
Otsuki Goro broke out in extreme anger and wanted to resist.

Then they were smashed to the ground by the giant tree.

The supreme elves in the home space came out and surrounded Datongmu Wulao.

The Otsuki five elders felt that there were many forces around them that were not weaker than them, and they realized that this time the Otsuki clan had encountered an irresistible enemy.

The golden overlord flower slapped the elders: Are you moved?

Wu Lao: Don’t dare to move.

Even if they wanted to use their hole cards, because they were entangled in the branches, it was difficult to use their strength, and they couldn't even lift their hole cards.

The power of resistance was directly suppressed by the elves.

When they wanted to commit suicide, the branch penetrated their mouths into their bodies first, manipulating their bodies and strength.

Under Caroline's explanation, Bailiyuan also understood the reason why the giant tree can control the Datongmu family.

The sacred object of the Otsutsuki clan, that is, the giant tree, is the source of the ten tails. It has a similar effect to the wooden ninjutsu and can be used to restrain the Otsutsuki clan.

Because the giant tree is the reliance of the high-level people to rule the Otsutsuki clan, the clansmen who want to rebel have no ability to resist in front of the giant tree.

The giant tree and the Datongmu clan are not just a simple relationship of restraint, but actually have a deeper connection between the two parties.

Now that the giant tree is controlled by Caroline, it is like choking the lifeblood of the Datongmu family, or the back of the neck of fate. They have no way to scratch the armpit of fate.

When you find the restraint chain, everything becomes easier.

The Datongmu clan has become able to be manipulated by Bailiyuan at will.

With the help of the giant tree, all the Otsutsuki clan were arrested. Even the Otsutsuki five elders were restrained and temporarily hung on the tree to prevent them from committing suicide and escaping.

When Otsuki Kaguya saw the other Otsutsuki clansmen who were imprisoned together, he was already shocked and speechless.

This is bringing back Datongmu's hometown!

Some of the Otsuki tribe who knew Kaguya Otsuki saw that Kaguya Otsutsu was already in prison, and the Sharingan of Reincarnation on Kaguya Otsutsu's forehead, they seemed to understand something.

Is it you who led the enemy to the planet Otsutsumu?

If it weren't for the fact that their bodies and abilities were not bound, they would have gone up to bite Otsutsuki Kaguya a long time ago.

As the first Otsutsuki to be captured, Otsuki Kaguya was not completely restrained, instead Caroline asked her to manage the captured Otsutsuki tribe.

Otsutsuki Kaguya unexpectedly did not do anything out of the ordinary, but obediently carried out Caroline's order.

According to Caroline, this is the psychology of being manipulated.

Because Otsutsuki Kaguya knew that resistance would not end well, and her worries were gone. If she wanted to survive, she had to cooperate.

On the planet Datongmu, in addition to capturing a large number of Datongmu people.

Bailiyuan also harvested a large number of Easter eggs. It has been a long time since he harvested such a large number of high-level Easter eggs. This time, he collected five Supreme Easter eggs and the sacred Easter egg at one time.

It's a pity that there is only one Datongmu clan, and the dungeon cannot be used for the second week.

Caroline is responsible for dealing with the members of the Otsuki clan, recovering the database of the Otsuki clan, and investigating the history of the Otsuki clan.

Bailiyuan began to dig treasures in the Datongmu clan, and took away the missing things. Be sure not to leave anything about the Datongmu clan, so as to prevent the Datongmu clan from resurging.

Although there are still fish that slipped through the net of the Otsutsuki family in the universe.

But it's impossible to catch them all over the universe. If they encounter it later, and without the support of the clan, they can't make much trouble.

When Namikaze Minato or Uzumaki Naruto grow up in the future, they can be taught how to act in the universe and let them hunt down the Otsutsuki clan in the universe.

Bailiyuan can't be perfect, but can only do its best.

After being busy for several days, Caroline finally figured out the history of the Otsutsuki clan, and officially cracked the secret of the Otsutsuki clan.

Originally, the planet Datongmu was also a planet rich in materials and filled with countless life forms. It had oceans and vegetation. The intelligent race on the planet was not what it is today, and there is not only one race, let’s call them Datong Jupiters.

At that time, the Jupiters in Datong discovered Chakra and mastered the power of Chakra.

Perhaps it is because the physique of the Jupiters in Datong is very suitable for using Chakra, so the Jupiters in Datong easily obtained various abilities with Chakra.

But the Datong Jupiters did not use this power to create a better life, but fought against each other. The strong ones are constantly looking for powerful power and status to satisfy their own ambitions.

Soon, the beautiful planet became withered, the natural environment was difficult to restore, and the food for the population became a problem. They fell into a food crisis, which caused the population of the planet to drop sharply.

So some Jupiters in Datong began to try to cultivate various crops with the help of chakra.

At the beginning, many high-yielding crops were indeed cultivated, temporarily solving the food crisis.

However, a lunatic appeared. Referring to the technology of cultivating crops, he wanted to use all the chakras on the entire planet to cultivate a "sacred tree" to rule the planet and become the "god" of the planet.

That "sacred tree" is the sacred giant tree on the planet Datongmu today!

The madman's plan succeeds, but with dire consequences.

The sacred tree absorbs the chakra of the entire planet and becomes huge.

The planet that was drained of chakra turned white, and the life on the planet was almost extinct. Only a few thousand Jupiters mutated due to the influence of the sacred tree, and gained great strength and long life.

Later, these people formed a new family, which is the current Otsutsuki family, living around the sacred tree, and began to explore the universe.

This plot is somewhat similar to the plot of Kingdom of Light, but it goes in a different direction.

Although the Otsutsuki clan has a long life, some people still died in the process of exploring the universe, so they developed the ability of "wedge" to transcend the boundary of life and death, and the final population has been maintained at about a thousand people.

At the same time, the Otsutsuki clan used the branches of the sacred tree to make weapons and the biological weapon ten tails.

They discovered that ten tails have the ability to absorb chakra and then bear fruit, so the Otsutsuki family began to take ten tails to the universe to obtain chakra fruits and continuously improve their strength.

In the long life, the Otsutsuki clan lost most of the meaning of life, and they became simple-simple pursuit of great strength, without any sense of guilt.

Perhaps it was because the sacred tree was bred to rule the Otsutsuki people, so that the sacred tree gained the power to restrain the Otsutsuki clan. Fortunately, the sacred tree itself does not have consciousness.

While using the power of the sacred tree, the Otsuki family is also afraid of the power of the sacred tree. They control the five elders and high-level officials of the sacred tree, and use this to control the Otsuki family, collect chakra fruits, and improve their own strength. Hope Keep getting stronger and become the "god" of their dreams!

In order to accelerate the production of chakra fruits, the Otsutsuki clan also divided into guardians and guardians.

Until the arrival of Baili Yuan, this system of high and low was broken.

Now they've all got equality—equal flutter.

Well, except Otsutsuki Kaguya, she was left by Caroline as an individual for experimental research because of her good performance.

After obtaining the information of "Wedge", Caroline deciphered the function of "Wedge" through continuous deduction.

"Wedge" is like a data compression package, turning everything about a person into data, making a compressed package, copying it to another host, decompressing it at the right time, and transforming the host into a suitable model.

The soul of the Datongmu people is the code for decompression. There is only one soul, so only one "wedge" can be decompressed at a time, and the other "wedges" will be automatically destroyed after receiving the signal.

This is also to prevent multiple identical people from appearing.

If the model of the mainframe does not meet the requirements, the "Wedge" cannot be completely decompressed, and it will be difficult for the Datongmu people to be resurrected. In the end, they can only dissipate their souls, and part of the decompressed data in the "Wedge" will instead become the power of the "device".

For this method, both Caroline and Bailiyuan called it a genius idea, and then they confiscated all the souls of the Otsutsuki clan.

The souls of the Datongmu clan were collected by Bailiyuan and temporarily sealed in the refrigerator island. The souls of the strong should not be wasted. They are very good materials.

As a bright Ultraman, Bailiyuan guarantees that these souls are in a state of sleep, and they will not feel pain.

Without these souls, the "wedge" left by the Otsutsuki clan will not be activated, and will probably disappear completely with the death of the "device".

The bodies of the Otsutsuki clan were sorted into storage by Caroline, and the pupil skills on them were quite precious. Caroline also said that it might be possible to imitate the "wedge" method to share the power of the Otsutsuki clan with the elves.

It's a pity that the power of "Wedge" can only be used based on the body of the Otsutsuki clan, and other creatures cannot use it. Otherwise, the means of transcending life and death, combined with gene cloning technology, can completely achieve technological immortality!

The "wedge" of the Otsuki family is not universal.

Fortunately, except for the Datongmu clan, other beings cannot use the "wedge", but referring to the principle of the "wedge", Bailiyuan also has a new idea for elves and seniors to use power.

He wants to create a method of borrowing strength that suits him!

Uchiha Shisui was also very happy. He took Pikachu into the warehouse full of eyeballs, followed the instructions, picked and picked, and chose new accessories for Susanoo.

Isn't something like eyeballs a plug-and-play prop?

And the body of the five elders was completely left to Uchiha Shisui.

One by one chakra controllers were sent into Goro's body by Uchiha Shisui.

A new five-column appeared.

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