I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 232 The Bug on the Tip of the Tongue

The corpse of the monster sank to the bottom of the sea. Bailiyuan needs the power of elves to reach the bottom of the sea, and can only rely on the power of Menus and Gyarados. Currently, only these two elves can dive, and they are suitable for deep water Activity.

Normal water-type Pokémon can dive into the water, but the depth of diving is limited due to their own quality. Only Pokmon who have specially learned diving skills can break through the limitations of physical fitness and dive into deep water.

With the help of Menus to help Bailiyuan share the underwater pressure, Bailiyuan can also dive into the bottom of the sea with an oxygen cylinder on his back.

With the help of the two Pokémon, Bailiyuan quickly found the bodies of the two monsters.

Even if the two monsters were kicked off their heads, they would still be more than 40 meters long, and nearly fifty meters tall. Baili Yuan couldn't easily put the two monsters away.

But Bailiyuan has his own way.

With the help of the two Pokmon, Bailiyuan made some arrangements around the corpses of the two monsters, and then returned the same way.

After landing, Bailiyuan did not rush back, but turned to the deep mountains around Tokyo. Bailiyuan deliberately walked a long way to make sure that no one stopped around.

Bailiyuan found a clearing in the mountains, and after making sure it was big enough, he began to draw a magic circle on the ground.

Baili Yuan squatted outside the magic circle, and then took out the half-eaten grilled fish.

At this time, the grilled fish was completely cool, but fortunately, it was not damaged in the space. If Baili Yuan wanted to, he could grill it again and continue eating.

But Bailiyuan obviously didn't take out the grilled fish for a second meal.

Baili Yuan threw the grilled fish into the magic circle and folded his hands together.

"Using half a grilled fish as a sacrifice...replacement call!"

Bailiyuan pressed his hands on the magic circle, the power surged according to a fixed trajectory, and the whole magic circle lit up!

Replacement Summoning is a skill in the Summoner's inheritance, which can replace the marked item B with item A.

This move consumes somewhat different power depending on the size and power of the replaced item B.

However, this skill itself was invented for moving items that are difficult to move, so in general, it is not that serious when it needs to be consumed when replacing.

With Bailiyuan's current strength, it's no problem to replace one monster's corpse with grilled fish. As for the monster with two heads, then replace it twice!

Besides the half grilled fish, there was still half a bowl of leftover rice in Bailiyuan's space.

The power in Baili Yuan's body was consumed violently. When it was about to bottom out, the magic circle burst into bright light. The light dissipated, and half of the grilled fish disappeared. What appeared on the magic circle was a headless monster corpse.

"Just right." Baili Yuan smiled.

Then Bailiyuan released the Pokémon and asked them to guard the surroundings. Bailiyuan himself transformed into a future soldier and began to study the corpse.

Although the monster's body is huge, the future soldier's equipment also has a scanning device, which is equipped to find buried treasure.

After some scanning, Bailiyuan found that there was not much power left in the monster's body, but Bailiyuan found the organ that produced light energy.

Rubbing his hands together, Bailiyuan took out his lightsaber.

The monster's corpse was difficult to deal with. Fortunately, the monster had already died, and its muscles and skin had become loose. Baili Yuan could barely handle the monster's corpse with a lightsaber.

However, the huge size of the monster forced Baili Yuan to exert a lot of effort.

After a lot of work, Bailiyuan took out the monster's organ that produces light energy.

The organ was like a rock, the size of a room. Bailiyuan measured it with a scanner, and it was rounded up to about 30 cubic meters in size.

The space of Bailiyuan couldn't fit something of this size at all.

Therefore, Bailiyuan chose to bury it on the spot.

However, it has been dealt with, and it will be replaced when it returns to Tokyo, and then it will be studied slowly.

As for the remaining body parts of the monster, the more valuable one is the dorsal fin of Kiras, which has a special water attribute power. Bailiyuan guessed that this dorsal fin is the reason why the twin monsters of Kiras can set off a tsunami, and it can also Changes affecting the weather.

Likewise, cut it off and bury it on the spot after disposal.

Now, there was nothing of value in the remaining corpses of the monsters.

Bailiyuan called out two bug monsters.

The bug monster grows very fast, but because it is a newborn body, its size is not that big, its combat power is not strong, and it does not have the awakened powerful sand control power.

As for the cultivation methods of the two bug monsters, the scientific research team also listed it for Bailiyuan.

At this time, the two bug monsters need to eat more food, which is helpful for the growth of the two bug monsters, and if they want to grow to the point of that huge bug monster, they need to eat more things. Monsters can also feed on sand and rocks. If Baili Yuan can't afford it, he can let the two bug monsters eat soil.

Naturally, the corpses of monsters cannot be wasted. Instead of throwing them here, it is better to make food for two bug monsters. Bug monsters can swallow sand and stones, and the digestive system is naturally extremely powerful. It is not difficult to eat up the corpse of a monster.

The appearance of the two bug monsters is very similar to the original huge bug monster, the difference is that the body of the two bug monsters has shrunk by N numbers, and the mouthparts are also like a circle of fangs.

The bug monster has no eyes, but uses the tentacles on the tongue to sense the breath of the outside world and know the surrounding situation.

As soon as the two bug monsters came out, they acted very close to Baili Yuan.

Although the worm monsters look uncivilized, their IQ is still very high. Bailiyuan is their master, so they will show affection.

Although the huge bug monster was standing opposite to Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan still loves these two small bug monsters and has no prejudice. These two little bug monsters are the real children.

Bailiyuan comforted the two little bug monsters for a while, and then said that the dismembered monster body was for them.

The two little bug monsters rushed towards the corpse excitedly, and then directly began to devour it.

The stomachs of the two bug monsters with the "eating mode" turned on are like a bottomless pit. The corpses of the monsters are quickly wiped out and disappear into the mouths of the two bug monsters.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka..."

Seeing this scene, Baili Yuan twitched the corner of his mouth.

Bailiyuan had never used so much food to feed a bug monster before. After all, food also cost money. If a piece of meat as big as a monster was used to feed two bug monsters every day, even Yuncheng College would not be able to bear the consumption. Therefore, this is the first time Bailiyuan has seen such a crazy devouring scene of a bug monster.

Bailiyuan scratched his head, could only shake his head with a wry smile, and then began to recover his strength in the distance. When the strength was almost recovered, Bailiyuan re-drawn a magic circle.

Take out half a bowl of leftovers.

"Using half a bowl of leftovers as a sacrifice...replacement call!"

The corpse of the second monster appeared on the magic circle.

Bailiyuan took out his lightsaber and started a new round of corpse disposal.

And the two bug monsters on one side were eating deliciously, which made the elves who were on guard stunned.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka..."

Why does it look so delicious!

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