I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2223 the group started

The bone stick in the hand of the giant Galagala spun, bringing up more and more flames, and finally, these flames gushed towards Astormus.

Extremely hot!

Astomus was blown upside down and flew out.

"Damn it, damn it!" RB, the Barossa star, saw Astomus being knocked down by the "monster" that appeared inexplicably, and jumped his feet angrily, and then he raised the fighting instrument again, "Then come out! Let's kill together!" Drop that guy!"

Liquid Monster - Cosmoly Kidd!

Cosmic Monster - EX King Airi!

The big liquid monster Cosmoly Kidd, like Astomus, is a monster with superpowers. It can turn its body into a liquid and swim along with the current. It is a ferocious carnivorous monster whose tongue can engulf and eat creatures like a chameleon.

Bailiyuan has an impression of these two monsters.

Astomus, who was knocked down before, climbed up again. Although the flames did a lot of damage to it, it didn't just destroy it directly. Instead, it still had the strength to fight.

"Is it a super monster?"

Super power monsters are also an important category of monsters. This kind of monsters have stronger combat power and vitality than ordinary monsters and even super monsters. Compared with ordinary monsters, in addition to stronger monster power and defensive power, the biggest feature is their strong vitality. , most psychic monsters have more than one regeneration ability.

It's a rather troublesome monster.

"I remember that Cosmo Likid seems to be afraid of low temperature." Baili Yuan thought of the record he saw in "One Hundred Thousand Big Monsters".

As soon as Shirley's eyes lit up, she liked this kind of enemy.

"Leave it to me." She took out the belt and the cassette of light.

Bailiyuan didn't stop her this time.

At the same time Shirley transformed, Zeta also completed her transformation.

Zeta Beta Smash, Join!

After transforming, Zeta also rushed to one of the monsters, and the monster Zeta chose was-EX King Ai Lei.

The appearance of EX King Airi is similar to King Airi, the difference is that there are no limbs, and the body shape is close to a dragon. The skin becomes translucent, and the power-generating organs in the body can be seen indistinctly.

It was also the first time for Bailiyuan to meet EX King Airi.

The three-on-three team battle begins.

The gigantic Gala Gala threw a bone club and hit Astromus, and then the two sides fought again. Perhaps because of the berserk reason, the giant Galagala's fighting method is extremely violent and crazy, tearing off a piece of flesh from Astromus' body every time.

Astronomus is naturally counterattacking constantly, but its attack falls on the giant Galagala. Although it can cause damage to the giant Galagala, there is nothing on the giant Galagala. Wound.

Be silly, the outer body is a special space distortion when it is gigantic!

Shirley clasped her hands together, condensing solid ice, a large amount of solid ice turned into huge ice walls, falling from the sky, trapping Cosmoly Kidd.

As Bailiyuan said, Cosmoly Kidd was afraid of low temperatures, and when encountering solid ice, he kept backing away, unable to retreat, so he attacked the solid ice with his claws, trying to break the blockade and escape.

But how could Shirley give it a chance?

An ice blade appeared in Shirley's hand, simulating the way of Ace's blade, making Shirley's ice blade sharper and stronger today.

"Draw your sword and chop!"

Xue Li has only been learning sword skills from Baili Yuan for a short time, and it is difficult to achieve ingenious sword skills, so Bai Li Yuan taught Xue Li some powerful, simple and direct killing skills.

Cosmoly Kidd broke through the ice wall, but then a cold light flashed, and Shirley's ice blade beat Cosmoly Kidd's body at an extremely fast speed, and even broke through the sound barrier, causing a sonic boom.

Cosmo Likid's body froze suddenly, and then turned into two halves.

Bailiyuan applauded.

It's just that Cosmoly Kidd was not so easily dealt with. Its body turned into liquid and began to recondense, which also made Shirley more vigilant.

But at this moment, Zeta's screams came from the side, making Bailiyuan have to look in Zeta's direction.

As soon as Zeta appeared, he hugged EX King Aire, lifted it up, and then threw it to the ground with all his strength, looking extremely brave.

However, when Zeta grabbed EX King Ai Lei again, King EX Ai Lei twisted like a python, wrapping around Zeta's body.

Body bondage!

Then EX King Airi naturally used the ability that King Airi is best at - electric current.

Discharge attack!

EX King Ai Lei can release electric current from the body surface to attack the opponent, and cooperate with the body binding to launch the attack, the effect is remarkable. It is more powerful than King Airi.

Zeta kept trembling, trying to struggle, but it was difficult to exert force because of the electric current and the binding.

Zeta: Ah! ah! ah! ! ! ! !

At this time, Severnga rushed to the trapped Zeta. In the cab, Yoko shouted: "Zeta-san, I will help you!"

Seeing Severnja rushing over, King EX Airi raised his head high like a snake, then opened his mouth, and spit out a crescent-shaped electric light bullet.

Thunder cut bombs!

Yoko hastily pulled the control handle, allowing Sai Wenjia to escape the injury with great danger.

"Yoko, don't approach that monster casually. The current of that monster will affect Severnga." Yuhua shouted on the ground, and at the same time, her hand appeared at the computer she had been using all along. Analyze on the spot.

"But, Zeta-san..." Yoko couldn't help but said anxiously.

Yaohui in Zeta's body endured the pain and discomfort, and took out several medals.

"Change as you like, mysterious light!"

The future of Zeta Gamma, come on!

Zeta, who changed form, suddenly became smaller, broke free from the entanglement of EX King Airey, then took out his own Zeta light crossbow, and stabbed at EX King Airey.

The three monsters were all in danger, and they failed to deal with the enemies as expected. Instead, the number of enemies increased. The Barossa star RB on the ground became angry and grabbed the fellows around him.

"You fuck me too!" Saying that, the Barossa star RB stuffed something into the mouth of its kind, and its kind directly turned on giantization.

The gigantic ordinary Barossa people had no choice but to charge forward with their weapons. Its weapon was the thunderbolt used by the Thunder Beast God, which could generate a voltage of 1 megavolt.

Although the Barossa Stars are not the gods of lightning and beasts, they cannot perfectly exert the power of the thunderbolt rod, but the thunderbolt rod should not be underestimated. After it became huge, the thunderbolt rod waved and brought lightning.


A figure fell from the sky and landed in the city.

It was the Golden Ancient Bridge who came here with the needle of the universe.

"Master, come on stage!" The Cosmic Needle yelled as usual, it hadn't chopped anything for a long time, and it was already hungry and thirsty.

Hearing the shout of the Cosmic Needle, the new driver of Jinguqiao couldn't help but jump out of the corner of his eyes. This weapon is really too weird.

The gigantic Barossa Stars saw Jin Guqiao approaching, directly chose Jin Guqiao as their opponent, and rushed up.

The new driver of Jinguqiao hurriedly controlled Jinguqiao, intending to use the cosmic needle to fight against it, but although Jinguqiao blocked the attack of the Barossa aliens, its movements were a bit weird.

This is because the driver's level is not good enough to control the Jingu Bridge perfectly.

After all, Yoko and Yaohui became the pilots of the special space plane after many selections, and only Yoko can perfectly control the Jinguqiao. It is not so simple to change the driver temporarily and want to drive the Jinguqiao.

"Damn, damn, how come there are so many enemies on this planet?" On the ground, the Barossa star RB, like most Leonix, became aggressive and crazy, and it was difficult to keep calm.

It loves to crush its opponents, and when its monsters are blocked or even put at a disadvantage, it becomes enraged.

When it was roaring, its body suddenly trembled, because it suddenly found itself connected to the real Leonix fighting!

This means there is another Leonix nearby!

"What?" The Barossa star RB was shocked, turned his head and looked around, and then he saw a four or five-year-old child, holding a gun in his hand, aiming at it behind him.


A stream of water shot out from the gun, spraying the Barossa star RB in the face.

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