I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 215: The real monster!


Why no?

Bailiyuan found that he didn't find any colorful eggs on the monster.

Bailiyuan hurriedly took out the easter egg detector, and the detector showed that the easter egg was right in front of him.

Bailiyuan looked at the monster again, there was no easter egg on the monster, then Bailiyuan looked at the sky, there was no easter egg in the sky, then...

Baili Yuan looked at the body part of the monster buried in yellow sand.

"Is there an easter egg on the ground?"

"Chaomeng, what's the situation with that monster?" Bailiyuan asked with super power.

Soon, Steel Chaomeng responded with a message.

"I've felt it with super powers. The upper part is not a monster, but the body part of the monster. The monster's body is underground, and... the body is hundreds of meters huge!"

"What?!" Baili Yuan was startled.

On the other side, the person responsible for capturing the monster has already made a move.

The "monster" on the ground fights with the captors, except that the body cannot leave the yellow sand, and it can't be seen at all that the "monster" is just a part, not the body.

Baili Yuan's heart tightened.

The "monster" on the ground and the body underground, this is obviously a trap!

The part on the ground is the bait to attract the prey, while the underground body is waiting for the opportunity to deliver the fatal blow!

Sure enough, the monster with colorful eggs on its body is not that simple.

Moreover, with a huge body of hundreds of meters and the "monster" on the ground, the real body of this monster is at least 150 meters huge, which is simply a colossus.

At this time, the fight on the field was extremely fierce, and the four principals including Andy also made a move, and some people also started to arrange and arrange the capture formation.

The "monsters" on the ground alone fought with other people vigorously, coming and going.

The abilities displayed by the "monster" today include a strong body and strength, sand armor, and an ability to control sand.

Bailiyuan gritted her teeth and got in touch with Chaomeng.

"Chaomeng, pay attention to the situation of the monster's underground body, and notify me as soon as possible!"

"Okay." Steel Chaomeng didn't understand what Baili Yuan was going to do, but he knew that he was here to help. Just now Steel Chaomeng also felt the strength of the figure underground—not weaker than himself.

The outcome of the battle is unknown.

But Steel Chaomeng didn't hesitate. Although Bailiyuan didn't help him think about it, he had already promised Bailiyuan, so he wouldn't break his promise, and Bailiyuan gave him a good feeling. Don't dislike helping Bailiyuan.

Steel Chaomeng has already done a lot of tasks, and Bailiyuan made him feel much more comfortable than Sakagi, and Bailiyuan didn't order him, but asked for help in the name of a friend.

This is a long-lost feeling.

Steel Chaomeng hid in the dark, slowly lifted into the air, overlooking the battlefield, and also paying attention to the situation of the monsters.

While paying attention to the situation of the monsters, Iron Mewtwo also paid attention to the battle of the heraldry envoys.

"This world...you can go and see it."

The heraldry makes people in the world have powerful power, Iron Chaomeng feels that he may think clearly about his doubts on the heraldry.

The battle is in full swing.

Although the battle was fierce, generally speaking, the heraldry envoys had the upper hand. However, the heraldry envoys did not kill the monsters, but restricted the movement of the monsters. The real preparation was the formation used to capture the monsters.

Soon, the "monster" showed signs of decline, and the capture formation was ready!

Everyone's heart began to relax, only Baili Yuan's heart lifted.

Steel Chaomeng also sent back news.

"Be careful, the monster's body has started to move."

Bailiyuan adjusted his state, and then rushed towards the direction of the monster.

"Hey, don't go there, it's dangerous!"

The medical staff in charge of looking after Baili Yuan shouted.

But Bailiyuan rushed out regardless.

In the battle just now, Bailiyuan couldn't get close, and he couldn't tell others what he found, and he could only shout in the desert. In that case, even if he successfully told Andy and the others the truth, the monster would know If he is exposed, the monsters will probably attack suddenly, and everyone who is not prepared will face greater danger.

The best choice now is for Bailiyuan to take advantage of the monster's attack and give the monster a blow to interrupt the monster's movement. At the same time, Steel Chaomeng will also make a move. This time is enough for Andy and the others to react. After reacting and escaping from the danger zone, it can only be said that they deserved their fate.

Although the transformed Bailiyuan couldn't fight the monsters, it was enough to harass the monsters.

The emblem on the chest of Baili Yuan who was running lit up, and then Baili Yuan's body was shrouded in white light.

At this time, the arresting personnel activated the arresting formation, and the "monster" had fallen to the ground. Andy and other main combatants surrounded the "monster" to prevent the "monster" from resisting or self-destructing.


Countless flying sands flew up from all around, forming quicksand in the air, quickly sweeping towards everyone around the "monster".

The sudden change also made the people around the "monster" look unbelievable.


But...it's too late!

The ground began to rise rapidly.

At this time, a bright light bloomed from not far away, dazzling.

"Fuck you, stinky skin!"

The giant of light more than ten meters high rushed out of the light, and kicked towards the huge existence that followed the quicksand.

Bailiyuan concentrated all his strength on his feet, and kicked out his pinnacle blow for more than 2,000 years!

The body of the monster rushing out of the ground was paused by Baili Yuan's kick, and there was a slight flaw in the quicksand above, but it disappeared quickly.

But Bailiyuan did a backflip and landed far away.

"It hurts..."

Baili Yuan squatted on the ground and rubbed his feet.

In the short moment when the quicksand showed a flaw, the people besieged by the sand sea suddenly felt a pulling force, wanted to struggle, but found that they had no power to resist, and everyone could only be at the mercy of this pulling force.

When everyone regained consciousness, they found that they had appeared in the sky far away from the monsters at some point.

And a steel figure was standing in front of everyone, with his back turned to everyone, obviously, it was the other person who saved them.

Just as everyone wanted to thank them, they found that the steel figure disappeared at some point.

"Look at the monster!" Someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked in the direction of the monster.

Most of the giants who were rubbing their feet just took a look and stopped paying attention. After all, the giants are not strong. Only Andy took a second look. The last time Bailiyuan changed his body in the academy, She naturally recognized Baili Yuan.

"Did Baili Yuan make the move just now?"

Most people's eyes fell on the monster.

At this time, the monster looks more like a flower.

Above is a huge flower made of quicksand, while below is a thick "rhizome", which is hundreds of meters long.

Thanks to Eternal Joyful Rewards, two updates a day ~ Thank you very much!

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