I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 26 End of Enlightenment, Formal Practice (Part 1)

The tour challenge was aborted, and Bailiyuan followed Andy back to Yuncheng Academy.

No matter how the outsiders talked about the battle between Bailiyuan and Pang Jie, these had nothing to do with Bailiyuan, and Bailiyuan resumed his daily enlightenment study again.

It is worth mentioning that Bailiyuan got Pang Jie's contact information, and a week later received a gift from Pang Jie - a basic explanation for summoners.

Bailiyuan is a little strange, the relationship between himself and Pang Jie doesn't seem to be that good, right?

However, the basic explanation of the summoner sent by Pang Jie really benefited Bailiyuan, and Bailiyuan felt that he needed to return the gift.

However, Bailiyuan found that he didn't seem to have anything worth offering.

After some hard thinking, Bailiyuan endured the pain and dug out the best-growing snapdragon from the flowerbed, put it in a flowerpot, wrote a thick "Cultivation Manual", and asked Mary to go Mail it to Pangjie.

In this way, there are at least two places in the world where there are traces of snapdragon.

Andy also brought Baili Yuan's reward for winning glory for Yuncheng College.

The academy's board of directors was very satisfied with Bailiyuan's performance, and the rewards they gave were also very good.

One of the rewards is a set of summoner equipment.

It consists of shoes, pants, short sleeves, coat, hat, gloves, wrist guards, and weapon - a taming whip.

This suit is comfortable and light, fire-proof and electricity-proof, not easy to get dirty, and can improve leg and wrist strength, and has a good defense function.

As for the animal taming whip, it was not long. Like the clothes, it was the size suitable for Bailiyuan. It could be wrapped around the waist at ordinary times, and it could be used as a weapon when it was untied. It also had technological means to discharge electricity.

This set of clothes is not expensive, it is the standard equipment of a normal heraldry, the only thing more expensive is the animal taming whip, which is a special weapon for a heraldry, in addition to the ability to discharge, it also has the ability to bless, when the summoner's hand When holding the beast taming whip, the strength of the contracted beast will increase by one percent.

Another reward is for the elves of Bailiyuan.

According to this battle, the board of directors saw the potential of the elves in Bailiyuan and decided to increase their support for the elves.

First of all, the resources consumed for the cultivation of the elves are still provided by the academy, but the level has been raised to a higher level. Secondly, the quantity limit is also relaxed, but the potential of the elves under the Bailiyuan contract needs to be assessed.

Those with good potential will naturally have strong support from the academy, while those with lower potential will not have much resource support, but they can still enjoy a basic guarantee.

However, the number of years the academy promised to help Bailiyuan cultivate elves has not changed. It is still two years. When Bailiyuan is seven years old, all training resources will need to be earned by Bailiyuan himself.

Bailiyuan was very satisfied with the reward.

In this way, another week passed, and in May, Bailiyuan's enlightenment education officially ended.

Although there is still a lot of knowledge that has not been learned, it will need to be accumulated by Bailiyuan in the future. After passing the test of the enlightenment instructor, with Bailiyuan's current level of understanding, he can already officially enter the coat of arms as a newbie. circle of this profession.

However, this does not mean that Baili Yuan is idle, but has started formal training!

Or, it can be said that Bailiyuan's good days are over.


Cloud Hill.

Claude Mountain is one of the mountains owned by Cloud City College. It retains its original appearance and is not developed. It is generally used to exercise lower grade students.

In the early morning, the hunters in the dark were silent, and those sleeping beings woke up again and started a new day.

With the activity of all kinds of magical creatures, the whole mountain became lively.

At this time, in the courtyard of a villa deep in Cloud Mountain, the well-dressed Baili Yuan was standing upright with a serious face and a military posture.

And Shedu was not far from Bailiyuan, drinking tea and occasionally checking the time.

This is already the fifth day of Bailiyuan's practice at Claude Mountain, and his estimated time for this practice is one month.

"Okay, it's time."

Shedu clapped his hands.

Baili Yuan relaxed his body, but he didn't look tired.

Standing in a military posture of this intensity is not difficult for Bailiyuan, but if he persists, Bailiyuan can gradually establish a serious attitude.

"Come over and have breakfast." Mary walked out of the villa with a tray in her hand and put the food on the table at the door with a smile on her face.

Bailiyuan and Shedu walked to the dining table and sat down.

Baili Yuan looked at his dinner plate.

Because I officially started to practice, the consumption is relatively large, and the usual meals are no longer home-cooked meals such as noodles, but meat that is more suitable for intense consumption.

Ham, eggs, hamburger meat, rice, vegetables.

This is the breakfast configuration.

It makes people move their index fingers.

Shedu's dinner plate is also the same, but the portion is much larger.

As for Mary's dinner plate, it's the same, but the portion is bigger, and there is a meal she blatantly added to herself-sausage.

After leaving the academy, Mary no longer held back her desires, but completely released her nature.

Bailiyuan finally understood why Mary was fat.

However, Shedu didn't say anything about Mary's blatantly doing something special. Based on Bailiyuan's understanding of Shedu, Shedu doesn't appear to be very interested in ninety-nine percent of the things in this world. , is completely a "self-sweeping" character, as long as there is nothing wrong with his own affairs, he will be flooded outside.

If it weren't for Andy's arrangement, Bailiyuan guessed that Shedu would never come to teach him.

However, Bailiyuan was very relieved that Shedu was not sloppy about teaching himself. Although it was only five days, Bailiyuan already had a deeper understanding of his path as a summoner, and his cultivation also made him feel more comfortable. On track.

After finishing the breakfast quickly, Bailiyuan dropped the chopsticks and jumped off the chair.

"I went to practice."

Saying that, Bailiyuan ran to the back of the villa, where the elves live, and there are special people to take care of them.

Looking at Bailiyuan's back, Mary's smile became brighter, and her small eyes were already narrowed into slits.

"Oh, you really are a hard-working child, don't you think so, little snake."

Shedu's hand froze, and his originally plain expression fluctuated.

"Little Snake, I still remember that you worked so hard back then. By the way, when are you and Aya going to have a baby? I even figured out the name of your baby for you. How about calling it Xiaodudu? What do you say to me? Can you drink the full moon wine with a small belly? I’m not talking about you. The second child of the little white bird’s family is about to be able to make soy sauce. There is no movement here. Do you know why the two-child policy has been opened recently? It’s just for knocking You don't have any children... huh? Where are people?"

At some point, Shedu had disappeared, and there were still a lot of things left on the dinner plate on the table.

"Oh, it's such a waste, so it's cheaper for me, hehehe..."

Smiling, Mary transferred the contents of Shedu's dinner plate to her own plate, stuffed a sausage into her mouth and chewed, and Mary showed a satisfied smile.

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