, the space healed and the vacuum disappeared.

The wind covered up all traces.

But the wind also blows the darkness away and spreads it.

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