Chapter 2324 The Poison Of The Rotten God

These monsters gave Baili Yuan the feeling of evil, but there was no evil breath, and his sacred power did not even have a special attack effect on these monsters.

But there is no doubt that these monsters are dangerous!

System, scan!

[Wolf, Worm, Tiger and Leopard: A four-in-one special weapon that escapes from evil, removes the breath of evil, but retains some of the characteristics of evil. Because of its evil characteristics, it will become hostile to everything around it and swallow everything instinctively. When it senses danger, it will mimic and hide. Note: Insects are long insects~]

"A weapon?" Baili Yuan clenched his fist, trying to throw the monster into the system's disassembler, but it didn't work.

They are not simple weapons either.


The hungry wolf let out a long howl, and its body suddenly became bigger. Magic power fluctuations suddenly emerged from the hungry wolf's body, and a huge fireball fell out of thin air.

This is the method of Warcraft!

Green skeletons emerged, and Uchiha Shisui's Susano rose up in the blink of an eye, easily blocking the falling fireball.

Although it was only the second stage, with Uchiha Shisui's strength, the skeleton frame became extremely huge. The hungry wolf, which had swelled to more than 30 meters, was directly grabbed by Susano's skeleton arm and fell hard on the ground. on the ground.

Susanoo grabbed the wolf with both hands.


The hungry wolf was directly torn in half, but there was no bloody scene, a large amount of silvery white liquid with metallic luster spilled from the hungry wolf's body.

Hungry wolves have no guts!

It seems that what constitutes the hungry wolf is not flesh and blood, but this special silver liquid.

The two-sectioned hungry wolf was crawling on the ground, its viciousness remained unabated, and it seemed that it hadn't been greatly affected.

Those three monsters who were crucified on the ground even ignored their own bodies, struggled and tore their bodies apart, and escaped from under the cross.

A large amount of silver metal liquid scattered on the ground began to flow and gather together.


Without waiting for the liquid to gather together, Susano punched out with both fists, crushing the hungry wolf, and Bailiyuan also suppressed the other three monsters, and then smashed the bodies of the three monsters little by little, looking for ways to kill the three monsters. Possibility of monsters.

In the eyes of God, these four monsters are full of weaknesses, but they don't seem to have any weaknesses.

Because no matter which weak point is attacked, the monsters will indeed shatter, but then the monsters will regroup.

"It may be that only a few or even one of these weaknesses is the one that can really kill these four monsters!"

This is just speculation.

The venom of the big needle bee dripped on a monster, and it only made a sizzling sound, but it didn't cause too much corrosion to the monster.

The big needle bee was not disappointed, she immediately switched to a highly poisonous one and continued to try.

Finally, a poison had a huge effect on the monster. Amid a burst of tearing, half of a monster's body was melted by the poison.

"What kind of poison is that?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

The big needle bee was also a little surprised: "This is a poison that is specifically aimed at gods. It has the effect of corroding divinity. It is the poison of rotten gods."

God of Fate:!

Did you hear something dangerous just now?

Wait, Yuan, aren't you on your way to becoming a god?

Bailiyuan knew about the god-targeting poison developed by the big needle bee, and it was not original by the big needle bee.

This kind of poison was dug out by Caroline from Akamoy's database. It is a poisonous poison that has been researched at some time. However, there are only formulas and effects in the records, and although the materials are precious, they are not impossible. get.

Caroline helped the big needle bee to collect all the materials, so that the big needle bee developed the poison.

For ordinary life, this kind of poison can only be regarded as a poison with good effect, but for things with divine nature, it is a terrible poison!

To put it simply, this is a poison developed by mortals to target gods!

"Could it be that these four monsters are related to gods?" Baili Yuan felt that things were getting more and more interesting.

Now that the effective means to deal with the four monsters has been determined, the big needle bee no longer grudges her own poison.

As long as the poison has been absorbed by the big needle wasp, this poison will be engraved in the body and strength of the big needle wasp, and the big needle wasp can continuously produce the corresponding poison after consuming a certain amount of strength and physical strength.

The poison of the rotting god fell from the sky like heavy rain, pouring on the four monsters.

Uchiha Shisui retracted the Susanoo, retreated quickly, and recovered all the Leonix at the same time, even Uchiha Shisui did not dare to touch the venom of the big needle bee at will.

As the poison of the rotting god fell, the four monsters screamed and struggled, and finally turned into a puddle of mud.

Turning the high and high gods into corrupt mud is the terrible thing about the poison of the rotten gods.

When the poison of the rotten god fell on the four monsters, Bailiyuan also noticed that as those weak points touched the poison of the rotten god, the weak points would collapse and disappear, and the bodies of the four monsters could not continue to regenerate.

"Could it be that those weaknesses mark divinity?"

After destroying the four monsters, the big needle bee landed and began to recycle its own poison.

Recycling its own poison can restore the strength and stamina of the wasp, and at the same time, it can also avoid large-scale biological extinction caused by the leakage of the venom.

The battle just now has attracted the attention of many adventurers exploring the island, and some brave ones have already arrived near the battlefield.

Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui didn't stay much longer, and disappeared from the battlefield in a blink of an eye. When the adventurers finally mustered up their courage and stepped into the battlefield, they only saw a mess and were shocked by it.

However, things didn't end there.

Then a large number of monsters appeared and began to run and charge on the island, making the island chaotic.

Faced with such an island, the adventurers who were exploring the island could not stay on the island any longer and had to evacuate one after another. Fortunately, none of the adventurers on the island were involved in the chaos brought by the monsters. leave safely.

It's just that after all the adventurers left by boat, when they looked back, they found that the island behind them had disappeared!

There are adventurers who have witnessed everything, and they only saw that the island disappeared as a ray of light covered the entire island.

There is one more anecdote about the Millennium Ocean Current - the island of huge disappearing creatures.

This moment.

in home space.

Bailiyuan placed the island near the battleship and floated in the air. The island is surrounded by a layer of power. This layer of power is the power of the system, which will simulate the natural environment and maintain the ecology of the island.

"This island should be used as a vegetable garden and pasture." Baili Yuan clapped his hands.

The power and environment of the island are very suitable for growing vegetables and raising livestock.

Moreover, there are a large number of unintelligent monsters on the island, and they can also try to domesticate or hunt them.

That is, the scale of the island is very large, the size of a small continent, and the remaining space in the home space can only accommodate one more such island at most.

But it doesn't matter, there are still some advanced Easter eggs in Bailiyuan's reserve, which can be expanded at any time.

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