I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2435 Chakra Ninja Emblem Level 1 Guardian!

The millennium has come, and the Datongmu people who accepted the mission to plant trees should return one after another.

At this time, two members of the Otsutsuki clan returned to Otsutsujupiter from the universe with ten tails.

Every millennium, the Datongmu people who go out will return to the planet Datongmu.

Due to the different situations and encounters of different planets, each group of Datongmu people may not necessarily have only one chakra fruit handed in each time.

Every time when each group of Datongmu returns, a comparison will be made, and those combinations with better quality chakra fruits brought back will be rewarded.

If one more Chakra fruit is brought back, the protected person in the combination has a chance to get that Chakra fruit.

If you can’t bring back the chakra fruit, you won’t be punished, because the universe is huge, and the nearby planets that can plant trees have long been ruined. You need to go farther to explore planets suitable for planting trees, and you may not be able to benefit from it. reward.

But if you fail to bring back the chakra fruit many times, both the guardian and the guarded will be despised by the Otsutsuki tribe. This kind of contempt is unbearable for the proud Otsutsuki tribe.

Of course, occasionally there will be tribesmen who fail to return, and at that time there will be people from the Datongmu tribe who will go to the universe to find them.

When the two Otsutsumu people returned to Otsutsujupiter with a chakra fruit and ten tails, they were dumbfounded.

The pure white planet Datongmu has now become pitted, and a huge gully runs through the entire planet, as if separating the planet.

The clan land was also turned into ruins, and everything was destroyed.

The sacred tree was nowhere to be seen, leaving a bottomless crater on the ground.

From the messy traces, it can be seen that a great war has taken place.

Has the planet been invaded by enemies?

They instantly realized that something was wrong.

But then, they found a figure.

A child who was clearly not from the Otsutsuki clan was sitting in the ruins of the clan site, looking at the sky boredly.

The two hurried down with Ten Tails, and asked in shock, "Hey, who are you? What happened to this planet?!"

Bailiyuan looked at the two returned Datongmu clansmen, smiled, and said something strange to them.

"Second Group."


ten minutes later.

Bailiyuan took the souls of the two Datongmu people out of their eyes and sent them to the warehouse.

"I didn't expect to catch two groups of caught fish."

Thousands of years ago, a total of seven groups of Otsutsuki people went out to plant trees, one of which was the group that Otsutsuki Kaguya belonged to, and the guardian was still hiding in the ninja world, and it would be fine for Namikaze Minato to deal with it.

Among the remaining six groups, two groups actually returned with chakra fruits in these two days. They were simply enthusiastic couriers.

It is unclear when the other four groups will be able to return.

Bailiyuan harvested two more ten tails and two chakra fruits.

Like the other ten tails, the two ten tails were sent to the refrigerator island by Bailiyuan for storage. Apart from being used as biological weapons, these ten tails can only be used to cultivate chakra fruits.

There is no fire to cook.

The two chakra fruits represent the demise of the two planets.

It is impossible to restore two planets with Chakra Fruit.

Regarding this, Baili Yuan could only sigh, and then put away these fruits, he didn't want to use them for the time being.

Not only because of the way these fruits were produced, but also because Baili Yuan was about to get a better one.

After dealing with the two Datongmu clansmen, Bailiyuan came to the original location of the sacred giant tree. The giant tree here disappeared, leaving only a deep pit.

Without hesitation, he jumped into the pit.

After falling for a long time, Bailiyuan turned over, floated in the air, then slowly descended, and finally reached the bottom.

Unlike other planets, the planet Otsumu has long been exhausted, and its core is barren.

Not to mention the magma on the planet Datongmu, even the minerals have long been shattered because the chakra was drained.

There is nothing of value in the dirt.

This planet is long dead.

In the center of the deep pit, there is a bright red light, which is the light released by a fist-sized chakra fruit.

The chakra fruit is attached to a fragile branch that seems to shatter at the slightest touch.

This chakra fruit was born by Caroline with the chakra in the whole giant tree.

The roots and branches of the giant tree died long ago due to the loss of chakra, turning into fly ash.

Finally, when the last bit of chakra in the branch was injected into the chakra fruit, the fragile branch turned into white dust and disappeared, and the chakra fruit fell to the ground.

Caroline emerged from the dust and returned to Bailiyuan's body in the blink of an eye.

"Xiaoyuan, the fruit is ripe and can be used directly."

"Thanks a lot."

Baili Yuan walked towards the Chakra fruit and picked up the Chakra fruit on the ground.

Different from ordinary chakra fruits, this iridescent chakra fruit looks full of vitality and feels extremely delicious.

"Is it a fantastic fruit cultivated by the power of a whole planet?"

This is the system description's evaluation of this chakra fruit.

There are definitely more Chakras in the planet Otsutsumu than in other planets, which is why the people of Otsutsumu can obtain special powers and even cultivate crops such as the sacred tree.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Baili Yuan directly used this chakra fruit.

At the same time, Bailiyuan opened the ninja crest, and also used the power of disaster to guide the power of the Chakra fruit, and better integrate this power into the body instead of being transformed by the power of Chakra.

After all, Bailiyuan didn't want to be transformed into a weird look just because he ate this fruit.

Bailiyuan felt a powerful force erupting in his body, and when Bailiyuan directed this power to the coat of arms, the coat of arms also improved rapidly.

This is an opportunity for heraldic promotion!

The two halos directly reached the "Halo Boundary Breaking", and the development level directly exceeded the limit by 100%.

The halo was turned on, and the dust around Bailiyuan was constantly changing under the influence of the power, turning into small balls one by one.

The small white dirt balls are moving, giving people the feeling that they are living things.

No, this is not an illusion.

Under the power of the two halos, these dirt balls were temporarily given life, like ignorant babies.

Baili Yuan noticed this and hurriedly withdrew his power. He had a premonition that if he fully activated the power of the two halos, maybe he could really create life.

It's like Kaguya Otsutsuki created Jue.

The Creator is not happy.

The halo changes are just the beginning.

The realm within the coat of arms has evolved.

The realm of fairy magic has evolved into the realm of immortals, and the effect of the realm has been strengthened.

Immortal Realm: Transform yourself into an immortal, obtain an immortal body, and all tricks will become immortal art.

Disabled effect: Affinity with nature, can control natural energy.

And this so-called "immortal" is not the immortal model that Naruto Uzumaki will learn in the future, but an "immortal" with the physical characteristics of the Otsutsuki clan. If you want to say, it is not weaker than the "sage of six paths".

It is a special mode that requires not only chakra and natural energy, but also the integration of spirit into the body.

After opening the domain, Bailiyuan will enter this state.

And finally the core.

The core of the fruit of the sacred tree has also been strengthened. On the basis of the effect of "eating it can temporarily open the blood successor snare", it has an additional effect of "can channel a god with the same strength as its own ten tails".

Bringing a new psychic beast to Baili Yuan.

Moreover, after Baili Yuan obtained the Blood Succession Snare, he opened two Samsara Sharingan, and the two eyes will be transformed into his eyes, instead of opening eyes on his forehead.

When all reinforcements are completed.

With the remaining power, the level of the coat of arms was naturally raised.

Chakra Ninja Emblem Level 1 Guardian!

It also reflects the characteristics of the Chakra ninja profession. It does not require any insight, but only a firm will and enough strength to become stronger.

From then on, Bailiyuan could develop the power of this coat of arms more freely.

Bailiyuan opened his eyes, and a pair of clean white eyes appeared in his eyes, but then the white eyes were fused by the pupil of God, and finally Bailiyuan's eyes turned back to normal black pupils.

To say that there is any special change.

It was Baili Yuan's eyes that seemed to become clearer and purer, making people feel that he was a pure child.

"Doesn't it mean that even if I drive a car, I will be considered innocent?"

Caroline: "..."

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