Chapter 1742 Intruded Barracuda

Red body with black lines, this is the mega form of Bailiyuan's Gyarados.

The Gyarados of Bailiyuan can evolve into Super Gyarados not because of the use of mega stones, but because today's Gyarados can perform super evolution independently.

This is because Bailiyuan used the power of misfortune to integrate the crystal of evil and crystal of darkness into the body of the Gyarados.

Where did the Crystal of Evil and the Crystal of Darkness come from?

It was obtained by dismantling the demon king of 404 different worlds before.

And there are many more.

In the past, Gyarados absorbed it little by little, increasing the power of its own evil-attribute moves.

And when Bailiyuan was in trouble, he directly fused these crystals into his body for Gyarados, and then Gyarados awakened its own mega form.

Even because Bailiyuan also fused part of his own dark power for Gyarados, Gyarados can also be turned into a monster.

There are some differences between monsterization and giantization. Ordinary giantization is similar to the puppet bear that increases its size and strengthens its own strength. Its appearance will not change too much, but monsterization will change its appearance to a certain extent. The same thing is that it can also increase your body size and make yourself stronger.

This is like different evolutionary routes, the fusion of light results in gigantism, and the fusion of darkness results in monsterization.

In fact, if you want to deal with these ordinary Gyarados, Bailiyuan's Gyarados don't need mega evolution. After all, even if they don't mega evolve, the current Gyarados' strength in normal state is approaching level 90, and It is Gyarados' own choice to choose mega evolution. He prefers to crush the enemy with powerful force, which is as violent as his name.

Bailiyuan didn't let the Gyarados appear for too long, because he still wanted to continue participating in the fishing competition.

Even if the Gyarados didn't do anything, the terrifying aura around him was enough to deter other elves from getting close, let alone fishing, at most it would be lonely.

However, the breath released by the Gyarados just now had already scared away the surrounding elves, and Baili Yuan had to change his position.

Putting away the Gyarados, the fast-swimming frog put down the wooden boat, then rowed the oars, and left the sea area with Bailiyuan before the steam dissipated.

Hey hey hey hey, fast swimming frogs are getting better and better at paddling.

When the reporters who heard the news arrived, there was only a faint puff of steam left to prove that what happened just now was not a hallucination.


After changing the location, this time it is finally not the territory of the Gyarados.

However, the ones that Bailiyuan caught were relatively common aquatic elves.

Finally, at the end of the game, Bailiyuan caught a different guy.

"what is this?"

Bailiyuan looked at the fish on the hook, a little surprised.

A strange elf appeared.

This is a half-meter-long elf with a body shape similar to a torpedo. Its head is like a shuttle, its mouth is pointed, its lower jaw is slightly larger than its upper jaw, and it has many protruding fangs. The tail fin is also three pieces like a torpedo's propeller.

Caroline retrieved the elf's information.

"This is a barracuda, a common elf in the Galar region. In this world, it is common in Europe." Caroline said.

This is the eastern part of North America, and there is an Atlantic Ocean between Europe, if there is an ideal barracuda across the Atlantic Ocean to North America... It seems nothing surprising.

"But the problem is that the elves in this competition didn't say how many points the barracuda is worth." Baili Yuan frowned.

Perhaps the professional team that counted the types of elves in the nearby sea did not expect a barracuda from Europe to enter the competition.

"It doesn't matter, I caught it."

Barracuda is not an easy-talking elf either, as you can tell by his fangs.

Unfortunately, as soon as the barracuda launched its attack, it was caught by the fast-swimming frog, and then it was knocked unconscious.

Bailiyuan threw the ball and successfully subdued it.

Then the game ended quickly, and Bailiyuan had nothing special to gain.

However, when Bailiyuan returned with the barracuda, he immediately became the most beautiful boy among all the contestants.

To Bailiyuan's surprise, the other contestants in this match did not gain much.

No one caught the thorn dragon king and the poisonous algal dragon with the highest score, but someone caught the poisonous algal dragon in the seaweed area, but the poisonous algae dragon was too strong, and the player who caught the poisonous algae dragon not only failed to catch the poisonous algal dragon Zaolong, and because of the poisonous algaelong, the players and their elves were directly sent to the first aid, and they had to retire halfway through the game.

Fortunately, the town had already prepared an emergency team, and no one was killed.

Among the remaining players, the one who got the most reward was a player who caught a 30kg sea thorn dragon.

It's just that compared to the barracuda that Baili Yuan brought back, it seemed a bit ordinary.

Although sea thorn dragons are also relatively rare, they are not so rare compared to the barracudas that have not been announced before.

But then came the problem.

Barracuda is not on the score list!

As for the solution to this matter, after discussions among the leaders of the town, it was decided to use elves to fight to determine the final champion.

Watching the game during the day and experiencing the battle at night immediately aroused the enthusiasm of all the players and spectators.

Then Bailiyuan chose an elf that was similar to the opponent's elf, and in a "wonderful and intense" battle, Bailiyuan was slightly better.

At the awards ceremony, Bailiyuan smiled shyly while holding the trophy and the elf ball.

In the tank next to him was swimming the barracuda he had caught.


Professor Moses clapped his hands happily, as if he had won the championship.

"Teacher, what about our research?" Shaina asked with a frown.

The other students also looked at Professor Moses.

They accompanied Professor Moses to watch the fishing competition for a day, and did not conduct any research at all.

However, Professor Moses pointed to the barracuda on the podium.

"Look, that barracuda was originally supposed to be active in Europe, but now it appears in North America. Isn't this the best ecological study of elves? You're going to take 'Migration of Barracuda' as your topic today, Go back and write an 8,000-word conjecture report, and hand it to me tomorrow morning, if you don’t write well, your scholarship and credits will be deducted.”

Shaina and the other students all looked like they had seen a ghost.

An 8,000-word report in one night?

Go crazy!

Professor Moses didn't care so much, he smiled.

Telling you to always urge me to do research, urge me to do research, urge me to do research, don't find you something, have you forgotten that I am the teacher?

"Oh, I suggest you go to that boy and borrow that barracuda to study it, maybe it will be helpful for you to write a report. Hey, I still have something to do. You can move around freely."

Then Professor Moses left behind a group of students who were skeptical of life, and mixed into the crowd with their hands behind their backs. While strolling, they sighed that young people nowadays are so well nourished...

And when Bailiyuan also wanted to celebrate, Shaina led a group of classmates to find her.

"Anyway, please lend us the barracuda for one night!" Shaina clasped her hands together, bent down and begged.

Baili Yuan's gaze was once again attracted by the endless abyss.

Chi slip.

Baili Yuan wiped his saliva, raised his head and asked, "Apart from barracuda, do you need me at night?"


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