I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 25 The Awkward Pang Jie (Part 1)

In the end, Bailiyuan was still not washed away by the meteor fire rain.

Because the referee made a timely shot and saved Bailiyuan.

Therefore, after discussions between Andy and Logan, the battle between Bailiyuan and Pang Jie ended in a draw.

Pang Jie was in good condition, his legs were broken and he was bleeding internally.

Under the treatment of the doctors at Fengcheng Hospital, Pang Jie's legs were connected without any sequelae, and his body quickly recovered.

Bailiyuan's condition is much better. Although he was also hit by the earthquake, his body is fine. After all, even with a human body, Bailiyuan's physical strength is not comparable to that of ordinary children. He is just a little tired and needs to rest for two days. sky.

When recuperating in Fengcheng Academy, Bailiyuan took a fruit basket and visited Pang Jie alone.

After all, his armored rhino broke his legs, even though they were connected, Bailiyuan felt a little embarrassed.

I don't know what kind of mentality Andy and Logan have, they even arranged the wards of Bailiyuan and Pang Jie next door.

Bailiyuan knocked on the door, and without waiting for anyone to answer, he opened the door of the ward, and walked into the room holding a fruit basket bigger than half his body.

At this time, Pang Jie had already woken up, and was looking at Baili Yuan with a displeased face.

"Has no one taught you that you can't enter other people's rooms without the owner's permission?"

"I did, but this is a hospital room." Bailiyuan said with a smile, "I came to see your condition, and I apologize by the way, after all, I broke your legs, and I feel a little sorry." Bailiyuan Li Yuan put the fruit basket on the side table.

"It was your summoned beast that broke his legs, not you. Please don't take it out of context, thank you." Pang Jie said angrily.

My legs were broken, what should others think of me when this word spread? Am I shameless?

"Well, they all mean the same thing, how do you feel now?" Bai Liyuan sat on the chair beside the bed and asked.

"Did you come to see my joke?" Pang Jie suddenly became cold.

"Why do you think so?" Baili Yuan was a little puzzled.

"I'm a junior heraldist, with the help of inherited equipment, and you are just a trainee heraldry, but you defeated me. I know, even if it's a tie, but in comparison, I still lost. "Pang Jie gritted his teeth and said, looking aggrieved.

"I don't recognize this tie!"

Bailiyuan looked at Pang Jie in surprise, is this kid so awkward? It's really embarrassing.

Bailiyuan touched his fat face.

"I'm not here to laugh at you, but to come and see you. After all, competition comes first, friendship comes second." Baili Yuan shrugged.

Pang Jie looked at Bailiyuan, that's not what he said, isn't the order of first and second reversed?

"So, we can still be friends in normal times."

"Friend..." Pang Jie was silent, and turned his face away in embarrassment, "If you really want to, I can also agree..."


"You..." Pang Jie's expression froze, and he looked at Baili Yuan angrily.

"I'm at the age when I like big sister, and you're not big sister, why are you friends?" Baili Yuan spread her hands.

Zhengtai matches Yujie, loli matches uncle, this is the truth that has not changed since ancient times.

Pang Jie was silent. Although he couldn't understand Baili Yuan's words, he could still feel that he was rejected, and a sense of frustration emerged spontaneously.

"Okay, seeing how energetic you are, I'm relieved, I'll go first, hey."

Bailiyuan jumped off the chair and walked towards the door.

"Wait a minute!" Pang Jie stopped Baili Yuan when he was about to open the door.

"What's wrong?" Baili Yuan stopped his body.

"I admit you, I admit that you are stronger than me! But I will not give up, I will try my best to catch up with you, even if I am bruised and bruised, I will challenge you in the future! So, be sure to wait for me , don't let other people beat you before this!" Pang Jie shouted loudly, and it could be seen from his flushed face that he was very emotional.

Baili Yuan waved his hand, "Wash up and sleep."

After finishing speaking, leaving Pang Jie with a dull expression on his face, Bai Liyuan left the ward.

"Hmph." Pang Jie snorted unhappily, touching his hot face with a shy look.

"Say it out..."


Bailiyuan closed the door of the ward, stood for a while, smiled and shook his head.

"He's really an awkward kid."

"Aren't you a child yourself? You don't look like a child at all." Andy's voice sounded beside Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan was taken aback, and found that Andy was leaning against a wall, hugging his chest, looking at him.

"Are you a ghost? When did you come?"

"Just now I went to look for you in your ward. You were not here, so I was waiting at the door, and then I saw you coming out of Pang Jie's ward. You couldn't have played tricks on him, could you?" Andy doubted. Looking at Bailiyuan.

"Hehe." Baili Yuan stared at Andy with dead fish eyes, without saying a word.

"Okay, pack up, we should go." Andy got up and said.

"Continue to challenge?"

"No, go back to school." Andy said.

"Huh? Back to the academy?" Bailiyuan was taken aback.

"That's right, the tour challenge has been cancelled." Andy nodded in affirmation.


"Because of the battle between you and Pang Jie, they saw the battle between the two of you and felt that their own children could not win, and they were all delicate little girls. In order not to let you break your legs, they canceled the Tour Challenge." Andy said in a strange tone.

"I said it all, the broken leg was an accident!"

"In short, pack up, we should go back to the academy."

Bailiyuan walked into his ward, "By the way, my reward..."

That's right, when he came out, Andy said that if Bailiyuan performed well, there would be rewards.

"Let's go back and talk about it, it's not my decision alone,"

"Okay, you go out for a while."

"What are you doing?" Andy was taken aback.

"Change clothes."

Andy scanned Bailiyuan up and down, landed between Bailiyuan's legs, and showed a mocking smile.



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