Chapter 231: Baili Yuan Goes to the Sea

Because he was worried about Yamaguchi Baizi, Feng Yuan's practice rhythm was broken, and because of this, Feng Yuan was unable to quickly master the spinning and kicking.

And then...Feng Yuan was beaten up by Zhu Xingtuan, and after drinking two mouthfuls of chicken soup, he regained his composure and started to go back to continue practicing roundabout and flying kicks.

Facing the threat of monsters, Feng Yuan's physical potential was quickly tapped, and the speed of his roundabout and flying kicks was getting faster and faster, and he soon entered the next stage.

But Bailiyuan was still a little bit worse.

As for Feng Yuan's previous set of equipment, it was taken over by Baili Yuan. Flying kick is a very powerful kicking technique, and it can bloom unexpected brilliance in the hands of someone who is good at kicking skills.

Bailiyuan was going to let the elves also practice this move, but after some screening, Bailiyuan found that only the flame chicken, who was very good at leg strength, could learn this move, and he was also qualified to learn this move. It was impossible for the armored rhinoceros Learning to spin and kick? That picture is really beautiful.

Sure enough, with Flame Chicken alone, he couldn't learn this trick perfectly at first.

Bailiyuan and Flame Chicken shared their experience from practicing till now.

In this way, the flame chicken gradually figured out the way and gradually got started.

Then, the flame chicken and Bailiyuan began to hang and spin on the iron pipe together.

Bailiyuan believes that when the flame chicken learns to spin and kick, its strength will definitely be improved. If it is combined with skills like flame kick in the future, its power will definitely explode!

Flame Chicken is also very concerned about this kind of training that can enhance its strength. Although Flame Chicken believes that he will not lose easily when facing humans of the same level, but when facing huge enemies like monsters, even if both sides The realm is similar, but the flame chicken knows that the chance of winning is still very slim.

Although the flame chicken's skills are very powerful, but there is an upper limit, the same realm does not mean that they have the same strength, and the latitude of physical strength will not be exactly the same.

Now the flame chicken urgently needs to learn more powerful abilities, so as to improve its latitude of strength without improving its own realm. The competitive spirit that the fire-type Pokémon has always possessed makes the flame chicken more eager for strength.

"Come on, one day you will be able to kill a monster with one kick!" Baili Yuan cheered up the flame chicken while spinning.

"Cha!" The flame chicken also replied in the same rotation.

On the other side, Feng Yuan is also carrying out the next stage of cultivation.

Feng Yuan has basically been able to achieve the rudiment of the roundabout flying kick. Now he needs to make his body rotate in the air by jumping, and at the same time ensure that his feet have enough strength, and the strength must also be hit. It will not be easily scattered, so as to ensure the power of roundabout kick!

However, during the process of Fengyuan's cultivation, the twin monsters of Kiras attacked again! Aim for Tokyo!

At this time, the horns on the heads of Kiras' twin monsters had grown back.

In order to delay Feng Yuan's practice, Zhu Xingtuan led all members of MAC to deal with the two monsters.

Time must be delayed for Feng Yuan!

The monsters attacked again, and Bailiyuan and Flame Chicken temporarily ended their practice, but watched the battle from the sidelines.

Baili Yuan was also very concerned about the monster's attack again.

Finally, when MAC was about to lose control of the situation, Feng Yuan's transformation into Ultraman Leo finally arrived!

Feng Yuan transformed into Ultraman Leo, who was full of anger, beat the two monsters hard. Both his attack power and attack speed seemed to have increased a lot.

And the Magma star who was hiding in the dark couldn't stand it anymore, and delayed Ultraman Leo's shot, and taking advantage of the gap, the two monsters used their combined skill - Kiras spinning!

In order to prevent Tokyo from being completely destroyed by the aftermath of the battle, Ultraman Leo carried Kiras and spun to lead the two monsters to the distant sea.

Ultraman Leo, who was transformed by Fengyuan, can only remain transformed on the earth for two minutes and forty seconds. If he fails to transform back into a human body in time, Fengyuan will suffer great damage.

By the time Ultraman Leo guided the twin monsters into the sea, his time was running out, and the timer on his chest had already started to flash.

And because the Magma Stars also joined the battle, Ultraman Leo must seize the opportunity to deal with the twin monsters with a roundabout kick, and he can only have one chance!

If the twin monsters are not successfully dealt with this time, then the next time, the Magma Stars and the twin monsters will definitely be on guard, and Ultraman Leo will hardly have a chance of victory!

Following an attack from the twin monsters, Ultraman Leo dived into the sea, avoiding the sight of the Magmas and the twin monsters.

This made neither the Magma Stars nor the twin monsters act easily.

Finally, Ultraman Leo seized the opportunity, rushed out of the sea, and successfully used a roundabout kick to kick off the two heads of the spinning twin monsters!

The bodies of the two monsters sank to the bottom of the sea.

Seeing this scene, Bailiyuan swallowed, and was kicked and his head was broken. One can imagine how powerful Leo Ultraman's move is, and one can also imagine how powerful Fengyuan's heart is. How angry.

The flame chicken's eyes are glowing. If he can practice roundabout and kick, his strength will definitely be greatly improved!

Seeing the death of the twin monsters, the Magma star thought that the way he appeared might be wrong, the plot is wrong!

When the Magma star thought of facing Ultraman Leo alone, he felt terrified.

The rough skin and thick flesh of the twin monsters had their heads kicked off, so how could he be kicked out of his small body?

Something is wrong, slip away~

Seeing that the Magma Starman ran away, Ultraman Leo wanted to catch up, but his time was not allowed at this time, so Ultraman Leo could only make the standard exit action of Ultramans — fly away.

Seeing the battlefield where both sides had dispersed, Baili Yuan stood up and rubbed his nose.

He smells of booty!

Bailiyuan's goal is the corpse of the monster!

Although with the death of the monster, the eggs on the monster have disappeared, but the corpse of the monster is still quite valuable!

MAC also has methods to deal with the remains of monsters, which are usually concentrated, or researched, or incinerated.

The two heads of the two monsters that landed on the shore were MAC's primary target. As for the corpses in the sea, they needed to be dealt with later, with the help of large-scale equipment, and they couldn't be dealt with in a day or two.

Bailiyuan can take advantage of this time to make a fortune!

Ultraman Leo guarded Tokyo, and the survivors of the catastrophe still rebuild their homes, and MAC also began to deal with the aftermath of the monster attack.

Every rampage of monsters will bring huge casualties and losses, but even so, people try their best to live every day and welcome the rising of the sun, because they firmly believe that there is hope in the future!

After the battle, Feng Yuan, who is one of the protagonists, went to see his friend, and Zhu Xingtuan went to encourage Feng Yuan. At this time, Feng Yuan was still an immature young man and needed to be encouraged.

And Bailiyuan... went into the sea!

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