Chapter 2452 Do you want a planet?

The qualifying rounds are followed by the qualifying rounds.

The promotion competition is an individual competition. Although the participating teams still send seven participating students, it is a one-on-one duel. The winner will continue to stay on the field, and the loser will continue to send students. The competition is only conducive to the selection of talents by the empire.

The 15 participating teams will be ranked in the promotion competition to facilitate the final bye and no elimination.

That is to say, the ranking in the promotion match affects the appearance in the finals. The higher the ranking in the promotion match, the easier it is to get convenience in the finals.

But the promotion match will be held in a month.

One month is for all contestants to adjust their status and conduct special training.

The individual competition is different from the team competition. A strong player may replace several players of the opponent to gain an advantage for himself.

The Spark Academy does not intend to waste this month.

After resting for a day, after everyone absorbed the external spirit bone, Dugu Bo directly took everyone to Sunset Forest for special training.

Nicole also followed, and Saliste followed Nicole.

After Bailiyuan bid farewell to Nicole, she temporarily returned to the world of heraldic envoys to deal with daily affairs.

The chat group adjusted the relative time flow rate of different worlds in the chat group. Traveling through the world through the channels of the chat group, three days in the world of heraldry, and almost a month in the world of Douluo Continent.

If Bailiyuan traveled and positioned the world by himself, then there would be no relative time flow.

According to Jiang Chen, when the chat group adjusts the world time, the lower the overall strength of the world, the faster the time flow, and vice versa.

Bailiyuan stayed in Douluo Continent for more than a month, and then returned to the world of heraldry through the channel of the chat group. It has only been three or four days in the world of heraldry, and nothing major has happened.

Of course, in terms of life consumption, it is calculated according to the time flow rate of the world in which it is located.



"Little boss, I haven't seen you for a long time. Do you need any help this time?" Jiang Yang asked while making tea for Bailiyuan.

Bai Chuxue smiled and looked at Bailiyuan.

"Come buy some law seeds." Baili Yuan spread his hands.

Now most of the elves' strength and talents have come up, and the harvest from eating the Golden Wing Millennium Fish last time has been almost digested by the elves.

Once the talent is up, you can naturally try to comprehend the special power

The law is the path Bailiyuan chose for the elves.

The power of the law is not only powerful, but also universal.

I didn't purchase too many law seeds before, mainly because the elves were not talented enough.

In the past, Bailiyuan also bought law seeds for the elves to use. Although with the help of the law seeds, the elves can quickly get started with the laws, but they will encounter difficulties in the later development and comprehension of the laws.

There is no distinction between high, middle and low or percentages in the development of laws. In Bailiyuan's understanding, there are only two stages of mastering the laws—before getting started, and after getting started.

After comprehending the law, there is actually no upper limit for subsequent development. The higher the degree of development of the law, the stronger it is.

The problem lies in the level of development.

If the talent is not enough and does not adapt to the corresponding laws, then the development of the laws will be quite slow in the future. It will take a lot of time, but it will be difficult to improve the development of the laws, and the gains will outweigh the losses.

Although the power of the law is powerful, it is not invincible. If you spend the same amount of time on improving your hard power, you will become even stronger.

That is to say, for those with limited talents, the cost-effectiveness of developing laws is not high, and laws are a power suitable for gifted people.

And there is also a way to break through everything with one force.

It is even possible to actively comprehend the law with force. In that case, the comprehension of the law is the most suitable for oneself. In addition to being able to comprehend the law, one can also grasp the authority not weaker than the law or condense the godhead. In other words, the law is not the only one. path of.

Therefore, after letting the elves try it, and after Bailiyuan tried it himself, he was not too keen on the power of the law. He just provided the law seeds to the elves in need, or helped the elves understand the law naturally.

Perhaps it was because the two races of elves and Ultraman were not very good at controlling the laws.

But after eating the Golden Wing Millennium Fish, the talents of the elves improved, and those elves who had mastered the laws were surprised to find that their understanding of the laws had deepened.

Now the laws they have mastered have changed from being able to assist in combat to being able to be used in combat.

This is a qualitative change, and it also makes the law more helpful to the elves, and makes the law have the value of comprehension.

When the price-performance ratio comes up, it is natural to buy more.

"Of course, if there are things that can improve talent and understanding, I want some." Baili Yuan continued. There are similar things and places in the world of heraldry, but it takes a lot of effort and cost to get them for the elves.

Hearing Bailiyuan's words, Jiang Yang's eyes moved, and the smile on his face was extraordinarily bright. He hurriedly greeted Bai Chuxue and the maid lady.

"Here comes the big business, serve tea, serve good tea!"

Bailiyuan exchanged a lot of resources for points, and bought law seeds for half of the elves.

As for products that enhance talent and understanding, most of the product's improvement effects are better than nothing for today's elves. It can be seen that the Golden Wing Millennium Fish is extremely extraordinary.

And Bailiyuan couldn't afford those precious commodities, and the prices were all astronomical.

But fortunately, there are also compromised products.

There are some products that are useful to the elves, and Bailiyuan can afford them, but the quantity is not much. In the end, Bailiyuan bought three kinds.

The first is the talent crystal stone, which is said to be transformed from innate aura, which can permanently improve aptitude and understanding, and can be used by elves with less talent.

The second one is Sui Sui Pill, which sounds like a very common elixir. There are things with the same name in many worlds, but the Sui Sui Pill in different worlds is not as effective. The marrow-washing pill that Bailiyuan bought was made from many precious materials and fairy herbs. It is useful for elves, but it cannot be eaten without limit.

The first time it works best, the second time the effect is halved, and the third time the effect is negligible.

Speaking of fairy herbs, in fact, there are many fairy herbs from Douluo Continent planted in Bailiyuan's vegetable garden, which are also useful for elves, but the growth cycle is too long, and there is a limit on the number of edibles.

The third kind, called Enlightenment Tea, is a rare treasure from the world of cultivating immortals. After eating, there is a small probability of improving one's own aptitude, and there is a certain probability of obtaining special abilities, which can greatly improve one's comprehension in a short period of time.

Although Enlightenment tea is only a product for temporarily improving one's understanding, it is very practical and has other benefits, and the price/performance ratio is the highest.

Bailiyuan tried the enlightenment tea, and it really improved his comprehension greatly, accelerated his comprehension of his own laws, and at the same time unexpectedly obtained a special ability - Borrowing the Wind.

Borrowing the wind: It can drive the wind and manipulate it freely.

Because he has just mastered it, this ability is only the lowest level, and its effect is limited.

But it still made Bailiyuan's eyes brighten, so he asked, "Tea tree, are you selling it?"


Bai Chuxue called her a good guy, she felt that a piece of tea was not cheap anymore, and she wanted to buy a tea tree as soon as she opened her mouth, it was incomparable.

Jiang Yang was also a little speechless, but fortunately he had seen a lot of strong winds and waves, so he explained: "To be honest, in fact, this Enlightenment tea is also put on consignment by someone else. As for the tea tree, I can help you ask."

Baili Yuan understood.

In fact, Bailiyuan already knew some things about the store.

It is said that Wanjie’s products are available, but in fact, as long as Wanjie’s items enter the store, they can be sold as commodities.

The store may have great power, but it will never be able to achieve that level of horror. It may have the ability to copy items, but there are restrictions, and it is even more impossible to sell things that the store does not own.

Jiang Yang should also often go to other worlds to buy goods.

"You call that person, and I will talk to him personally."

Jiang Yang didn't refuse this time. Bailiyuan was a big customer, so he naturally wanted to give him convenience.

"Speaking of which, the other party has also communicated with the little boss." Jiang Yang laughed.

It made Bailiyuan curious.

Before Bailiyuan had to wait long, Jiang Yang called him over.

A beautiful woman dressed in ancient men's clothing arrived with a guard who also disguised as a man.

"Boss Jiang, you said you have business to discuss, what kind of business is it?" Gu You asked.

"I want to do business with you." Baili Yuan said directly.

Gu You and her guard Gu Feng looked at Baili Yuan.

a child?

Wait, this kid seems familiar...

Jiang Yang introduced each other to each other, reminding Gu You of Baili Yuan, a strong man in other worlds who had met once.

Gu You remembered that Jiang Yang said at the beginning that the other party was able to explore other worlds and was a fairy-like figure.

After reacting, Gu You showed a lot of respect, bowed to Baili Yuan, and asked softly: "I don't know, senior, what business do you want to discuss with me?"

"Sit down and chat." Baili Yuan pressed his hand.

Gu You sat across from Bailiyuan, and Gu Feng stood behind Gu You, her face sullen.

Jiang Yang sat in the middle of the table, smiling, as a witness of the business.

"I heard that the Wudao tea leaves come from the world you are in?" Baili Yuan asked directly.

"Enlightenment tea, is it the Enlightenment tea that I consigned here?" Gu You reacted, and then nodded: "I consigned the Enlightenment tea in the store in exchange for some cultivation resources. If seniors open their mouths, it can be cheaper two."

Enlightenment tea leaves are temporary to improve talent, comprehension ability is also random, and the probability of improving aptitude is extremely small. It is temporarily useless to Gu You, so she uses tea leaves to exchange resources, and the value of Enlightenment tea is true for Gu You considerable.

Jiang Yang smiled and said nothing, Gu You probably looked down on Bailiyuan, and Bailiyuan bought a box from him just now.

After hearing that the tea leaves were indeed owned by Gu You, Baili Yuan said straight to the point: "I want to ask, do you sell the tea trees?"

Do you sell tea trees?

These words echoed in Gu You and Gu Feng's minds.

Gu You almost laughed out loud.

Return the tea tree or sell it? LOL, there are no trees at all.

She got this piece of tea by chance, it is extremely precious, where can she get the tea tree?

But in front of Bailiyuan, Gu You could only smile wryly, and then tell the situation.

"So it is like this, which means that the tea tree is not owned by you." Baili Yuan sighed, very disappointed.

"It was obtained in a secret realm."

Seeing Baili Yuan like this, Gu You suddenly asked curiously: "I dare to ask, if I get a tea tree for senior, what price can senior afford?"

A piece of tea is so expensive, how much is a tea tree worth?

No other meaning, just curious, ask.

Jiang Yang also looked at Bailiyuan. He didn't know how much the tea tree cost, but he was curious about how much Bailiyuan could pay.

Upon hearing Gu You's inquiry, Baili Yuan also directly stated the price that he had prepared in his heart.

Several people saw Baili Yuan raise a finger.

"Whether you want a planet or not, it's the kind of mine."

Everyone: "!!!"

Jiang Yang immediately wanted to get up, pulled the maid and Bai Chuxue, and shouted: "Go, dig the tree."

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