Chapter 2222 Going crazy and transforming into a gigantic monster

In the rest hall.

Jugula used all his strength to push back the Barossa Stars, then stood up, holding the Snake Heart Sword in his hand, and protecting Yuhua behind his back.

Looking at the Barossa star in front of him, Jugula smiled slightly, "Hey, you are not an ordinary Barossa star, are you?"

"Who are you?" the Barossa star asked back.

"Am I..." Jugula seemed to be about to answer, but suddenly rushed towards the Barossa Stars and stabbed out with his sword.

Although the Barossa star reacted in time, the Snake Heart Sword stabbed at a tricky angle and still hurt the Barossa star.

The originally calm Barossa star became violent when he was injured.

"Despicable! How dare you hurt me? I want you to die!"

It's just that Juggler kicked the Barossa star over with his kick, and then stood gracefully on the spot, holding a sword flower, "This is called soldiers never tire of deceit."

Elegant and timeless.

The Barossa Stars seemed to know that Juggula would not gain anything, so it rushed out of the rest hall and lifted an object.

It was Leonix's fighting instrument!

"Come out, Astromus! Crush them!"

A huge monster appears.

"There are monsters!"

Those who were hiding in the corner to watch the fun didn't dare to stay any longer, Yao Hui and Mr. Ye Hu's expressions changed drastically, and the Barossa Stars who were fighting with them laughed.

"Wait to die!" After finishing speaking, the Barossa star turned around and ran away, because Astromus' big foot was about to fall, and although he didn't aim at it, it could easily affect it.

A monster appeared outside, Jugula clicked his tongue, then turned around and put his arms around Yuka's waist, grabbed Yoko who was running over, and rushed out of the rest hall with the two of them.

"It's dangerous, it's dangerous." Jugula said playfully.

Yuhua stared blankly at Juggler, as if she was overwhelmed by Juggler's demeanor, and then she subconsciously asked, "Can I dissect you?"

Jugula threw Yuka in his arms to the ground, and let go of Yoko at the same time.


On the other side, when Astromus' feet were about to step on the building, a layer of energy blocked its feet.

Not far away, Bailiyuan and Xueli were taking a group photo at Severnga's feet, and a shadow soldier held up the camera and pressed the shutter.

"Ah~~, the Barossa Stars are really annoying."

But this time the Barossa star is obviously not easy to mess with, and there is a Barossa star RB.

Bailiyuan looked in the direction of Astromus, his eyes lit up, and Otto's thoughts poured out.

It was just now that Bailiyuan blocked Astromus' feet with his super power, now Bailiyuan directly used Ultra's mind to overturn Astromus and buy time for others to evacuate.

"Master, do you want me to deal with it?" Uchiha Shisui asked.

"I also want to move around." Shirley was eager to try.

"Forget it, I'm here this time, and there should be more than one monster, isn't it Astroromus?"

Astronomus, one of the great monsters in the universe, is a big monster transformed from the Chogoris flower that blooms once in a hundred years, and is also one of the superpower monsters. It has a ferocious and warlike personality. It uses whips and sickles in both hands as weapons, and a huge Chogoris flower grows on its abdomen, which can swallow monsters as nutrients.

"For flowers, it can be regarded as a grass attribute, so you can play!" Bailiyuan threw an elf ball, and the elf ball exploded, shooting out a ray of light.

Alora Galagala appeared.

To deal with an opponent who obviously has plant attributes, of course you have to use fire. Bailiyuan doesn't want to become a master of inverse attributes, otherwise he will lose his smile.

As soon as the normal-sized Gala Gala appeared, he didn't have any fear when he saw his opponent. He directly pulled out a huge bone stick from his storage, and then dragged the bone stick towards the direction of Astromus.

Bone sticks can be keel material.

Yao Hui and Mr. Ye Hu, who were evacuating the crowd, looked at the rushing Gala Gala with different expressions.

"What is this?" Mr. Ye Hu asked in surprise.

Yaohui didn't dare to answer, but grinned.

Isn't this... Senior Xiaoyuan's elf?

Bailiyuan, who was standing at Saiwenjia's feet, summoned the poisonous algae dragon again.

"Toxic algae dragon, give Galaga a boost!"

The Venomous Algae Dragon leaped and floated in the air. At the same time, his chest lit up and shot out a beam of light. The light was entwined with special power, covering the forward Galagala.

In the purple light, Gala Gala also underwent a huge change.


Be mad!

Green flames blazed in Galagala's eyes.

Monsterization is on!

In a blink of an eye, Galagala has grown to more than 50 meters, approaching the size of Astromus, which is just right for Galagala to fight monsters. If Galagala becomes bigger, On the contrary, it will quickly consume Gala Gala's physical strength, which is not conducive to fighting.

Gala Gala's appearance has also undergone tremendous changes.

His figure is a bit bloated, but it gives people a feeling of strength.

The skull mask on the head became more hideous and terrifying. The two protrusions turned into two horns like bull horns. The flame pattern between the eyebrows appeared a real purple flame, burning blazingly.

At the same time, some bone armor also appeared on Gala Gala's body. There were bone shoulder armor on the shoulders, and a row of hideous bone spurs grew from the back to the tail.

The drum stick in Gala Gala's hand also became bigger as he changed, but the originally huge drum stick became very smooth in his hands at this time. The drum stick was entwined with green flame patterns, growing out spikes.

The sudden gigantic gala gala scared everyone.

"Another monster appeared?"

Astoromus got up from the ground and roared at the gigantic Galagala.

Under the influence of the berserk aura, the extremely giant Galagala has fallen into a berserk state, all attributes have been improved, and at the same time, it has become more irritable and aggressive.

Seeing that Astromus was actually yelling at him, the extremely giant Galagala unceremoniously smashed the energy-gathering bone stick, and slammed it into flames.

Why are you yelling so loudly!

Naturally, Astromus was not easy to deal with, it didn't choose to dodge, it just tilted its head and used its body to take the damage, but it just staggered.

This is Astromus' powerful body defense.

"But there's more to Galagala than that."

The flames from the gigantic Galagala bone rod actually stuck to Astromus' body, like tarsal maggots, stuck to his shoulders, and then spread to his whole body.


Moreover, it is a will-o'-the-wisp fused with Bailiyuan's spiritual power, which is more powerful than ordinary will-o'-the-wisps and harder to get rid of.

Regardless of the flames on his body, Astromus frantically attacked the giant Galagala, and the whip in his hand was drawn towards the giant Galagala.

The extremely giant Galagala pulled back the bone stick, and then twirled it crazily in his hand. Not only did he achieve a defensive attack, but he also set off a flame tornado, hurting Astromus.

A monster and an elf didn't hold back anything from each other, and flames and shocks appeared in the city.

Yaohui finally found the opportunity and took out his own sublimator.

Yoko and Yuhua found Mr. Ye Hu and rushed to the direction of Savinga. Savinga still had electricity in his body and could still fight.

In the distant sky, Jin Guqiao is rushing towards him, and in Jin Guqiao's hand, he actually holds the cosmic needle with Beria's head!

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