Chapter 2434 BOSS has not realized the seriousness of the problem

Baili Yuan's attack was extremely fierce, and Gu Shi's resistance was not weak either.

The attacks of the two even flew out of the field and fell on the surrounding planets and meteorites, destroying many meteorites and leaving traces on some distant planets.

The planet Datongmu was hit even more, and many fragments flew into the universe. The giant tree on the planet looked precarious.

"Weakness, weakness, find out his weakness!" Gu Shi's eyes turned into a pair of pure white eyes, but they were not simple white eyes. His eyes not only possessed all the abilities of white eyes, but also could see the weakness of the target.

Frightened by Baili Yuan's aura, now Gu Shi only wants to find the weakness in Baili Yuan.

But then Gu Shi widened his eyes.

Because in his eyes, Baili Yuan's body is full of weaknesses, as if hitting one of them can defeat Baili Yuan.

But it can't be hit at all!

Gu Shi knew that as long as he got close to Baili Yuan, Baili Yuan could kill him before he could attack Baili Yuan's weak point.

The threat posed by the death blade made Gu Shi's heart tremble.

"No, you must control him!"

"Eternal monthly reading!"

In the ancient style, one paw is holding a tin rod, and the other paw is stretching out to the universe.

In an instant, the phantoms of Samsara Sharingan appeared on a large number of surrounding planets, including the Otsutsumu planet below them.

Following the ancient claw swing, countless chakra rays with the ability to attack mentally focused their fire on Bailiyuan.

The chakra rays collided with each other and directly enveloped Bailiyuan.

This move not only has a powerful light attack, but also a strong spiritual impact. Even if the target bears the light attack, the spiritual attack will also shock it in place, and then it is an ancient-style killing blow.

"Killed?" Gu Shi opened his eyes wide, however, his eyes penetrated all the light, and he found that Baili Yuan was not affected in any way!

"This is... deceiving reality?!"

All the residual light of the light dissipated, and Bailiyuan was really intact and had no mental shock.

The chakra armor on his body emits light, and the kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes on his chest keep turning.

Beyond Gao Tianyuan's illusion, Bailiyuan deceived the truth.

He told the truth that the attack just now couldn't hurt him, so he didn't take any damage.

The attack just now was also extremely terrifying. It can be regarded as the pinnacle blow of the ancient style. Uchiha Shisui's Takamahara couldn't bear it alone, so he also used the power of six kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes.

But fighting against such reality also cost Uchiha Shisui a lot, Gao Tianyuan was temporarily unable to use it, and the six kaleidoscope Sharingan also temporarily turned gray and white.

"I see, so you relied on those eyes, but now those eyes have lost their function, let's see how you can resist the next injury!"

Just when Gu Shi was about to release Eternal Moon Reading again, the light from Baili Yuan's Chakra armor poured into the Zanpakuto in Baili Yuan's hand, and then the Zanpakuto burst out with light, and the light turned into light blades, cutting towards Gu Shi and many nearby planets.

The power of the giant Tenseikan was integrated into the Chakra armor, allowing Baili Yuan to absorb a lot of power in the attack just now.

Now use this power to counterattack those planets that release the eternal moon reading.

Planets exploded in the universe one after another, and the planet Datongmu under his feet was cut in half by Bailiyuan's sword.

It was the first time that Bailiyuan used a powerful attack on the planet so recklessly.

The planet was shattered, and the ancient eternal moon reading was broken.

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong...

The indicator light on Bailiyuan's chest flickered.

Gu Shi, who was originally surprised, noticed that Bailiyuan's indicator light was flickering, and suddenly realized.

"Haha, I understand, you don't have much time in this form! I'm the one who won!"

Bailiyuan shook his head.

"No, you don't understand."

"It's you who doesn't have much time."

Gu Shi has the same shortcomings as most Datongmu people, that is, his eyes are high and his hands are low, his strength is strong, but his grasp is rough, and he fights like a child wielding a big sword.

Combat awareness is even more flawed.

A real fighter, even if the time to see the enemy is running out, it is impossible for a real soldier to relax his carelessness. Instead, he will increase his vigilance and guard against the enemy's dying counterattack.

It's just that the ancient style of getting carried away at this time is actually mocking Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan rushed towards the ancient style again.

Morphological transformation.

Ghost form!


Turn your body into a blade!

In an instant, Baili Yuan turned into a pure white blade and slashed towards Gu Shi with the power to kill.

After all, Gu Shi has a powerful pupil technique, and he even sensed the teleportation-like attack, and counterattacked.

Time freezes!

The time of the nearby universe is frozen.

Looking at Baili Yuan who was close at hand, Gu Shi gasped heavily. Although he was only a soul, under the huge psychological pressure, he still relieved the pressure in the way of ordinary people.

"He still has such a hole card, but it's useless, I can freeze time!"

However, Gu Shi seemed to see two pairs of eyes slowly opening in the pure white blade.

A pair of Uchiha Shisui's Jiugouyu reincarnation eyes were stimulated.

The other pair is Bailiyuan's God's Eye. The power of the God's Eye is added to Jiugouyu's Samsara Eye, making Jiugouyu's Samsara Eye even more powerful.

The time freeze was pried, and it was only pried for half a second.

But it's all over in that half second.

The pure white blade sliced ​​across Gu Shi's body, and Gu Shi's body trembled.

The time freeze ends.

Gu Shi of the soul body seemed to want to say something, but death would not wait for him. His body turned into a white spot of light like a giant Jupiter and dissipated into the universe.

His claws also let go of the tin rod, and the huge red tin rod did not disappear, but was floating in the universe.

Bailiyuan appeared again, holding a knife in both hands, exhausting a lot of strength.

But he won.

"So, my lights are flashing, why didn't you realize the seriousness of the problem?"

The supreme egg on Gu Shi has been collected.

The nearby universe is in disarray.

But no innocent lives were affected, and the Otsutsuki clan would not spare any life on nearby planets.

The semi-artifact-level red tin rod became another trophy of Baili Yuan.

Shisui Uchiha consumed so much that he couldn't even open his eyes. After the fusion was released, he returned directly to the guardian spirit space to recover.

Bailiyuan floats in the universe in a normal form.

"It's all over," he sighed.

The Datongmu family, as well as the Datongmu planet, have all become history.

"What are you talking about?" Caroline suddenly said, "Hurry up and put the planet back together, there are still a lot of tree roots on the other half of the planet, and there are a lot of chakra in those tree roots, so we can't waste it!"


The avatar of Baili Fate.

"Did you hear that? Go put the planet together." Baili Yuan ordered.

The clones of several potentials stared at Baili Yuan with resentment in their eyes.

"Can this job be outsourced?"

"Who will be separated, come two."

"Ah, it's so troublesome."

"Ontology, you are not a human being, you are a puppy watching the gate."

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