I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1913 Giganticization!

The arena is brightly lit, the passionate music is accompanied by the roar of the elves, and the cheers of the audience push the atmosphere to a more enthusiastic climax.

Under the spotlight, two elves are fighting.

Gengar VS Nidorino.

Bailiyuan, Professor Moses and others bought tickets to enter the arena, sat on the seats, and watched the battle below.

"Huaguo has a good saying, it's better to come early than to come at a good time." Professor Moses laughed.

The others were watching the battle in the arena. Although they were all doing research, it didn't affect their enthusiasm for the elf battle in the slightest.

The host is also shouting and explaining.

"Nidorino used a corner attack, but Gengar easily dodged it."

"Oh, Geng Gui took the opportunity to launch an attack. It was a hypnosis technique that had been prepared a long time ago... Nidorino fell asleep..."

"Geng Gui launched an attack, it's Shadow Fist!"

"Nidorino has lost the ability to fight, and the winner is Gengar and his trainer!"

"Let's cheer for them!"

Bailiyuan felt that this battle was a bit familiar, but it still felt very exciting.

Then, there was the second match, and new players entered the field.

Big Rock Snake VS Double Bomb Gas.

The big rock snake is a serious big rock snake, but the appearance of the double bomb gas is different.

The double-bomb gas in the field is gray as a whole. On the two heads of the head, there are two long things that look like high hats, but there is smoke from the high hats, which looks like chimneys.

"That is……"

"Double bomb gas, a special species of Elizabeth Kingdom, is no longer a simple poison elf, but has dual attributes of poison and goblin." Professor Moses said.

No, to be precise, it looks like the double-bomb Gas Galar.

Galar's double-bomb gas became taller, heavier, and darker, and the gas formed a beard around his mouth, like a gentleman.

"Don't look at the double-bomb gas, which looks a bit unpleasant, but what it absorbs is poisonous gas, and what it emits is fresh air. It has a strong ability to purify the air. With these double-bomb gas, the air in the entire Elizabeth Kingdom It's a lot fresher." Professor Moses said.

In the arena, Double Bomb Gas has already fought against Big Rock Snake.

Rock snakes used harden.

Double Bomb Gas uses the sludge attack.

The Big Rock Snake counterattacked and used Quicksand Hell. A large amount of sand appeared, trying to restrain the action of the double bomb gas.

But the double-bomb gas actually flew into the sky and escaped the entanglement of the quicksand hell.

"That double-bomb gas has the floating feature!" Baili Yuan saw it.

Floating feature, can float up from the ground, so that it will not be attacked by ground attribute moves.

Although the general double-bomb gas can float in the air to move, but not all double-bomb gas can float so high.

The double bomb gas then counterattacked, the two mouths opened, and a green wind was blown out, rolling towards the big rock snake.

"Double bomb gas activated Fairy Wind!"

"It really belongs to the fairy type." Bailiyuan naturally recognized the signature move of the fairy type, because he also knew it.

The two spirits come and go, and they fight a lot, but they are both defensive spirits, and it seems that it is difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

But at this moment, the trainer of the big rock snake took back his elf.

"Huh? Surrendered?" Baili Yuan was taken aback.

But Professor Moses became excited, "Xiaoyuan boy, it's coming!"

The wristband on the wrist of the rock snake trainer lit up, and it was connected to the poke ball. A dark red light lit up from the poke ball in the hands of the big rock snake trainer, and then the poke ball swelled suddenly.

"That is……"

Many spectators stood up excitedly, shouting something, expecting something to appear.

"Extremely gigantic!" The trainer of the big rock snake shouted, and then threw the huge poke ball in his hand.

The poke ball exploded, and the big rock snake appeared with dark red light all over its body. A dark vortex appeared in the sky, and then the big rock snake's body swelled up, reaching almost half the height of the arena.

Sitting in the auditorium, looking at the gigantic rock snake, gave people a huge shock.

The gigantic rock snake was covered with dark red reflections, and three gray-red clouds appeared above its head, and its aura became more ferocious.

"The space is distorted?" Baili Yuan was startled, he looked at the dark vortex in the sky, and keenly sensed the surrounding situation.

"It's gigantic! It's appeared, a gigantic rock snake!" the host shouted.

"Extreme giant..." Bailiyuan glanced at the extremely huge rock snake in the field, and then looked at Professor Moses, "Professor, is this the unique elf battle you mentioned in Elizabeth Kingdom?"

Professor Moses was no longer mysterious, and smiled directly: "Of course, let's take a good look. Your opponent in this championship also has a trainer who has mastered such power, and you have the opportunity to master such power."

Baili Yuan turned his head and continued to look at the arena, his eyes flickering and glowing with golden light.

He is investigating the specific situation of extreme giantization.

"Great rock snake, huge rock!" shouted the trainer of the big rock snake.

"It's an extremely giant move of the rock type." The host shouted.

A sandstorm set off in the field.

In the midst of the sandstorm, the extremely huge rock snake rushed towards the double bomb gas.

Although Shuangtan Gas tried its best to resist and wanted to fight back, but facing the huge rock snake, Shuang Dan Gas's resistance was as powerless as a child's.

In the end, the double-bomb gas was blown out by the huge rock snake, completely losing its ability to fight.

"The victor, the giant rock snake and his trainer!"

The huge rock snake roared to the sky, like a giant beast from ancient times.

Some situations about extreme giantization emerged in Bailiyuan's mind.

Bailiyuan is no stranger to extreme giantization, because Angela told him that Caroline's database also has basic information about extreme giantization.

It's just that Bailiyuan's elves were gigantic in the past, so Bailiyuan didn't pay much attention to the situation of extremely giantization.

But after seeing the extreme battle, Bailiyuan discovered something different.

Dymax still has a lot to offer.

According to Bailiyuan's understanding, extreme giantization is to use a device to release special energy from the elf's body, distorting the surrounding space, making the elf look far larger than its actual size.

After being extremely gigantic, the elf's physical strength will increase, and its physical strength and endurance will be improved.

And this special power will also change the moves of the elves.

"Interesting power." Baili Yuan smiled.

If it is a gigantic elf, then use the power of gigantic...

Bailiyuan sat down in his seat and continued to watch the game.

Professor Moses looked at Bailiyuan and also smiled. His goal had been achieved.

Although Professor Moses would not give Baili Yuan any help, he still wanted to remind Baili Yuan of some things in advance.

This championship was chosen to be held in Elizabeth Country, not because of the beautiful mountains and clear waters of Elizabeth Country.

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