I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1912 Welcome to Fog City

Bailiyuan asked Keng Dou Jianshuo to search among the surrounding elves, and finally found two good elves.

One is the sea thorn dragon that first appeared.

Seathorns are relatively rare elves living in the sea.

The other one is an even rarer Lalaza.

Lalazao is a degenerated form of Venomosaurus, with dual attributes of poison and water. It is not only rare, but also very dangerous. It is often found in the Alola region. Water sycamore and red flame pine occasionally involve this kind of elf in reports.

Because it is rare, so pay attention to it.

"Is there Lalazao near Elizabeth Kingdom?" Baili Yuan was curious.

"Show me that Lalaza," said Professor Moses.

Professor Moses soon came to a conclusion, "There are also some Lalaza in Elizabeth, but the activity area of ​​Lala is not in the Atlantic basin, and this Lala is not native to Elizabeth."

"Oh? Is there any difference?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

"Currently there are only three areas in the world where Lala algae exist, one is Elizabeth, the other is the island of Hawaii in the lighthouse country, and the last is Gaul. The ecology of different regions is different, and it will have different effects on elves. "Professor Moses returned Lalazao to Bailiyuan while speaking, and then began to explain.

"The lala in Elizabeth is generally smaller, but more aggressive. The lala in Hawaii is the largest and more toxic. Finally, the lala in Gaul is moderate in size and relatively docile."

"And this Lalaza is about 70 centimeters in size. It is obviously too big, and the seaweed-like part is also bigger. If there is no accident, this Lalaza should come from the island of Hawaii. If you want to make a specific judgment, you can test it again. The toxicity of this Lalaella."

As expected of a professor, you can roughly tell the origin of an elf just by looking at it with your eyes, and Professor Moses is not an expert on elves, he studies the ecology of elves.

"Is that so? Lalazao from Hawaii?" Bailiyuan put away Lalazao and Seathorn Dragon, and Caroline, who had been prepared for a long time, began to conduct a training for the two elves directly in the home space. Physical examination.

Professor Moses looked at the sea, as if he was lost in thought because of Lalazao from the island of Hawaii, but no one knew what he was thinking.

Bailiyuan looked at Professor Moses suspiciously, feeling that Professor Moses knew something, but he didn't ask.

Some things are confidential, even if Baili Yuan asks, Professor Moses will not say it. If the time comes in the future, Professor Moses will naturally say it.


After passing the episode of the elf attack, the journey after that was fairly smooth.

Of course, Bailiyuan also rejected many people who wanted to exchange the sword with him.

The bucket-pointed shuttle is still in the sea, bid farewell to the previous group of bucket-pointed shuttles, and follow the ship.

Saying goodbye to the Keng Dou Jian Shuo group, Baili Yuan’s K Dou Jian Shuo did not look back, because his journey is still going on, maybe at a certain time in a certain year, a certain month, a certain day, when he comes into contact with the same 21-degree seawater again , he would remember the few females that once made him stop in fragmentary memories.

Going forward, the eyes of Peng Dou Jiansuo changed again.

Because in front of him appeared a new group of Dou Jian Shuo.

The bucket-tipped shuttle hurriedly swam over.

"Is there any young lady who wants to play with you?"


Finally, the ship docked, and Punchu Jiansuo reluctantly left the ocean and returned to the Pokéball.

In fact, the reason why Keng Dou Jiansuo is so reluctant is not because of which fish Keng Dou Jiansuo has his eyes on, but because with his strength, there are few opponents in the vast sea area, and he can do what he likes unscrupulously. He has a thrill of being king.

But as a serious trainer, Bailiyuan would not let his knives go out to be unscrupulous.

Both feet landed on the ground, jumped a few times, and soon got rid of the wobbly feeling, Bailiyuan looked at Professor Moses and the others.

"Where are we going to sign up next?" Baili Yuan asked impatiently.

"Xiaoyuan boy, don't be so anxious, first experience how the customs here are, there are still a few days before the competition." Professor Moses said unhurriedly.

Baili Yuan thought for a moment, then nodded, "Alright, it happens to be my first time here too."

"Haha, okay, I've been here a few times and I can be your tour guide."

Professor Moses looked at Bailiyuan with a smile, and Shaina looked at her teacher. She knew that her teacher didn't just let Bailiyuan hang around.

"Okay, let's go directly to Fog City, where the competition is held, and it is also the most prosperous place in Elizabeth Kingdom, Shaina, call a car."

I rented a small business car, and a group of people sat in the car and started a self-driving tour.

Along the way, Professor Moses also introduced many things to Bailiyuan, and let Bailiyuan see the scenery of Elizabeth Kingdom.

Elizabeth Kingdom stretches from north to south, and has various terrains, but it is far smaller than Hua Kingdom and Lighthouse Kingdom.

From the quiet countryside to the developed city, from the vast grassland to the steep snow-capped mountains, because of the sparse population, it gives people a sense of vast territory.

At the same time, because of the sparse population, there are more elves here.

"With the emergence of Pokémon, it has also brought many changes to the Elizabeth Kingdom. Although the former Elizabeth Kingdom was beautiful, it was not as full of vitality as it is now. The arrival of the Pokmon seems to have added new vitality to this country." Professor Moses sighed.

As they approached the city of fog, the passing cities also began to become bustling, and the number of vehicles on the road also began to increase.

Fog City is naturally one of the important cities where the population of Elizabeth Kingdom gathers.

If there are too many people, there will naturally be an elf battle.

Moreover, Bailiyuan also saw many elves unique to Elizabeth.

No, it should be said that these unique elves came to Elizabeth.

Knocking Monkey, Flame Rabbit, Tear-Eyed Lizard, Greedy Chinchilla...

"These characteristic elves, sure enough, the country of Elizabeth corresponds to the Galar region."

Baili Yuan has never been to the Galar region, but he did not expect that this time, he came into contact with things in the Galar region in this way.

"I just don't know if Elizabeth Kingdom also has some characteristics of the Galar region."

After the sun went down, everyone finally entered the fog city.

However, Professor Moses didn't take Bailiyuan and the others to the hotel they booked, but asked the students to park their car outside a special building in the city.

The building is magnificent and very new, as if it has just been built, it looks like a venue.

After getting out of the car, Bailiyuan looked at the huge venue in front of him, and behind the venue, the huge Ferris wheel known as the Eye of Fog.

There was a lot of voices in the venue, and it seemed that something was going on inside. Standing outside the venue, one could feel the enthusiasm emanating from it.

"here it is……"

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Elizabeth. This is the Wudu Palace Gate Athletic Stadium. Young man Xiaoyuan, would you like to watch the elf battle unique to the Kingdom of Elizabeth?"

"Elf battle unique to Elizabeth Kingdom?" Baili Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to think of something, "Why not?"

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