I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 170 Forwarding This Goldfish King (Fifth Watch)

The light of evolution shines, attracting everyone's attention.

"That is……"

"The light of evolution!"

"What kind of Pokémon is there?"

Baili Yuan twitched the corner of his mouth, you may not believe it, but I kicked a king carp over there.

The light of evolution ends, which means the evolution is officially completed.

Everyone looked at the direction where the light of evolution had just appeared, wondering what Pokémon was there.

Then, under everyone's gaze, a King Goldfish pushed a King Carp onto the shore, and landed at Baili Yuan's feet.

Smash, slap, slap...

Seeing that the carp king at his feet was still the plump carp king, Bailiyuan heaved a sigh of relief. If the carp king evolved into a Gyarados, it would be troublesome.

However, if it wasn't the carp king that evolved, then it should be... that goldfish king!

King Goldfish is an evolution of horned goldfish.

Baili Yuan looked at the King Goldfish floating on the water.

King Goldfish looks like a koi or goldfish, as he is a large orange-colored fish with black and white spots and a bulging tail and pectoral-like fins that are all white and have Black spots.

On his back there are additional pure white finlets.

It also has a small to medium horn on top of its head, two large black eyes and pink lips, and two small fangs.

Both horned goldfish and goldfish king are very common in rivers or lakes, and are very common water Pokémon in the Kanto area.

At this time, the goldfish king in the river looked very angry, and was staring at the carp king unhappily.

Bailiyuan guessed that it was probably because he kicked the king carp and hit the horned goldfish staying there, disturbing and stimulating the evolution of the horned goldfish, and evolved into a goldfish king.

The evolution of Pokémon is also very wonderful. In addition to the level that must be reached, the evolution of Pokémon is also related to the willingness of Pokémon to evolve and the stimulation of the surrounding environment, which often requires an opportunity.

"It's the Goldfish King!" Someone exclaimed.

"It's so beautiful." Someone exclaimed.

"Forwarding this goldfish king is full of European spirit this month~" Someone posted a message on social software.

Horned goldfish and goldfish king are Pokémon with auspicious meanings for humans.

Bailiyuan looked at the carp king who was still jumping around at his feet, well, compared to the gold fish king, the carp king is not popular at all.

However, looking at the angry Goldfish King, Bailiyuan did not choose to kick the Carp King back into the water immediately, otherwise the Carp King would suffer.

Bailiyuan handed the coffee on the table to King Carp. The tornado before made the coffee dripped with water, making it undrinkable.

Baili Yuan poured coffee into King Carp's mouth, King Carp struggled violently, his face turned pale, and finally calmed down.

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations.

Because of the evolution of the Goldfish King, the sea thorn dragon also interrupted the use of the tornado. After all, it is a very serious accident to disturb the evolving Pokémon, and it will even be taken back by Miss Junsha.

"Come back, sea thorn." The man retracted the sea thorn, interrupting the game.

Everyone looked at the man, wondering why the man interrupted the game.

"Your Abo monster is very strong. Although it is not easy to cooperate because of the reason you just subdued it, but since you can subdue such a powerful Abo monster, there must be more powerful Pokémon. I admit you I am a strong man, I was reckless before, I apologize, this time it is considered that I lost, I will pay the bill." The man said.

Bailiyuan really wanted to tell the man that he was wrong, and T-X "hands-on" tamed Abo.

Hearing the end of the game, Arbor came up from the water.

Few people have noticed that the tornado of the sea thorn dragon just did not have any effect on the Arbor monster, and the position where the Arbor monster floated was behind the position where the sea thorn dragon was just now. If it continues, the next sea thorn What the dragon greeted was probably a violent attack from the Arbor.

After all, it is very difficult for the Seathorn Dragon to judge the attack direction of the Arbo Monster based on the change of the water flow on the fluctuating water surface, and the previous kind of evasion is difficult to achieve.

The man also saw this, and took back the Seathorn.

Although he currently has some upper hand, it will be difficult for Sea Thorn Dragon to withstand the violent attack of Arbor Monster. After all, Arbor Monster itself is much stronger than Sea Thorn Dragon.

Lurking in the dark and then taking the opportunity to deliver a deadly unanimity is the snake's way of attack.

T-X also retracted the Arbor without any indication, still with a smile on his face.

After buying Baili Yuan what he wanted, the man turned and left.

Bailiyuan kept two copies, and then distributed the remaining coffee and sundaes to the onlookers.

T-X has never had a run-in with Arbor, but this time he performed very well.

But there is one more strange thing.

That is the command method of T-X. This time command T-X did not even tell the specific distance like the previous command of the giant pincer mantis, and why did T-X know that Arbo monster can change its figure in the air?

T-X also answered these questions from Bailiyuan.

After experiencing the first battle, the system in T-X has been performing battle calculations. Finally, combined with the situation of Arbor, T-X has summed up two reasonable command schemes.

One is the same very precise command method as when commanding the giant pincer mantis.

But this situation has high requirements for the quality of Pokémon, and it must have a precise sense of distance.

After analysis by T-X, it was found that Arbor had no talent in this area.

Then it's time to run the command method suitable for Pokémon like Arbor.

This command mode is more similar to the command mode of mainstream trainers, but it is also different.

The mainstream command method is the trainer command, and the Pokmon act according to the command.

The second command mode deduced by T-X is to command at critical moments, and Pokmon needs to play by itself at other times.

However, this kind of command also has high requirements for the Pokémon's own fighting awareness and quality. Otherwise, if it is left unchecked, it will only let the Pokmon on the field give away the head.

At the same time, Pokémon must also have a certain degree of aggressiveness, and must be a predator in the food chain, which is the key to fighting.

This command method is not suitable for Pokémon such as giant pincer mantis, because they are not mean enough, yes, they are not mean enough, and the battle is never just a simple frontal battle. If it is, it is difficult to have a unique move in a self-playing battle.

Even if the trainer has a key command, the battle situation will not fluctuate too much.

The Giant Pincer Mantis and the others couldn't do things like Arbor's sneak attack, at least they couldn't do it as proficiently as Arber's.

They are more suitable for face-to-face battles, under the command of experienced trainers, they can play their own strength well, and then win.

Now T-X is calculating whether there are other ways to make Pokémon play stronger when commanding Pokémon to fight, and even control the battle.

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