Chapter 1864 Your wife, I want it

Leaving aside how other people found the entrance to the underworld, the eggs of the queen of the underworld are real, because there is a video of obtaining pet eggs as proof.

Queen of the Underworld, Persephone.

Legend has it that Persephone is the daughter of Zeus, the king of the gods, and Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, in ancient Greek mythology. She was kidnapped by Hades, the king of the underworld, and married in the underworld, becoming the queen of the underworld.

It is probably the story of the uncle who tied up his niece and went home to be ashamed.

But let's not talk about family ethics, the video of Persephone's battle revealed by the auction house is still very interesting.

Well, Persephone is a great beauty.

After watching the video, Bailiyuan became even more excited.

But this auction attracted not only LSPs, but also many big forces, because the power displayed by Persephone is indeed attractive enough.

In the peak state of the queen of the underworld, she is an A-level, that is, a dimensional creature with diamond-level strength, but its attack power is not weaker than that of ordinary S-level dimensional pets, and it can instantly kill other A-level dimensional pets.

If it weren't for the fact that the Empress of the Underworld's physical strength was only A-level, ordinary people would not be able to kill it at all, let alone get its pet eggs.

This is very attractive.

In other words, the queen's pet egg is a special pet egg with A-level hatching difficulty, but with S-level attack power.

It is not uncommon for any attribute of a dimensional pet to exceed the level. This kind of situation has not happened before, but this type of dimensional pet is very rare, let alone a dimensional pet whose attack power can reach S level. Look at it hard.

You know, S-level combat power is the peak combat power in this world.

It was a miracle that such a pet egg would appear at the auction, perhaps there was something hidden in it.

But it is enough to cause turmoil and attract more people's attention.

The most important thing is that the power mastered by the Empress of Hades is very good. Fertility and death correspond to treatment and attack, with both output and milk.

Two words, superb!

The fighting strength shown in the video alone is many times stronger than that of Bailiyuan's Haihou.

After all, Haihou is just a support, at most he can play and control.

That powerful attack power is already comparable to a queen, and it has indeed reached the S level, which is the colorful level.

"Such a powerful dimensional pet has already attracted the attention of many forces, and the finals are coming soon, and some organizations plan to obtain the pet eggs of the Empress of the Underworld to supplement the strength of themselves or the team." Jiang Chen said, "For example, Suheng College, I have heard that Suheng College is also planning to participate in the auction."

Baili Yuan looked at Jiang Chen, and frowned, "Then my married couple is gone? You don't have as much money as those big powers."

Jiang Chen had question marks all over his head, meaning that you want me to spend money for collecting wives, right?

But Jiang Chen still didn't dare to talk back to Baili Yuan, but coughed, and then said: "If you want to bid for this pet egg, you can't use money, such pet eggs can no longer be bought with money."

"According to the price of the auction, if you want to bid for this pet egg, you must use at least three A-level items, or one S-level item. This is the reserve price."

The so-called S-level items and A-level items are the output of S-level dimensional creatures and A-level dimensional creatures. The number of pet eggs produced by dimensional creatures is not much, and more are skills, equipment, props, etc.

Perhaps many forces do not have S-level dimensional pets, but some big forces can still get some S-level skills, equipment or props, but these are disposable items and can only be bound to one dimensional envoy.

Baili Yuan looked at Jiang Chen again.

Jiang Chen hurriedly shook his head, "Big guy, I don't have any food left either."

"What's the use of you."

"...Only those big powers can have these stocks. It is estimated that S-level items will not be taken out, and those big powers will probably not keep S-level items if they get them. Therefore, in this auction, the big powers should compete. The number of A-level items, we still have one day to prepare."

Bailiyuan understood Jiang Chen's meaning, that is to say, Bailiyuan should hunt and kill A-level dimensional creatures now.

"What are we waiting for, Pai Daxing, let's catch jellyfish together."

"What the hell is Pai Daxing? Also, is there any other-dimensional field with jellyfish nearby? Why don't I know?" Jiang Chen was a little speechless.

But Jiang Chen still smiled and went out with Baili Yuan.

This time the destination is Olympus.


Bailiyuan is also a person of status in the blue world. He directly entered the realm of another dimension this time, and he planned not to go back tonight.

At this time, there are quite a few people in the different-dimensional field.

There are people moving everywhere in the dimensional domain, and there are even many people who went into the sea.

"Now all forces are sending people to hunt dimensional creatures in various dimensional fields. The targets are those A-level dimensional creatures, collecting A-level items, and at the same time preventing other forces from collecting more A-level items. Although dimensional creatures are still It can be resurrected, but the resurrection time of A-level dimensional creatures is relatively long, before the auction, they can only be killed once at most." Jiang Chen said.

Now all forces are robbing monsters, which has caused a sharp decrease in the number of dimensional creatures that can produce A-level items in the entire dimensional field.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Baili Yuan turned to look at Jiang Chen.

"Don't panic." Jiang Chen smiled, "Although this is indeed the case now, not all A-level dimensional creatures, those forces dare to touch them, I know that there must be enough A-level dimensional creatures in a place."


Jiang Chen pointed to the peak at the center of Olympus.

"On the mountain!"

That mountain is Mount Olympus.

There are main gods living on the mountain, and there are many powerful S-level dimensional creatures among them. The strength of the god king Zeus is even more unfathomable. If you want to attack the mountain, you must at least have a top S-level dimensional envoy who has an S-level dimensional pet. A-level dimensional envoys, going up is to die.

There is also a restricted area that all forces dare not touch at will.

Only once in a while when multiple forces join forces and invite big bosses, they dare to go up to encircle and suppress and make a fortune.

Although Jiang Chen can't find a top S-level dimensional envoy now.

But Jiang Chen has a giant named Baili Yuan by his side!

Bailiyuan is much easier to use than the top S-level dimensional user.

And Bailiyuan heard that the mountain hadn't been patronized by other forces, so he didn't dawdle anymore.


It's not like I haven't strolled on the mountain last time, let alone now.

This time, Bailiyuan didn't plan to sneak up the mountain like last time, but planned to push the top of the mountain!

Zeus, those wives of yours, I want Bailiyuan!

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