Chapter 216 Iron Mewtwo VS Monsters

As if sensing the disappearance of its prey, the monster stopped using quicksand.

Countless sands fell like rain.

And everyone finally saw the true appearance of the monster.

There are flowers here and there, it turned out to be a ferocious worm-like monster, and the "flower" just now is formed by the condensation of quicksand.

Bailiyuan also saw clearly that the "monster" that was used as bait just now turned out to be the tongue of this long-worm monster!

If Andy and the others had stayed where they were just now, the quicksand would have entangled them, and then they would have been sucked into the mouth of the monster!

From the monster's size and aura, Andy and the others also felt the monster's strength, and their expressions changed drastically in an instant!

"No, the strength of this monster..."

Roar! ! !

Bailiyuan and the others looked at the monster, but the monster would not let Bailiyuan and them go.

The monster roared ferociously, and rushed towards the largest Bailiyuan.

"Not good!" Andy exclaimed and rushed to protect Bailiyuan.

Andy knew he couldn't deal with this monster, let alone Bailiyuan!

However, when the monster rushed towards Bailiyuan, the light dissipated, and the huge giant of light disappeared!

Bailiyuan is not stupid, the task of interfering with monsters is over, how could Bailiyuan continue to transform into a target?

Moreover, the monster's size is more than 100 meters, even Baili Yuanfei may not be able to fly out of the monster's attack range in time.

Therefore, releasing the transformation became Baili Yuan's instinctive choice.

Bailiyuan lifted the transformation, and the monster ran away.

But this also makes Bailiyuan's situation not optimistic.

Even if the 100-meter behemoth's attack misses, the shock caused will not be small, and Bailiyuan's human form is right at the center of the turmoil!

Removing the transformation instead plunged Baili Yuan into an even greater crisis.

But this doesn't mean that Bailiyuan has nothing to do!

The superpower was spread to the whole body by Bailiyuan. Although Bailiyuan's superpower was not strong, Bailiyuan could barely protect himself and buy himself some time in this situation.

And taking advantage of this time, a more powerful superpower wrapped around Baili Yuan's body, pulling Baili Yuan out of the shock.

Bailiyuan escaped and ascended to the sky, and was held in the sky by the superpower that saved him. Bailiyuan looked to his side, it was Steel Chaomeng.

"I'm saved." Bailiyuan let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you very much, Chaomeng."

Steel Chaomeng nodded to Bailiyuan, then looked in the direction of the monster seriously.

"Xiaoyuan, protect yourself, I may not be able to take care of you in the next battle." Steel Chaomeng said through voice transmission.

"Okay, you have to be more careful, if you can't do it, run away." Baili Yuan said with concern.

Steel Chaomeng nodded, and then sent Bailiyuan to Andy with superpowers.

"Xiaoyuan, are you okay?" Andy asked with concern.

"It's okay." Baili Yuan smiled and shook his head.

"That's..." Andy looked at Iron Mewtwo.

"Chaomeng, my friend, divine beast~" Bailiyuan said with a smile.

"Mythical beast?" Andy looked at Chaomeng with some astonishment.

"However, that aura deserves its name as a divine beast!"

At this time, Steel Chaomeng also faced the monster.

Iron Mewtwo burst out a lot of superpowers, pulling the monster up from the desert like a giant hand.

The body of the monster, more than 100 meters long, was exposed, and everyone could see it at a glance.

The monster twisted violently, but Iron Mewtwo threw the monster far away, keeping the battlefield away from Bailiyuan and others.

Steel Mewtwo teleported to the side of the monster, and the oppressive characteristic was released instantly.

The oppressive feature will give the opponent a huge oppressive force, and at the same time it will aggravate the loss of the opponent's physical strength, and the loss of physical strength will affect the number of times the enemy's skills are used. For most creatures, most of the skills that lack physical strength will not available.

Just like ordinary people, even if they lack physical strength, it will be very difficult to punch and attack.

Based on the monster's size, it will inevitably have huge physical strength, but relatively, if it wants to support a huge body to carry out activities, it will consume a lot of physical strength and energy. beneficial thing.

Steel Chaomeng's eyes lit up, and a wave of thought power escaped into the void—foreseeing the future!

Predicting the future is not only a tactic for delaying attacks, but also a skill similar to divination. In combat, predicting the future can allow Iron Mewtwo to temporarily predict dangers, and then make tactical adjustments during the battle.

This is the first time I have encountered such a huge opponent, Iron Mewtwo, because I don't know anything about the enemy, so I have to be cautious.

The monster also twisted its body and regained its posture.

Because of Chaomeng's attack just now, the monster finally noticed Chaomeng, the "little bug", and decided to get rid of Steel Chaomeng.

The sandstorm rolled up and swept towards Iron Mewtwo.

Iron Mewtwo is suspended in the air, and the monster's body is outside the attack range. The monster can only use the ability to control the sand if it wants to attack Mewtwo.

Iron Mewtwo seemed to understand something after using the foreknowledge. Instead of attacking the monster directly, he stared at the monster with both eyes, and the light that represented the use of superpowers lit up again in his eyes.

"Defense swap!"

Defense Swap is an ability change that uses superpowers to swap defenses and special defenses between oneself and the opponent.

However, this skill is not so absolute. If you want to complete the defensive exchange, it also has a lot to do with the strength gap between the two sides.

It's impossible for a level 5 cute newbie to just swap his defense with a level 100 boss~

However, the strength of Iron Mewtwo and the monster is not enough. In addition, Iron Mewtwo's super power is strong enough, and the success rate of defensive swap skills is still very high, but it may take some time, after all, the size of the monster is too big.

At this time, a sandstorm also swept in.

The sand hit Iron Mewtwo's body and made a tick-tick sound. It was powerful at first glance, but Iron Mewtwo retreated a little distance at the beginning, and then stayed firmly in the air.

Defensive swaps are in effect!

The monster sensed the effect of the defense exchange, twisted uncomfortably, became irritable, and the sandstorm attack became more intense.

However, the sandstorm doesn't seem to have much lethality to Iron Mewtwo.

Bailiyuan watched this scene from a distance.

"Is it the reason why steel attribute Pokémon are not hurt by sandstorms?"

Mewtwo itself only has superpower attributes, but now that set of steel armor and Mewtwo are fused, making Mewtwo become Iron Mewtwo, which not only pushes the strength of Iron Mewtwo to a new level, allowing him to go one step further, but also allows Steel Mewtwo to become Iron Mewtwo. Chaomeng has the steel attribute.

Maybe it felt that the effect of the sandstorm was limited, and the monster controlled the sandstorm to change its shape, and the sandstorm began to gradually transform into a rotating quicksand.

At this time, it seems that the defense swap has been completed, and Iron Mewtwo has also begun to attack.

Steel Chaomeng crossed his arms, his eyes lit up, and his superpower quickly condensed.

"Psychic thoughts!"

The terrifying spiritual power swept towards the monsters below!

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