Chapter 1863

Fortunately, Bailiyuan and the others didn't mind, and the chef escaped unharmed.

After dinner, Bailiyuan and the others stayed in Huangxing for one night. They lived in the presidential suite, the sky garden, and the high-altitude swimming pool. They also focused on high-end.

This night, no one is with me.

Bailiyuan wanted to find a beautiful woman, but Shazi just stood by his bed and looked straight at him.

If it weren't for Bailiyuan's good heart, he would be easily scared away.

In the end, Bailiyuan gave up half of the bed to Shazi.

The elves are also resting in the room, because the room is big enough.

However, because Longlongyan and the armored tyrannosaurus were grinding their teeth while sleeping, they were kicked to the toilet by other elves.

Xanadu and Big Needle Bee didn't sleep all night. They looked at each other, not knowing what it meant, as if they were guarding something.

The next day, the three of them got up, tidied up briefly, and were ready to return to the world of heraldry envoys.

It has been confirmed that Huangxing is a world of ordinary people, even if there are some special powers hidden, it is only a very low-level mystery.

In this case, the impact on the world of heraldry is that in the future, ordinary people without heraldry are likely to appear, but they can try to cultivate the power of other systems, rather than let the heraldry make the world appear dangerous occupations and strength.

As for Huangxing, the future situation is probably the "spiritual energy recovery" and "world awakening" in the novel, and people or other creatures with awakened special abilities will begin to appear, and even heraldry will appear.

This matter has been informed to the world leaders, as for how to deal with it, it is their own business, but the world of heraldry will not allow the harm of those special groups of people.

Because the reason why those people become special is also because the heraldry makes the world, and the heraldry makes the world also have certain responsibilities.

Of course, the Emblem Envoy World will also send people to help Huangxing, so that people who have obtained special powers will not have a bad influence on Huangxing and stabilize the order of Huangxing.

It is probably a future where the two worlds cooperate with each other, and there may be special departments formed.

For the details after that, representatives of the two worlds need to discuss with each other.

Although Bailiyuan and the others have enough status to intervene in the affairs of the two worlds, they don't have the ability, and they still have to leave things to professionals.

Then Bailiyuan and the others took the gifts they bought, bid farewell to a group of leaders, and planned to go back.


When Bailiyuan and the others returned, they first told their own people that they were safe, and then reported the situation, writing their own experience into a report, and handing it over to others to prepare for future exchanges with Huangxing.

Bailiyuan also asked Caroline to prepare a summary of Huangxing's general situation and distribute it to other experts and scholars.

"The worst thing hasn't happened, and we have a general understanding of the situation of the passage, so we can go back for the time being."

Once back and forth, the time is very short, but I understand everything that needs to be understood.

And about the channel, the human side already has a rough idea.

Since [Innocence] cannot be stopped, we can only accept it, and then blaze a new path amidst the contradictions, probably like this.

Human beings progress through contradictions.

Of course, it would be even better if the time-space anchor of evil can be controlled, so that the world connected by the opened channel can be controlled, and people can make choices, at least some safe worlds can be chosen, and maybe the heraldry can make the world go one step further.

Now it seems that the real danger of the Evil Space-Time Anchor lies in the uncertainty. Using the Evil Space-Time Anchor to open the channel is gambling with one's life. Chapters make the world a dangerous world.


Bailiyuan had just returned to Yuncheng College, and was honestly waiting for the election of the dean and the subsequent conference.

But within a few days, Jiang Chen called him to the big blue world.

Because the time for the finals has finally been set.

Baili Yuan was called by Jiang Chen to Azure World to discuss this matter.

"The time for the finals has been confirmed, and it has been postponed by one week from the original date, that is, it will be held one week later, but we are about to prepare to go to the venue of the finals now." Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Chen also looked at Baili Yuan.

After a while, Bailiyuan became stronger.

In the chat group, Bailiyuan's level has risen again, and now Bailiyuan is not only a big boss in the chat group, but a giant!

Jiang Chen also became more confident, if some things hadn't been confirmed, and the base of the Kingdom Organization hadn't been investigated, now Jiang Chen would definitely choose to push Baili Yuan across.

"Has the alliance handled the matter of the kingdom organization?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

It was because of the organization of the kingdom that the alliance delayed the finals.

And because the kingdom organization also attacked Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan was very interested in the kingdom organization.

"I'm not too sure about that." Jiang Chen shook his head, "But according to my investigation, it seems that the alliance has special operations this time, and this time the finals are also somewhat different from the past."


"The difficulty has increased a little bit, and the benefits have also increased by a billion points."


Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and opened the official website of the alliance, "Young man Xiaoyuan, you can see for yourself."

In the past finals, there were two normal individual competitions and team competitions.

But this time, the finals also added a field competition event, which is to hold the finals in a dimensional field. The contestants need to face those dimensional creatures in the wild first. Only individuals and groups can continue to participate in individual competitions and team competitions, otherwise they will be eliminated.

The rewards of the competition have also been increased. In addition to the original rewards, an S-level dimensional biological egg was added to the overall champion of the individual competition, and three A-level dimensional items were given to each person in the team competition, including dimensional biological eggs And various props, skills, etc., the rewards have indeed increased by 100 million points.

Just that S-level dimensional biological egg can attract countless forces to covet it, making this finals even more dramatic.

"I doubt that the alliance has any plans to change the competition system and rewards like this, and what to do while taking advantage of this finals." Jiang Chen analyzed.

"If that's the case, aren't we all pawns?"

"The players in other competition areas may also have people from the kingdom organization. We are not only pawns, but also prey." Jiang Chen said seriously.

There are some things that people will believe if you say no, and this time the alliance may be serious.

This finals will definitely be dangerous.

But no matter what the alliance wants to do, now they must either participate or abstain. The right to explain is in the hands of the alliance, and the rewards are also in the hands of the alliance.

"Such a dangerous thing, eh." Baili Yuan sighed and shook his head.

"With the strength of the giant Xiaoyuan, it should be nothing." Jiang Chen asked doubtfully.

"Jiang Chen, you have misunderstood. Although I am very strong, I am a child after all. I will be afraid of danger. What's more, the alliance is still plotting against me, which makes me very uncomfortable." Baili Yuan looked at Jiang Chen turned his head away, "I need to pay more."


Jiang Chen understood, he moved to Baili Yuan's ear with a mysterious expression, "Brother Xiao Yuan, I recently received a piece of news, you will definitely be interested."

"Oh? What news?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

"Is your married couple settled?" Jiang Chen whispered.

"?!" Baili Yuan looked puzzled.

What... what wife?

"I heard that someone brought the queen's egg out of Olympus." Jiang Chen explained.

"I, Bailiyuan, am I the kind of person who likes wives? What's the difference between me and Cao thief?" Bailiyuan stood up.

"Auction tomorrow night." Jiang Chen continued.

"Prepare money." Baili Yuan waved his hand.

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