Chapter 2451 External soul bone? It is worthless


Bailiyuan put the sliced ​​beef soul beast meat into Nicole's mouth.

Then I heard a crackling sound from Nicole's mouth, and the steaming beef was frozen into ice lumps.

Kacha Kacha...

Nicole's young milk teeth bit the ice lump and made a piercing sound, crushing the ice lump one by one, and finally swallowed it into her stomach.


"Eat more if it tastes good. I've been playing hard these few days." Bailiyuan continued to cut meat for Nicole with a smile on his face.

Thanks for your hard work?

The others at the dining table were a little silent when they heard what Baili Yuan said.

The qualifiers are basically over. Fifteen teams have been decided. Naturally, the Spark Academy qualified with a complete victory without any surprises.

To be honest, they really didn't encounter too much resistance.

That is to say, the teams from the other four five-element academies were stronger, and they used some tactics to compete with the Spark Academy.

That's right, it's a sparring session.

The two sides didn't really get angry, and the remaining Five Elements Academy knew that although they would lose some face if they conceded directly, at least it wouldn't be miserable, and they also had their cards hidden, preparing for the next promotion match.

Didn't you see that the Weevil Academy didn't even pass the qualifiers this time?

On the premise that the Spark Academy cannot be shaken, other colleges know that the real enemy is not the Spark Academy, but the other party.

At this time, everyone was in a manor, attending the celebration banquet of the Spark Academy.

In addition to the team members, Dugu Bo, Sha Lisite, and invited "Xue Qinghe", Qian Daoliu, and Tang Yuehua participated in the celebration banquet.

They are all their own people.

Saliste stood beside Nicole and made smoothie desserts for Nicole.

Dugu Bo sat beside Dugu Yan, smiling and taking care of his granddaughter. It's just that Dugu Yan's heart is not entirely on Dugu Bo, and he seems a little perfunctory to Dugu Bo, because Dugu Yan is waiting for Tang San, who left before Tang San and hasn't returned yet.

Realizing this, Dugu Bo felt miserable. This granddaughter hasn't been married yet, so why is it like the water that was thrown out?

"Xue Qinghe" sat in the middle of the team members, comforted a few team members who felt uncomfortable, and checked the favorability of a few team members.

Qian Daoliu made pastries for everyone, with a smile on his face.

Tang Yuehua was sitting alone in a corner, sipping tea, and waiting for Tang San to come back, otherwise she would be really uncomfortable.

Because there are three Title Douluo in this one manor!

Dokgo Bo.


And... Nicole's father.

That existence that has the appearance of a child, but can never be treated as a child.

If you don't know them well, everyone will feel uncomfortable.

Even Xiao Wu, Da Ming and Er Ming all sat on their chairs obediently, eating barbecue with seriousness.

There are also Zhu Zhuqing and a few other team members who make up the numbers. They can only feel safe when they are around "Xue Qinghe".

At the same time, Tang Yuehua was also thinking that she shouldn't have accepted Tang San's invitation, if it wasn't for the qualities she had cultivated over the years, she would have been unable to hold back.

Soon, Tang San came back, and people with sensitive noses noticed that Tang San seemed to have some blood on his body.

Did he hurt someone?


"I'm sorry, I'm late, I killed someone on the way, and I wasted some time." Tang San laughed.

Dugu Yan hurriedly got up, came to Tang San's side in a few steps, groped up and down, and asked concerned: "Little San, are you not injured?"

"Don't worry, I'm not injured." Tang San didn't feel embarrassed at all, but opened his arms generously to prove that he was not injured, then he hugged Dugu Yan by the way, and took Dugu Yan to greet Tang Yuehua.


Dugu Bo directly broke the knife and fork in his hand.

Tang Yuehua looked at Tang San and Dugu Yan in front of her with a smile. As Tang San's elder, she was in a good mood, but she still asked what happened.

Tang San didn't hide anything, and spoke directly.

Before Tang San went to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to discuss business, delivered some samples of hidden weapons, and went to the stage to trade the quantity, and then on his way back, he noticed a fluctuation of spirit power nearby.

Then Tang San discovered that it turned out to be a murder and treasure hunt.

A soul saint is attacking and killing a soul king for some reason.

The soul sage found out that Tang San had discovered him, and wanted to get rid of Tang San, but Tang San went up and posted the "Blue Silver Poison · Hades Post", sent the soul sage back to the west, and gained a soul bone .

As for the soul king who was rescued by Tang San, apart from expressing his gratitude, he didn't dare to move at all. Of course, the other party also said that he was targeted by this soul saint because of the soul bone.

Hearing that Tang San had killed a soul saint, people who didn't know Tang San's strength were extremely shocked. Fortunately, Tang San said that he also used special props, which was barely acceptable to the surprised people.

"Then I let the soul king go, and didn't ask for his soul bone."

"As for that soul sage, if I'm not mistaken, it should be the teacher of Canghui Academy." Tang San said, and at the same time sighed, "I didn't expect a dignified soul sage to do such a thing of robbery. "

Damn it, it's still dead.

Every cause must bear fruit.

With the behavior of the year, he will overturn sooner or later.

"When?" Qian Renxue recalled, "This time Canghui Academy has also qualified, and their seven-in-one pseudo-martial soul fusion fusion technique has also attracted many people's attention."

At this time, Tang San put the head spirit bone that fell from Shi Nian on the table again, "This is a spiritual head spirit bone, does anyone need it?"

Looking at the spirit bones on the table, the eyes of the team members who made up the number were all burning. They were lucky enough to see this precious treasure!

Tang Yuehua wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't open her mouth. In fact, she hoped that Tang San would keep the spirit bone alone, but she was a smart woman, so she figured it out instantly. If Tang San needed it, Tang San probably wouldn't. Take out the soul bone.

As for Dugu Bo, he looked at Dugu Yan. Dugu Yan sensed Dugu Bo's thoughts, so he moved to Dugu Bo's side and whispered: "Senior Greedy has already helped me and Xiao San get the head spirit bones. Thousands of years."

Dugu Bo was startled, but his face remained unchanged, he just regained his composure.

The boss's operation is normal.

In fact, the soul bones on Tang San and Dugu Yan were made with the help of Bailiyuan. The evil spirit beasts encountered by the greedy avatar would be made by Bailiyuan with the help of Bailiyuan, and then the greedy avatar would absorb the power of the spirit bones into the body.

Now the avatar of Greed has already assembled a complete set of spirit bones, and there are several spirit bones attached to it.

And because of the ability of the Greedy Clone, multiple soul bones of the same part of him can be fused together, and the soul skills of the soul bones can also be fused with each other to improve.

This is the horror of the greedy clone. If left alone, the greedy clone will grow like a snowball in the future, and then threaten this continent.

Without the constraints of Bailiyuan, the greedy clone would definitely slip directly into the evil camp.

If Tang San and Dugu Yan met a suitable spirit beast, they would try their best to kill it by themselves, and then the corpse of the spirit beast would also be sent to Bailiyuan to help them make spirit bones.

Anyway, it's just a matter of a few hammers.

Thanks to these forgings, Bailiyuan's forging skills have been greatly improved.

When everyone was staring at the spirit bone, Baili Yuan suddenly spoke up.

"Oh, speaking of soul bones, I have a gift for you." Bailiyuan took out a bunch of gift boxes from his crotch and placed them on the table, then said: "This is to celebrate your breakthrough in the qualifiers. These soul bones Each of you can choose one by yourself, they are all thousand-year-level external spirit bones, which can be directly absorbed."

Everyone's eyes widened.

The incomparably precious external spirit bone that can be promoted with the master is actually given as a gift?

And... Eleven gift boxes mean that all team members have one?

Several team members who didn't know the value of the external spirit bones understood the value of the external spirit bones under Qian Renxue's explanation, and then all of them flushed with excitement, even Zhu Zhuqing, who had a cold personality, did the same . Now they can't wait to give Baili Yuan a knock on the spot... It's not that they can't, but someone has already done it.

The vigorous ant soul master kowtowed to Bailiyuan as soon as he got up.

"Senior's great kindness, Qianjiang will never forget it!"

The others hurriedly followed suit, and Zhu Zhuqing did the same.

Bailiyuan nodded, and signaled for a few people to choose randomly.

Tang Yuehua had just calmed down the turmoil in her heart when several team members chose to attach their spirit bones externally.

Is this the strong one?

No, even the Haotian School doesn't have such skill!

What is the identity of this senior that the second brother knew?

To collect so many external spirit bones, one must have extremely powerful influence and strength.

Dugu Bo expressed his envy, but at least his granddaughter has benefited.

As for where did Bailiyuan get these external spirit bones... Otherwise, do you think that the spirit beast meat you eat every day is blown by the strong wind?

After Baili Yuan hunts, after leaving some soul beast meat, the remaining soul beast corpses will be turned into external soul bones by Baili Yuan.

These spirit bones were all accumulated by Baili Yuan during this period of time, and there were still some left.

Then Bailiyuan looked at Dugu Bo, noticed his eyes, thought for a while, took out another external spirit bone, and threw it to Dugu Bo.

"The external soul bone of the three-thousand-year poison ivy is here for you."

After the poison ivy is squeezed, it is specially processed and is quite a good flavoring agent.

Dugu Bo hurriedly caught the external spirit bone, and the Title Douluo's hands were a little unsteady.

After holding the external spirit bone in his hands, the excitement in Dugu Bo's heart is beyond words.

"Master, Dugu Bo will look after you from now on, absolutely don't be pitiful!"

"Oh, don't worry, it won't work."


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