Chapter 2431 the planet Datongmu is under control

More than three minutes passed quietly.

The black on Baili Yuan's body receded like a tide, and then Baili Yuan also fell from the air weakly.

Strong ability is strong, but it consumes a bit too much, and you can't stop it on your own initiative.

With Baili Yuan's current strength, even if all his strength is consumed, he can only maintain more than a third of his Tao-seeking body.

With a thud, Bailiyuan fell to the ground, making a big hole in the ground, feeling the emptiness of his body, staring at the sky with blank eyes, as if he had entered the state of a saint.

The seven Datongmu executives realized that it was time for Bailiyuan, and their faces showed ferocious and angry expressions. The previous grievances could finally be vented.

Some of them lost their legs, some lost their arms, and some even lost half of their bodies. If it wasn't for Baili Yuan's temporary abduction, he might have disintegrated on the spot

"His strength is gone, I will torture him severely!"

"Leave his body to me, I want his body as a weapon!"

The seven high-ranking members of Datongmu couldn’t remember how long it had been since they were so embarrassed... No, they had never been so embarrassed. Even when they went to other planets to plant trees when they were young, no one could beat them to such an injury.

"Stop wasting time, grab him!"

The seven high-ranking Datsutsugi shot at the same time.

In fact, they all took a fancy to Baili Yuan's body, including the two female Datongmu. Anyway, after they occupied Baili Yuan's body, Baili Yuan's body would be transformed into their original appearance.

The choice of organ is not limited by gender.

If they can get Baili Yuan's body, maybe they can also master Baili Yuan's power, especially the seeking body just now.

Even the Otsutsuki clan is jealous of that kind of terrifying ability.

Therefore, the seven people shot at the same time, and they all used the fastest speed. They knew what it means to have a quick hand and a slow hand.

If Bailiyuan is captured by others, it will be difficult to get Bailiyuan again.

Sensing that seven people rushed towards him at the same time, Bailiyuan raised his eyebrows.

This is... delivered to your door by yourself?

The entrance to the home space is quietly opened above Bailiyuan.

Then the seven large wooden high-rises rushed into the home space almost at the same time.

Entrance, close.

In the past, if Bailiyuan wanted to kick them into the home space, it would be difficult, and they would resist, but now, they took the initiative to send them to the door, without any intention of slowing down.

In the home space, a group of elves with supreme strength stared at the seven high-level Datongmu who rushed in, and their breath suppressed their direction unabashedly.

The seven high-ranking members of Datongmu did not dare to move.

All they can say is...


be cheated!

The seven Datongmu high-rises who were disabled were the food delivered to the door.


Everything happened in a flash.

The people of the Datongmu clan who were still cheering for the high-level comeback just now found that the high-level people were gone in the blink of an eye.

What about people?

What about the seven high-level people who are as big as us?

The guardians were horrified.

Baili Yuan crawled out of the pit tremblingly, and sat down on a rock without any image.

None of the guards who saw this scene dared to step forward to make up for Bailiyuan.

They also worry about their disappearance for no apparent reason.

Those who left devices on alien planets even thought about the possibility of committing suicide and running away now.

But every reincarnation is not a good experience.

At this moment, the guardian shouted loudly: "Go and invite the five elders, let the five elders come and kill the enemy."

"That's right, that's right, we still have five elders."

"Go and call Wu Lao!"

"Bring all the ten tails here and hold him back."

Baili Yuan who heard the voice was also a little curious.

"Is Wu Lao the holder of the five supreme-level easter eggs? It's a bit strange that he didn't show up after fighting for so long."

While many ten tails rushed towards Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui, several seven-colored guardians opened Huangquan Hirazaka, came near the giant tree, and rushed behind the residence of the high-level people.

Around the giant tree, there are seven building complexes, which are the residences of the seven colorful high-rises.

In the open space between the building complex and the giant trees, there are five huge altars distributed in five directions.

Several guardians knelt in front of the altar, activated their abilities, and called to the altar.

For the giant tree and the ten tails produced by the giant tree, the Otsutsuki family communicates through sacrifices.

Even if the guardian is fed to the ten tails, it is through a sacrifice.

The five huge altars are places dedicated to offering sacrifices to giant trees.

At the same time, the true background of the Otsutsuki clan—the existence closest to the gods among the five Otsutsuki clans, lives in a different space inside the altar, constantly comprehending the way to become a god.

Except for the portion of the fruit of the sacred tree that was distributed to the high-level people and some of the guarded ones, most of the rest were put down on the altar for sacrifice, and would be collected and eaten by the five powerhouses in order to keep getting closer to the level of the gods.

The five strong men were awakened by the call of the guardians, and the five rays of light were released from the altar with a powerful breath.

The sky of the planet Datongmu seems to have changed color.

Winds swept across the planet.

The entire planet's ground trembled.

Uchiha Shisui had to suspend the battle with his opponent, and came to Bailiyuan with a huge Tenseigan.

Those ten tails who were attacking them also temporarily bowed their bodies, not daring to move.

The elves who went to intercept Ten-Tails before were also captured by Uchiha Shisui and brought back to Bailiyuan.

Although Bailiyuan's power was still empty, he was not affected by the coercion. While watching the changes around him in amazement, he stuffed the Datongmu people on the huge reincarnation eyes into the home space.

The huge Tenseiyan is like a magnet, and those Datongmu people hanging on it are the iron filings sucked by the magnet.

Now their condition is not good at all, the chakra in their bodies has been sucked clean by the giant reincarnated eyes.

The Datongmu people who depended on Chakra to survive felt unprecedentedly weak.

In the home space, Xanadu commanded the elves to restrict the actions and abilities of all Datongmu people in the way Caroline explained, to prevent them from committing suicide, and then sent them to prison. To dizzy.

Outside, as all the momentum subsided, five figures floating in the air appeared.

They are the background and the strongest of the Datongmu clan, the five supreme powerhouses-the five elders!

Five male Datongmu people.

They are called five elders because they have survived long enough, but they all look like youths or teenagers, without any signs of aging.

Like the normal Datongmu people, they also have strange horns on their heads and white eyes, but there is no reincarnation Sharingan on their foreheads. Instead, they are more like the most ordinary Datongmu people.

It's just that there is a clear difference in dress from the Otsutsuki clan.

The pure white robe has borders of different colors, namely gold, red, black, purple, and blue, making it look more noble.

However, their clothes are not made of special fabrics, but are condensed from their strength, which has a strong defensive ability, comparable to a demigod.

The remnants of the Otsutsuki clan cheered, and before the five elders asked questions, it was like a wronged child suing the parents, crying about how Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui bullied the Otsutsuki clan, and how the seven high-level officials were raped by Bailiyuan. Li Yuan plotted.

And the five elders glanced around the surrounding battlefield, and they roughly understood the specific situation.

And not angry.

For them, the only thing that can cause their mood swings is to find a way to become a god.

The attack on the Datongmu family is only a trivial matter, as long as it doesn't affect them going out to plant trees.

As for Baili Yuan and Uchiha Shisui...

Just kill it casually.

Then, the giant tree behind them moved.

Countless branches swept up and rolled towards...

Wu Lao and the remaining Datongmu people.

The branches of the giant tree attacked very suddenly, and the speed was extremely fast. Even the five elders were entangled by the branches before they could react. After all, they were too close to the giant tree.

After being entangled by the giant tree, all the Datongmu people felt that the power in their bodies disappeared instantly, making them lose all their ability to struggle.

Only the five elders were in a better condition, but at this moment they stared at the giant tree with wide eyes in shock, not understanding why the giant tree suddenly attacked them.

And then everyone heard—

"Xiaoyuan, the Otsutsuki planet is under control, how will the Otsutsuki family deal with it?" It was Caroline's voice, and her voice came from the giant tree.

Baili Yuan who was sitting on the ground also felt that the planet below him came alive.

"I see." Baili Yuan smiled.

With the assistance of the system and the ability of material calculation, Caroline controlled everything on the planet Otsutsuki, including the sacred tree of the Otsutsuki family.

Caroline can use the ability of matter calculation to invade matter and manipulate matter.

Now, the Otsutsuki clan is over.

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