Chapter 2323 Wolf Worm Tiger Leopard

Bailiyuan had a need, so the system directly took out two colorful eggs, stuffed them into his body from behind, and began to develop new functions for Bailiyuan.

Soon, the ability to store several of these islands in the home space appeared.

The home space has been upgraded and expanded to become even bigger.

Although the battleship still needs to be purchased by Bailiyuan, there is still a large area outside of the battleship. After sending the island into the home space, the power of the system can ensure that the environment of the island will not change, and at the same time, it will automatically generate Let the animals and plants on the island adapt to the environment.

"After becoming the main god, the ability of the system seems to be more useful." Bailiyuan praised the system.

After traveling through most of the island, Bailiyuan had a deeper understanding of the situation on the island.

Everything on this island is more ancient and primitive, and therefore, there are almost no intelligent life on the island of Warcraft.

Just when Bailiyuan was about to find Uchiha Shisui, a series of roars sounded, and monsters suddenly appeared in the forest, thinking of charging in different directions.

"What's the situation? Why did Zhishui release so many monsters? Did he encounter a difficult enemy?"

Bailiyuan moved instantly and disappeared in place.


Uchiha Shisui stood quietly on the branch of the tree, his eyes scanned the surroundings vigilantly, a few Leonix stood beside Uchiha Shisui, released the monsters, rushed around, stirred the surroundings, as if to force something Things appear normal.

At this time, around Uchiha Shisui, there are some trees only where they are, but the surrounding area that should be at the same time as the forest is empty, and there is a clearing, as if it has been plowed by something.

This special range extends from where Uchiha Shisui is located to the coastline. It seems that something landed on the island from there, and then caused everything.

There are still a large number of corpses of huge monsters in the open space, which is a bloody mess.

These remaining corpses are just wreckage. They seem to have been eaten by something with most of their flesh and blood, and there are still signs of gnawing on the bones involved.

Uchiha Shisui can tell that these traces are very new!

This means that the danger that caused everything exists, is nearby!

However, Uchiha Shisui was surprised to find that with his insight, he couldn't find any special clues.

Just because of this, Uchiha Shisui became uneasy. He jumped directly onto the tree, and at the same time let the Leonix release monsters, stirring up Xi Zhou, trying to force or seduce dangerous things out.

The huge trees were pushed down by the monsters, and the surrounding monsters were frightened away. Soon there was a vacuum of monsters. Except for the monsters and trees, even the insects ran away.

The existence hidden in the dark finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The food was dispersed by the monsters. Seeing the food disappear, the eager greed finally couldn't hold back, and set his sights on the monsters.

Uchiha Shisui's eyes rolled quickly, and he finally noticed something strange.

A seemingly ordinary stone gradually grew faster and rushed towards a monster. The moment it rushed in front of the monster, it had already turned into a long snake, and the shape of the long snake also became bigger out of thin air. He bit the monster's neck with a big mouth.

A piece of soil began to fluctuate, and then a figure rushed out of the soil, pounced on a nearby monster, and quickly grew in size, it was a leopard!

A big tree began to distort, revealing a bloody mouth with fangs. Based on the position of the bloody mouth, it began to change continuously, turning into a huge tiger, and then the tiger rushed towards a monster.

The sound of piercing the sky came from behind Uchiha Shisui.

A ferocious hungry wolf pounced on Uchiha Shisui.


Uchiha Shimizu's assistant accurately intercepted the culling of the hungry wolf, and put it in the mouth of the hungry wolf.

Enemies are not one, but four!

Wolves, tigers and leopards!

"Special hiding means, powerful strength and speed, terrible swallowing ability, can change body shape..." Uchiha Shisui quickly analyzed the abilities of these four animals. Although they are different in type, they have the same ability. As for whether there are exclusive special abilities and wisdom, it needs to be tested later.

The three monsters being attacked screamed, and Shisui Uchiha looked from the corner of his eye and found that the three monsters were seriously injured in an instant.

Uchiha Shisui directly asked the Leonix to take back their monsters.

At the same time, Leonix beside Uchiha Shisui held weapons and attacked the hungry wolf in front of Uchiha Shisui.

The weapons in Leonix's hands were specially made by Caroline. They were in the shape of firearms and could release various attacks such as electric shock, high temperature, low temperature, magic, and ammunition. They could also extend bayonets as melee weapons.

And the big killers are hidden powerful enchanted missiles and self-explosive devices.

The bayonet extended from the gun failed to penetrate the hungry wolf's body.

The current wrapped around the hungry wolf's body, causing the hungry wolf to roar in pain, and let go of the mouth that was biting Uchiha Shisui's assistant.

However, the effect of the current was not as expected.

Another flame attacked the hungry wolf.

Then came the cold.

Trials have proved that electric shock, high temperature and low temperature do not have a good effect on hungry wolves.

Magical fluctuations emerged from the guns in the hands of the Leonixes.

Weakness, curse, corruption...

Magic bullets, freezing, smashing...

A series of magical effects hit the hungry wolf overwhelmingly, this time the hungry wolf finally suffered serious injuries.

Although the strength of the hungry wolf is not weak, but the sudden outbreak of so many attacks and weakening effects, the hungry wolf still can't bear it.

Gouyu in Uchiha Shisui's eyes turned slowly, he was a little disappointed.

Because he found that he couldn't control the hungry wolf in front of him. The hungry wolf in front of him was like a dead thing, without its own will and spirit.

This is Uchiha Shisui's most hated opponent.

But this also made Uchiha Shisui very puzzled, without will and spirit, what made these four animals camouflage and devour?

The other three animals noticed that the monsters had disappeared, and immediately followed Uchiha Shisui and Leonix.

The hungry wolf in front of him was constantly being attacked, dragging its stump and struggling continuously.

The expression of Uchiha Shisui who watched the hungry wolf changed slightly, because although the injuries on the hungry wolf were getting worse, Uchiha Shisui noticed that the hungry wolf's injuries were also recovering at the same time, but the speed of the injury was faster than It's just the speed of its recovery.

"Really, scary stuff!"

In just a short moment, the power displayed by the hungry wolf made Uchiha Shisui realize its horror.

If hungry wolves enter a city and are not detected and stopped in time, a city may be devoured by hungry wolves.

Not to mention, there are three other creatures that may be the same as hungry wolves.

The other three monsters attacked, Uchiha Shisui held the assistant, and Chakra was attached to the assistant.

It's just that the moment Uchiha Shisui swung his knife, he stopped.

In the sky, three huge golden crosses fell out of thin air, directly nailing the three monsters to the ground, causing the three monsters to writhe wildly on the ground.

"Shisui, what are these monsters?" Bailiyuan's voice came from above, Uchiha Shisui raised his head, just in time to see Bailiyuan who had just arrived, and the big needle following Bailiyuan bee.

Bailiyuan's radiant pupil of God opened, and he also noticed the strangeness of these monsters.

These monsters gave Baili Yuan the feeling - evil!

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