Chapter 1743 young people don't talk about martial arts

Bailiyuan wanted to warm the bed, but unfortunately Shaina said—sleep? what sleep? Only those who have no homework sleep! How can a senior intellectual like her sleep? She is here to learn, start writing!

There are also her classmates who have the same idea as Shaina.

It's just that when they talked, they unconsciously brought on a crying voice.

Then a group of people gathered in the field, grilling a bonfire, staring at the barracuda in the tank on the table, lighting a lamp, and began to write a report.

The reason why it is in the wild is that the tent is not big enough for so many people and the barracuda tank.

One person and one computer, they looked up the information, and at the same time opened their brains, and began to wonder how this barracuda got from Europe to North America.

If you want to cross the entire Atlantic Ocean, it is very difficult for a barracuda alone. After all, the Atlantic Ocean is not a small lake or stream, and the danger on the road cannot be dealt with by a mere barracuda. ​​Otherwise, a barracuda would have swum there long ago. North America is gone, and could not have been discovered until now.

Some people speculated that it was because of the influence of ocean currents, some speculated that it was because of the migration of ethnic groups, species invasion, and some speculated that it was because of problems in the seas of Europe that a group of barracudas "left their homes" to escape. In short, the reasons are different. , They are all frantically investigating relevant information through various channels, wanting to verify their guesses.

This is the case with research, and often an accidental discovery can drive a group of people crazy.

As the owner and discoverer of the barracuda, Baili Yuan was also invited to participate in the research, although almost no one would ask Baili Yuan if he knew the inside story.

In fact, if they asked, Bailiyuan might tell them the reason why the barracuda came to North America.

The way for Bailiyuan to understand this matter is quite simple, that is to ask directly.

Baili Yuan asked curiously, and then he learned about the legendary experience of this barracuda.

In fact, the reason why this barracuda was able to cross the Atlantic Ocean and come to North America was not because of his own ability, but because it involved another kind of elf - the Howler Whale King.

Howler whales and howler whale kings exist on the coasts of Europe and North America. It can be said that the entire Atlantic Ocean is the range of activities of the howler whale population, and there is no difficulty in swimming across the entire Atlantic Ocean. After all, they are not the same as barracudas. A heavyweight player can easily do things that barracudas cannot.

This barracuda is a barracuda living in the coastal areas of Europe. One day when he was playing, he was accidentally swallowed by a roaring whale king, and the roaring whale and the roaring whale king would indeed swallow some by mistake. Smaller elves.

Then these elves will be ejected from the blowhole by the Howler Whale and the Howler Whale King.

The barracuda stayed in the belly of the Howler Whale King for a while, and then he was ejected, and then he found himself in a strange sea area. By chance, he swam to the vicinity of Avon Island, and was finally caught Bailiyuan caught it.

In other words, it was a howler whale king who brought this barracuda to North America by chance.

That's the way it is.

Kind of fantasy.

Bailiyuan looked at a group of students who had already begun to study the "relationship between evolution and barracuda migration", and some didn't know what to say.

"Actually, maybe a Howler Whale King accidentally swallowed the barracuda this time, and then brought the barracuda to North America." Baili Yuan said suddenly.

A group of students paused their writing hands, and all of them looked at Baili Yuan with strange expressions.

"What's wrong?" Baili Yuan scratched her head in embarrassment.

Shaina raised her hand and patted Baili Yuan's shoulder.

"Xiaoyuan, I know you want to help us, but trust us, no one understands elf ecology better than us, and our teacher is Professor Moses!"


It's no wonder that this group of students didn't believe it. Baili Yuan's words almost negated their professional ability, as if telling them that the old Wang next door appeared on their wife's bed because the neighbor old Zhang asked him to help fix the light bulb.

Bailiyuan asked himself to be bored, he greeted the barracuda and asked the barracuda to cooperate with this group of students in their research, then he walked to the beach beside him and released the reward he got today - Yaya.

Yaya, dragon attribute, Yaba Pokémon, most of the body is green, with a horn on the head, two big protruding teeth in the mouth, emerald green between the neck and body, it looks like it is wrapped in a scarf.

Most of the teeth are mild in temperament, and his two teeth are more important, because they will use their teeth to leave marks as territory marks.

After Yaya appeared, she was confused for a while, and then saw Bailiyuan, and threw herself into Bailiyuan's arms excitedly.

This tooth is still very fond of people.

"Good boy."

Then Bailiyuan played with Yaya for a while, and he had a preliminary communication with Yaya.

When Bailiyuan put Yaya to sleep and came back to find Shaina and her classmates, they found that they did not continue to study the barracuda because Professor Moses came back.

Although Bailiyuan had never had contact with Professor Moses, Shaina and Bailiyuan had talked about Professor Moses.

Professor Moses is an expert in the study of elf ecology in this world, and he is also very famous. Several students of Shaina also respect him very much.

But at this time, Professor Moses' situation seems to be a bit bad.

"Ouch, ouch..." Professor Moses moaned in pain.

Shaina frowned, then turned around and said, "Teacher, can you stop shouting, it's not you who got hurt!"

At this time, some students of Shaina were helping a dull hippopotamus to deal with its injuries. The dull hippopotamus didn't respond at all, while Professor Moses, who was not injured at all, sat aside and "moaned without illness".

Several students couldn't stand it anymore.

Professor Moses chuckled, "Didn't I yell for Xiaodai?"

Daddy Hippo is his elf, and Xiaodai is the nickname of Daddy Hippo.

Xiao Dai was injured in the battle just now.

"Really, teacher, you are so old, why do you still participate in the elf battle like those young people!" Shaina said helplessly, "The most important thing is that Xiao Dai was injured."

Shaina and the others like Xiaodai very much, and although they also have elves, they have not cultivated the strength of elves to fight, but treat elves as pets, so naturally they are not suitable for fighting, including Xiaodai.

There was a Pokémon battle at the camp just now, and Professor Moses happily went to participate, and then he was beaten up.

Then Professor Moses found Shaina and others, and wanted them to help deal with Xiaodai's injury, and by the way, see how Shaina's research was going.

Hearing Shaina's words, Professor Moses slapped his thigh, and immediately lost his temper.

"That young man didn't talk about martial arts, he sneaked up on me, a 69-year-old old man. The elf battle is about hitting the end, and he will lose. If I let Xiao Dai use his strength, Xiao Dai will punch his nose It was broken..."

Shaina and a group of students were speechless for a moment.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Professor Moses coughed and changed the topic, "By the way, how is your research going? Do you have any ideas?"

Several students of Shaina shared their thinking direction with Professor Moses.

Professor Moses nodded, "Well, what you said is quite interesting, but none of them are right."


Everyone was taken aback.

"Okay, let me announce the answer directly. I guess you can't figure it out by studying it alone. I just test you." Professor Moses smirked, and then said: "I want to know how the barracuda crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Yes, we have to talk about another group of elves—the roaring whales!"


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